Position Management
Discussion List
Position Incumbent Tenure ChangeSummary: Hi all, We are Using Short Incumbent tenure in enterprise if we change to Long Incument Tenure what are implication. Does it only Update future Parent incumbent…Sowmiya Velusamy 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kiran-HCM-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can you associate positions with legal entities?Summary: We have a requirement for HR to only view positions within their legal entity, however the position security profile only allows us to do this at BU / Org tree …
Create Person Security Profile with AoR and Position TreeSummary: Cannot select position hierachy as scope of responsibility in creation of person security profile. Thus, position tree cannot be referenced rendering our plan t…
Getting error ADF_FACES_60097 when correcting a position and submitting it.Summary: Hello, We need to edit overlap allowed in a position. When we're trying to submit the transaction, we're unable to do it as we are facing the following error in…
Display Name is different when logged in a different LanguageWe are facing this issue for Display Name. For Japan, there is a requirement to display the Name on the Home page as following - Known As Last NameName Information 1Name…
Request New Position Error since 23ASummary: When a Line or Hiring Manager "Requests a New Position" if the creation date selected is prior to UTCs date it is erroring. Content (required): We are on AESDT …
Impact of moving from a job based structure to a position based structure?Summary: What are some of the things to consider when moving from a job based structure to a position based structure? e.g. on the following: Approval workflows? Finance…
Limiting ability to Request a Position ChangeCurrently we are using a custom Line Manager role which has access to Workforce Structures - Manage Position. A user with this role is able to Request a Position Change …
Journeys - Assigned Journey - Work Location or Business Unit?Summary: Is there an option to add location information on the tiles/cards in Journeys underneath the position name? Content (required): Do we have the option to enable …
Positions in a DepartmentSummary How to view all Positions in a particular DepartmentContent My organisation has only recently gone live with Fusion, so still finding our way, but we're trying t…
Can prevent a manager from submitting a position change request for their own position?Summary: Currently managers have the access to initiate a Request A Position Change request. We are looking for a way Oracle can prevent a manager from submitting a posi…Pragya Upadhyay 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pragya Upadhyay Human Capital Management
Oracle Search - Positions LOVSummary: we are currently trying to enable oracle search (https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/fusionapps/HCM/ElasticSearch_OBE/html/index.html#Set…
Vacancies DocumentationSummary: Is there any documentation on how to use vacancies? Content (required): We don't currently have this turned on but would like to determine if using Vacancies wi…rbheard 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cojocariu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Historical organisation structure/chartsSummary How can we capture and view historical organisation structure/charts?Content Currently there is no feature to export or print organisation charts from the Direct…Nicole Mason-19421 125 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Charlotte Bailey Human Capital Management
How to define multiple positions for an employeeSummary: How to define multiple positions for an employee Content (required): Dear community, Is there any way in which we could define and store multiple positions for …
What is the usage of 'Delegate Position' in the manage position task?Summary: Hi, I am able to see the 'delegate position' field when creating the position using manage positions task. If anyone can help me understand the usage of that fi…
Employment Description& Recruiting organization description should be before the Job DescriptionSummary: we want to reorder the job description , employer description, Organization description in the career site that we see Content (required): we want to reorder th…Aishwarya_15 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Courtney Mecikalski Human Capital Management
When i reassign authority to someone doesn't have enough approval limitSummary what happens when i reassign authority to someone doesn't have enough approval limit?Content what happens when i reassign authority to someone doesn't have enoug…
Changing location to a pending workerSummary: Content (required): My client's need is to change the location to specific pending workers in the 'add a Pending Worker' screen. Position Synchronization in on,…
How to create an approval flow that is based on Proposed position's department?Summary: I am creating an approval rule for the 'Request New Position' transaction and the requirement is that the approvers are based on the proposed position's departm…
Workforce Modeling - Position HiearchySummary Does workforce modeling support position hierarchyContent Hi All, Couple questions here. 1. Does workforce modeling support position hierarchy? 2. Does the model…Saurav Choudhury 146 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management
Ability to Complete Mass Updates for Attributes at the Position LevelSummary: Creating Mass updates for position level attributes. Content (required): Our team is very interested in utilizing the Mass Updates functionality under Workforce…
Manager/Direct Report Relationships with Position HierarchySummary: All - We need help with best practices in an environment where position hierarchy is being used and managers are changed often and many managers are assigned to…
Populates Position Name with a combination Position Code + Job NameSummary: Populates Position Name field with Position Code + Job Name Content (required): Hello, from time to time our customer changes the Job Name for business structur…
Is there any possibility of configuring DFFs on Positions and Departments to enter Arabic names?Summary: Dear Team, Is there any possibility of configuring DFFs on Positions and Departments to enter Arabic names manually. The requirement is client wants to enter po…
Error: Attribute ManagerType in DirectSupervisorDEO is requiredContent (required): We are swapping positions of two employees on the same date, Let's say Emp1 in Pos1 and Emp2 in Pos2. We enabled position overlapping in Pos2 and upd…
Mass Delete of Position's Valid GradesContent Hi. I am required to realign the organisational grading in work that involves changing the the grade ladder and the entry grades of all the positions. To do so i…
Position Sync - Managers Updating IncorrectlySummary: When running position sync, we are seeing managers change on assignment for employees and they are nowhere near correct. Sometimes it is many levels higher in t…
Request a New Position, Position Details and Request a Position Change by Department HierarchySummary: A custom role (Position Administrator) has been created to give access to Request a New Position, Position Details and Request a Position Change. We have create…
'Suspended' HR status and its impactContent Hi! wanted to understand the impact of changing the status of a person record to 'Suspended'. Like on Positions - will this free up the FTE?, absences,benefits e…