Position Management
Discussion List
Automated Vacancy CreationSummary Automated Vacancy CreationContent It’s been my understanding that Vacancies are automatically created on existing positions, when the incumbent leaves/terminated…
Default Hiring Status to "Proposed" whenever the user edits a positionSummary: Hiring Status on the Position screen to be defaulted to Proposed, whenever user edits an old position via the Request for a Position change RUI. Content (requir…
How override at Assignment level flexfield synchronized from position?Content Good day, Could you please advice me how is it possible to override the value in the flexfield synchronized from position on assignment level? I've configured po…Evgeniya Repnina 48 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Gayathri-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to remove full time part time indicator from positions with HSDLSummary: I used HSDL to upload positions. I left the full-time part-time field blank and all the positions defaulted to full-time. Now I need to remove this indicator. C…
ASSOCIATE LEGAL EMPLOYERS WITH A LOCATIONSummary: Where and in what all use cases, is this new 21 D feature "ASSOCIATE LEGAL EMPLOYERS WITH A LOCATION" can be used ? Content (required): Hi All, As per this new …Priyanka Kumari - Deloitte 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Evan Rathod Human Capital Management
The value for the BargainingUnitCode attribute is invalid and doesn't exist in the BARGAINING_UNITSummary: While trying to add the Union and Bargaining unit in the Position page, the system is throwing the below error Content (required): BARGAINING_UNIT lookup code i…
Adding a Manager to the PositionSummary: I want to add a Manager to the Position Content (required): I am trying to add a Person as Manager to the Position. When I go to Position and click on correct, …
Configuring display fields in Job LOV while creating a PositionSummary: Configuring display fields in Job LOV while creating a Position Content (required): Hello, Can we configure the display fields that are shown while selecting a …Abhishek Rastogi 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Tiwari, CPP -Oracle Human Capital Management
Secondment position, issue with entry gradeSummary: Entry Grade is not getting defaulted when a position has multiple Valid Grade Content (required): We assign temporary position during secondment to Employees to…
Removing the quick action task, "Request Position Change" for Line ManagersSummary: We have a custom line manager role, that we use and we want our line managers to not view the , "Request Position Change" task under Work Force Structures Conte…
I have a requirement to mark positions as bonus eligible. Is anyone doing this? How did you do it?Summary: The customer would like to have positions marked as Bonus Eligible. Content (required): I was thinking about adding a DFF, but I want to ensure there is not a b…
How Matrix Manager and Position Management Work TogetherSummary: My team is starting to look into the possibilities of using Matrix Manager but are looking for some feedback from others who have used this and have Position Ma…
BI Report to print position hierarchy chartSummary: Hi, Looking for the custom BI Report to get the print of the position hierarchy. Content (required): Below Idea logged to enable the print functionality with po…
How to manage "back to back" workers who share the same position working on rotational shiftSummary: Looking for a best practice to manage "back to back" workers in the Oil & Gas industry. Content (required): In the Oil & Gas industry, many workers are working …Domenico Gambatesa-Oracle 42 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Domenico Gambatesa-Oracle Human Capital Management
MSS Request a Position Change - Error on manager field when updating itSummary: We have enabled MSS Request a Position Change however when a manager goes into the page and changes the manager from himself to another manager this error appea…
Can Headcount Allotment/Maximum/Budget Be Entered At Level Higher Than Position For ReportingSummary: Looking for a method to enter an approved Headcount allotment/maximum at a lever higher than the individual positions to compare in OTBI reporting to people in …
Action Reasons not showing up in "When and Why" when terminating employeeSummary: Partial list of Action Reasons showing up when clicking on "Why are you making changes to direct reports?" dropdown Content (required): We've added a number of …
Line manager is not defaulted when the position changesSummary: Content (required): Hi team, We implemented position at enterprise level. We are testing the functionality, but we noticed that if we change the position of a p…Gabriele Falso-Oracle 45 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Arnaud Bory Human Capital Management
HCM Talk Radio: HCM Cloud Environment Sizing GuidanceSummary HCM Talk Radio: HCM Cloud Environment Sizing GuidanceContent Are your Cloud environments sized appropriately for your operational needs? Listen in to HCM Talk Ra…Frank Cowell-Oracle 36 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Alina C.-Oracle Human Capital Management
Position Management Vs Job ManagementSummary Position Management Vs Job ManagementContent Hi Team, We are going to implement Global Core HR for one of our clients. Now we would like to know the following in…
Loaded EFF with sequence number is not displaying in orderContent (required): We have loaded EFF through HDL by passing the sequence number. But in front end it is not displaying in order. How can we solve this? What needs to b…Nivya Mathire 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Saurabh.Sinha-Oracle Human Capital Management
Salary changes for a zero increaseSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have several employees who have had position changes, or manager changes this month however the system is also entering a sala…
Is there any way we can fetch employee's position code in DFF ?Summary: Hi , We need to fetch the position code on Employment information page, however currently system is not able to do that. We were thinking if we can write a quer…
Grades on Positions not updating after grade on Job is updatedSummary: We update the valid grade on a job and expect it to automatically update on all positions that inherit that job. Content (required): We update the valid grade o…Robin Ruschival 101 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
Business Title automatic fillSummary: Content (required): Hi team, We have activated position Only for High-level employee) but now we noticed that: In the hire flow if I didn't select the position,…Gabriele Falso-Oracle 51 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Gabriele Falso-Oracle Human Capital Management
Business units subject to change and impact analysis required on poitions and assignmentsSummary: Due to inappropriate setups in Financial module, the current Business Units will be disabled and fresh new Business Units will be created. We're trying to anlys…Barış Ergün 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Position Synchronization IssueSummary: Synchronize from position is set to 'NO' Content (required): Hi All, We have enabled the position synchronization with Allow override at assignment flag disable…Priyanka Kumari - Deloitte 81 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Priyanka Kumari - Deloitte Human Capital Management
Discrepancy between Employment Record and My Team viewSummary: Content (required): Hi fellow experts, Could you please help me out with the following issue: There is a Parent Position - Manager and 2 Child Positions - Learn…
How to load a DFF to positionSummary: Trying to work out how to load a DFF to the position via HDL or HCM Content (required): I have a DFF (cost centre) that I want to load against the position. Thi…
Position Management/DesignSummary: Hello! Client is about to make some design decisions regarding how to organize positions. They currently have a 1 to 1 design. Meaning every worker gets a new p…