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How to Knowledge DocumentsSummary Documents provided in MOS by Support to guide you through common tasksContent Published OBI KM Docs KM Doc ID KM Doc Title KM Document Type Reference Documents 2…Rachel Martorelli-Oracle 515 views 0 comments 5 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Candidate work history reportSummary Candidate work history report with req/position hired intoContent Hello - I have created a work history report for candidates which shows the previous companies,…
Agents & Dashboards (with a drill)Summary scheduling an agent for a dashboard with a drillContent Is it possible to create an agent for a dashboard with a drill? Where would I indicate how to define the …Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 80 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Caroline Gladwin-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Reporting on requisition posting statusSummary provide detail on whether or not a requisition is posted to a specific career siteContent In Business Objects I was able to include information on whether or not…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 43 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP Taleo Enterprise
Report on Reqs/Candidates by Career SIteContent We need to create a new careers site to "hire" all of the employees we are acquiring in an acquisition. I am going to create a careers site for them to gather th…Michelle Graham-29105 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Lastest Job OfferSummary Looking for any feedback on capturing only the latest job offerContent Hello, I've found the below logic is working to accurately capture only the latest job off…
Previous Employer Value from OBI ReportingSummary Need to know which field to include in a report to get the previous employer value of an applicantContent Hi, I am currently working on creating a report in OBI …
Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsSummary Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsContent Hi there, I have created a report (attached) and I added Historical Step/Status Comments. However, I got the repo…
Calculating Percent Difference between two columnsSummary Calculating Percent Difference between two columnsContent Hello - Does anyone know the best way to calculate the percent difference between two columns? We are t…Valerie Reyna Villarreal 56 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santosh Tekumalla-14206 Taleo Enterprise
Latest - offer accepted dateSummary Required formula for populating latest - offer accepted dateContent Hi there, I have created a report that contains all hired candidates details. I have populate…
Scheduling/Delivering a DashboardSummary Best way to deliver a dashboard to an employeeContent Hi - Is there a way to have a dashboard scheduled or delivered to an employee once a week? We want to make …
Formula Help - Pulling data since beginning of yearSummary Writing formula to display results that only coincide with current yearContent Hello, I am creating a report that should only pull the candidates that have been …Sarah Volckmann-10978 57 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sarah Volckmann-10978 Taleo Enterprise
Reporting on Profile Sources/ Source TypesSummary OBI Assistance- Profile Source FieldsContent Hello, I am trying to splice out my "Profile Source" field in OBI into two separate columns. Current report: Candida…
Reporting on Candidate Q & A FieldsSummary Wanting to show only one specific question description, but show all others as blankContent We have some custom Candidate questions/answers that include a Referr…Michelle Graham-29105 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santosh Tekumalla-14206 Taleo Enterprise
How to edit reports when the "Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed input records" error comSummary I converted a BO report to BI and can run but not edit itContent I need to edit the columns in a report that I cannot get to due to the number of records pulling…Michelle Graham-29105 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Performance Tiles in OBISummary I would like to show 1 performance tile = 0Content Hello, I have a dashboard that shows many different performance tiles on it. Each of the tiles have their own …
Reporting on a "As Of" Date - Any Suggestions?Summary Trying to leverage an existing data field/derived field to calculate an as of date to report on historical data and get a snapshot of data at a point in time.Con…
Create a report of all user accounts in TEE with OBIContent I'm trying to manage users in our zone and need to start with who has a user account and what access they have. I cannot find user fields in the Criteria/Subject…Michelle Graham-29105 40 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Auditing Onboarding ProcessSummary Check if candidates have completed specified tasksContent The attached catalog is based on transitions processes configured in my zone. To use this analysis in y…Rachel Martorelli-Oracle 205 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by Christian Ray Taleo Enterprise
OBI Reporting- General ProfileSummary General Profile- Master ReportContent Hello, I am trying to set up a report showing all General Profiles created over a certain timeframe. The issue I'm having i…
Is there a way to set specific format options for all columns, not just one column.Summary Table View PropertiesContent I was asked if there was a way a whole table or ALL column properties be changed without having to go through each column property. …
Reporting on salary/wage history contained in a taleo applciationSummary Need help finding out if and/or where I can find wage history in OBI so I can build a requested report.Content I have been asked to create a report that shows th…Tristan Hindes-14952 53 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Handling NULL values in calculationsSummary Summing columns in OBI that contain NULL values results in a NULL sumContent Does anyone know how to handle NULL values as part of a calculation? I have columns …
Taleo Reporting - Backend accessSummary How would our Technical team go about requesting Reporting Backend access from OracleContent Hi Team- I am new to Taleo Reporting and this forum but have a quest…
Business Objects End of Life message being displayed to all report users!Summary Business Objects End of Life message being displayed to all report users!Content Hello, We are in the process of transitioning off of Business Objects, and this …
% Of Submissions Passed through Steps in CSWSummary This is an example report that shows the percentage of submissions that have passed through various CSW Steps.Content The attached report highlights the use of t…
Recreate of MEASURES from Business Objects to Business Intelligence.Summary We created several measures in BO but cannot do this in OBIEEContent Can someone help me with a formula/sql to put on my column or a filter? We have tried the di…