Absence Management
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Absence Accraul Formula: Looking for an example of an Accrual Formula for Direct Contractors based oSummary The 15 days per annum is pro rated by the number of days worked from the Employment Contracts sceen. Does anyone have an exampleVersion 20D
Employee Submits Absence--Need the ability to restrict not to withdrawContent Hello Team, i have a scenario , when employee submits leave and it gets approved by the Line Manager. we need to restrict the employee not to withdraw or cancel …
what is the purpose of leave containing absence planSummary I want to know the purpose of creating absence plan for leaves.Content we have different leaves.In that some leaves having absene type only.And some leaves havin…
Absence Accrual Balance always shows as 0Content Hello, my fortnightly accrual plans show computed accrual balance as 0 in one of our test environements. The log however shows the correct balance. Any leads her…
Absence notification showing one additional line in 20BSummary Absence notification showing one additional line in 20BContent Hi All, We are seeing an additional line in Absence approved notification when Absence raised by L…Chandra Narayan-83572 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Valeria Longoni Workforce Management
21A upgrade made Absence Types disappear from dropdownSummary Employees cannot schedule any time offs, maybe due to new Absence LoVs?Content Hi Everyone, With 21A Upgrade employees lost their ability to add absences to thei…User_2025-01-28-01-42-02-222 41 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-01-42-02-222 Workforce Management
Absence type description for usersContent Hello Experts Some absence types that have specific rules or weird names that might confuse the user. Is it possible to display a description text to better expl…
How to Upload OTL User guides for Employees to viewContent How to Upload OTL User guides for Employees to view in their Logins. We gone live for OTL and Absences so client requirement is to show User guides in the employ…
Additional Content For AbsencesContent Hi, I have been researching on how to add my additional content on this page. Has anyone worked on this before? Please advise Thanks TusharVersion 21A
Table for Calculated TimeSummary Table for Calculated TimeContent Hi Experts, which Table or View stores the Calculated Time in Time Entry. as reported Time Entry stores in 'HWM_TM_REC', Is Calc…
Withdraw partial accrual balancesSummary Withdraw partial accrual balancesContent Hello, Is there any way to withdraw the partial accrual balances using HDL. Eg: Employee has 8 hours in the absence reco…
Implement Washington Meal and Rest Break LawSummary Implement Washington Meal and Rest Break LawContent Hi Team, We have requirement as per "Washington Meal and Rest Break Law". When an Employee enters the daily H…KVN Jagdish 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashly Lee Gonzalez Gonzalez Workforce Management
Absence accrual for new plan copied from currently functioning plan is not automatically generatingSummary Set up of the two plans is the same, but the new plan does not automatically generate accrualsContent We have set up a PTO plan that is the same as another PTO p…User_2025-02-05-22-55-58-511 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-22-55-58-511 Workforce Management
Dynamic Absence Approval based on the Manager name selectedSummary We have a requirement for an Absence plan where the absence approval should only go to the Fund Manager based on the Manager name selected. Planning to have a DF…
Absences should not contribute to daily and weekly thresholds, but be included in weekly regular houSummary Absences should not contribute to daily and weekly thresholds, but be included in weekly regular hoursContent All, Currently, the fast formula for daily and week…Sovan Mishra-61387 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sovan Mishra-61387 Workforce Management
Manager didn't get a notification once leave approved for an employee?Summary Manager didn't get a notification once leave approved for an employee?Content Hi Team, Manager didn't get a notification once leave approved for an employee? reg…
How to Debug Discretionary Disbursement Rule formulaSummary Debug Discretionary Disbursement Rule formulaContent We have developed a new Discretionary Disbursement Rule formula add ESS statement to debug but do not have o…
Best Practice approach for recording Paid / Unpaid absencesContent At DHL we do not run Oracle payroll, but have an interface to a third party pay provider. We are in the process of implementing absences and need to inform our p…
Extract Projected Accrual Absence Balance in HCM/BIP reportSummary Extract Projected Accrual Absence Balance in HCM/BIP reportContent Hi Experts, We have a requirement to fetched projected Absence balance of employee in extract …
In Absence approvals Actions tab option "Add Assignee" is the same like add hock in the classical inSummary In Absence approvals Actions tab option "Add Assignee" is the same like add hock in the classical interfaceContent Hi, Can any one let us know do we have any opt…
Approvals for absences loaded using REST APIContent Hi All Is it possible to trigger approvals for absences loaded to Cloud using REST API?
Employee shouldn’t have the permission to apply sick leave before 45 days of current date. but HR aSummary Employee shouldn’t have the permission to apply sick leave before 45 days of current date. but HR admin can submit on behalf of employeeContent Hello Team, As pe…
ESS Absence Type LOV's not displaying all the leave typesSummary ESS Absence Type LOV's not displaying all the leave typesContent Dear All, I have created 28 absence types for one LDG. From employee self service (ESS) it is ge…
Transfer Time and Labor and Absence data to 3rd Party Payroll providerContent Hi Experts, We are in the process of implementing Time and Labor (payroll layout)and Absence management. We have a 3rd party payroll provider. I was wondering if…
Selecting SYS date as Default in DFFSummary Selecting SYS date as Default in DFFContent Hi All, I have created a Date format only DFF in the Absence entering page. however, I need to populate the system da…
How to trigger submitted notification once leave submitted by employee?Summary How to trigger submitted notification once leave submitted by employee?Content Hi Team, How to trigger submitted notification once leave submitted by employee? I…
Stop the Submitted notification& FYI notification after approval of absence Answered?Summary Stop the Submitted notification& FYI notification after approval of absence Answered?Content Hi Team, Stop the Submitted notification& FYI notification after app…
Balance of Accrual Plan balance not getting updatedSummary Accrual Plan Balance updation for newly added Calendar eventContent Hi, I have scenario in Absence, where an employee adds his/her absence for a particular worki…Yal Prabhakaran-28110 86 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Sahil Mahajan-Oracle Workforce Management
Calculate Accrual didn't reflect correct total balance (ORA_ANC_FORFT_REST & FORFT entries)Summary In third 'calculate accrual' run, total balance showing wrong valueContent I have setup a front-loaded (200 hours each year) accrual plan with annual frequency (…
21A: Predictive Text impactsContent Has anyone faced issue with drop down list of absence types where it is restricted to a list of 25 and not the usual list? We lost having all the absence types i…