Absence Management
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SQL Query to get Absence Entry Details which makes the plan balance negativeSummary SQL Query to get Absence Entry Details which makes the plan balance negativeContent Hi Experts, Wondering if any of you have a SQL query handy which gives detail…
Display absence type in PayslipSummary Customer wants to display the absence type in Payslip and not the element associated to absence plan.Content Customer wants to display the absence type in Paysli…
ALERTS using Alert Composer : ABSENCE RESOURCES ARE NOT SEEN IN ADD FILTERSummary ALERTS using Alert Composer : ABSENCE RESOURCES ARE NOT SEEN IN ADD FILTERContent Hi , I'm not able to create a absence resource alert using alert composer funct…Abhishek Sood HCM 105 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Abhishek Sood HCM Workforce Management
Error viewing absence balance in self service responsive Pages for AbsencesContent Hi all, We recently started moving HCM pages to newsfeed responsive pages UI and one thing I noticed is users are getting error viewing self-service absences. Th…PankajRK 44 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-04-10-38-04-695 Workforce Management
Managers are not getting approval notifications to approve leavesSummary Employees applied leaves but managers are not getting any leave approval notifications to approve leaves.Content Employees applied leaves but managers are not ge…User_2025-02-07-07-48-59-424 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Harish Vummidi Workforce Management
Published Scheduled Ignored in Absence Duration CalculationSummary Published Scheduled Ignored in Absence Duration CalculationContent Hi Experts, We are managing schedules in two ways: (1) through Work Schedule Assignment (2) My…Heidee Lee Gondra 87 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Heidee Lee Gondra Workforce Management
Can a Line Manager update the Leave Balance of his direct reportsSummary A line manager needs to update his reports leave balance instead of HR AdministratorContent Hello experts, We have the following requirement from our customer, a…Naveenkumar.rangan 30 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Naveenkumar.rangan Workforce Management
Oracle Cloud Fusion HCM Interview Questions (Absence Management Module)Summary Oracle Cloud Fusion HCM Interview Questions (Absence Management Module)Content Hi All, Please find the below URL; https://youtu.be/3KS-wfkhW5I This video provide…
Is it possible to edit Manage Work Workday Patterns with start day and end day once we create?Summary Is it possible to edit Manage Work Workday Patterns with start day and end day once we create?Content Hi All, We have created a Work Workday Pattern and by overl…Rakesh Ankusham 75 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Galia Weissler-Oracle Workforce Management
schedule process to recover failed absence transactionsSummary I need schedule process name to recover failed absence transactionsContent Some employees absence transactions was failed.I need to recover that absence transact…User_2025-02-07-07-48-59-424 19 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-07-07-48-59-424 Workforce Management
Learn how to use Master Report - Absence Data Integrity Detection Diagnostic Test in Absence ManagemSummary Learn how to use Master Report - Absence Data Integrity Detection Diagnostic Test in Absence ManagementContent Hi All, Please find the below URL; https://youtu.b…
Create a report to find if attachment has been uploaded for Sick Leave or NotSummary Create a report to find if attachment has been uploaded for Sick Leave or NotContent Hi All, We want to create a report in order to identify if attachment has be…
Which process pulls past dated absence entries into current week payrollContent Hi, I have configured a No entitlement Paid Parental leave plan. There can be a case where a person can log an absence backdated. Now I want to know which proces…
Absence Approval based on leave balanceSummary Design Approval process based on leave BalancesContent We are currently using the default Approval process in Oracle Absences. When the employee applies for a Va…
Approvals for negative balanceSummary Approvals for negative balanceContent We have a requirement as below: If the employee applies for sick leave and the applied duration is greater then the availab…
How to make Attachment Mandatory While submitting an Absence like Sick Leave?Content Are there anyway to make attachment mandatory while submitting Sick Leave, so that employee won't be able to submit Sick Leave unless he attached a medical certi…User_2025-02-05-15-05-03-822 222 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Priyanka_Kumari Workforce Management
Update Accrual Plan Enrollments Hung in "Canceling" StatusSummary Update Accrual Plan Enrollments Hung in "Canceling" StatusContent Hello Everyone, I ran the schedule process "Update Accrual Plan Enrollments". The parent proces…
Standard validation at work schedule administrationContent Hi Team Is there any standard validation does Oracle offer at ‘Assign Work Schedule Administration’ level? The question is if an employee’s contractual working h…Vignesh Ramaraja 40 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashish Kumar Pandey Workforce Management
How to have PTO Accurals without Salary ReducingSummary We don't want the PTO to reduce from the salary, but the pto accurals have to be passed to Payroll to be on the payslipsContent Does anyone know how can we proce…
Inherited Work Schedule - how to find the assignment levelSummary Inherited Work Schedule - how to find the assignment levelContent Hi Folks, Does any one can give us some pointers/ information on how we can derive the *acting*…
Inactive Approval Requests automatically Denied (withdrawn) after 180 DaysSummary Inactive Approval Requests automatically Denied (withdrawn) after 180 DaysContent Hi, Background: The Workflow Approval Transactions (Example: Absence Approval) …Christopher Jothi - HCM-Oracle 87 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Christopher Jothi - HCM-Oracle Workforce Management
Absence Eligibility FFSummary Absence Eligibility FFContent We have created an eligibility FF for Absence Plan enrollment based on Age and Assignment DFF. When we run the enrolment for one si…
Can we prevent email notifications for time entry approval workflow?Content I know there are options to disable all email notifications for the entire site, but is there a way to prevent emails for only a single workflow? We are working …
Using Hire date as a criteria in the Accrual MatrixSummary Need proper format to use hire date as a criteria in the Accrual MatrixContent Hi everyone, I am trying to use hire date in the accrual matrix. The express I use…Jaspreet Singh Kapoor 81 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Jaspreet Singh Kapoor Workforce Management
Creating Absence Adjustment reasonsContent Hi Can any one let me know lookup value for creating ' Adjustment reasons' for the absence plan?
Accrual Calculation on front loaded monthly repeating period plansSummary Accrual Calculation on front loaded monthly repeating period plansContent Hi All, I have created a plan with front loaded monthly accrual option. When i enrolled…Vamsi Krishna Pendela 158 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by AshishERPCloud Workforce Management
COVID - 19: Absence DeploymentSummary We (CloudWorks) is offering deployable package to quickly deploy COVID-19 Absence and map the impacted employees to Absence.Content With the number of COVID-19 c…Raghu Raman Kodaganalur 77 views 0 comments 14 points Most recent by Raghu Raman Kodaganalur Workforce Management
Getting error while using GET_TABLE_VALUE function in fast formulaSummary Getting error while using GET_TABLE_VALUE function in fast formulaContent Hi All, I am using to get user defined table value using GET_TABLE_VALUE('ABC_ABS_CODE_…User_2025-02-06-10-33-36-755 116 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thiru Ch Workforce Management
Error when filing continious absence that includes non scheduled work daySummary Error when filing continious absence that includes non scheduled work dayContent I have a work schedule from Monday to Friday. When I file continues absence from…
Fetch the details of Shift Name on the day of Public HolidaySummary Fetch the details of Shift Name on the day of Public HolidayContent Hi All, As per the system configuration/design, in case of Public Holiday, the calendar does …