Discussion List
Best Practice : performance questionnaireContent (required): Hello, In our performance document, we have a questionnaire with only free text fields to assess job performance (description of tasks and examples o…
Performance Document only for some specific GoalsSummary: Hi Everyone! Would like to know if there is possible way to launch the performance document only for some specific goals? Manager/should be able to see only tha…ShawShankk 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Are the HRBPs can edit the goals or approve them on behalf of the manager?Summary: We have a lot of employees who have submitted a goal plan for approval but are waiting for their managers to approve. While the action is in progress, is there …
Touchpoints > Schedule a Check-In > Recommended topics > Goal Error. How can I remove some goals?Summary: Hi all :) I am working with Touchpoints and I have an issue while scheduling a Check-in. More in detail, when I act as an employee and I want to schedule a Chec…User_2025-03-07-20-41-32-275 71 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-03-07-20-41-32-275 Performance Management
Unable to Rename Performance Goals or Behavioral Competencies options listed under Evaluation ToolsHi Experts, I am unable to rename Performance Goals or Behavioral Competencies options listed under Evaluation Tools. I have tried UIT option, but it did not help. When …
Manager is unable to view Feedback received from EmployeeHi Experts, I'm testing a feedback scenario. But its not working the way, I assumed. Please advise Here are the steps which I performed: I login as a Manager. Go to MY T…
Bulk Download of Goal & Performance Evaluation AttachmentsSummary: Need to Download Attachments that are uploaded by users in Goals and Performance processes. Content (required): Is there a way we can download all the Attachmen…
How to assign Library Goal to employeesSummary: Hi Everyone! We need to default Goals based on the business unit. If am not mistaken, we can achieve it via Goal Library. I have added couple of Goals to Librar…
How to hide 'Withdraw' button on Goals Page?Summary: Hello, please consider the following scenario and advice on how to achieve this. An employee has submitted the goals and he clicks on the message approval in pr…
Is it possible to create an alert to notify the managers when employee withdraw goalsSummary: Hello, We have the following requirement. "There are cases when employee did submit goals for approval in 2022, but manager did not receive approval notificatio…
Is it possible to merge 'Competencies' to 'Development Goals' bucket in a Performance Document?Summary: Is it possible to include or merge 'Competencies' to 'Development Goals' bucket in a Performance Document? Content (required): Is it possible to include or merg…Robby Anne Panganiban 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management
Requested feedback is not showing in the performance documentSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have created a performance document and assigned the required employee with "Requested Feedback" option in the process tab, an…
Jorueny > Task > issue with imageSummary: Hi everyone, I have a question regarding a glitch I've encountered. Whenever I add an image to a task in a journey, the image seems to pulsate or flicker. I hav…User_2025-03-07-20-41-32-275 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-03-07-20-41-32-275 Performance Management
Option to schedule Check-in meetings between employees and line managers for future datesSummary: Does an employee, line manager, or HR have the option to schedule Check-in meetings between employees and line managers for future dates? For example, today emp…
Irrespective of any manager how to create goals for an organization and align performance goals.Summary: Irrespective of any manager how to create goals for an organization and align performance goals. Content (required): How to create goals for an organization in …
Requirement of Skills and Qualifications page under "My Workforce" tab under APPSSummary: Requirement of Skills and Qualifications page under "My Workforce" tab under APPS. Content (required): Requirement of Skills and Qualifications page under "My W…
Unable to see few tasks as admin in Performance Post 23BSummary: Currently below tasks are unavailable post 23B under my client group: 1. Review Periods 2. Performance Roles 3. Performance document types 4. Check-In templates…
Performance Document - Start a Task from a specific dateSummary: Our Annual Appraisal Performance document has 4 tasks. Task 1 & 2 - Employees and managers can initiate and complete them now. Task 3 - Manager should be able t…
Performance Goals status Tracking ReportSummary: Hi Team, We would like to have a report that shows the status of Goals at each level except the Canceled one. To keep it short: Anything that has been submitted…Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Performance Management
How can I delete all customization from My goals pageSummary: Hi, I want to delete all customization from My goals page, how can I achieve that? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable…
The Goals tab does not display the Goal Library and ather featuresSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):23B ne release Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if ap…Allan Dimapilis 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management
Approval Notification Related Links failing - Performance ManagementHello All, I have a 2023 6 months PD waiting for approval, when the Director click on Related link to view the PD before approving it it errors out, see below. Anyone kn…
Confirmation message after employee submits/Share goalsSummary: Do we have a feature or is this possible in the system to Have a confirmation or a pop up of successful goals submission once employee shares with manager as of…CJ Ibadlit 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
How to fetch the individual Manager Rating for each Goal in a Compensation Default & Override FF?Summary: Requirement is to fetch the individual Manager Rating for each Goal in a Compensation Default and Override Fast Formula. Please help with a value set or DBI tha…
Notification for Withdrawn goal approval requests?Summary Would like to send a notification to manager when an employee withdraws a goal approval request.Content In testing we see that the notification card in "Things t…
unable to search person using first name when i want to share goalsSummary: I can search for a person by last name but by first name, no auto-suggest results... Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicab…
Is it possible to track who deleted performance document?Summary: One employee's performance document got deleted and we have no idea on who and why it got deleted. Content (required): Version (include the version you are usin…Christian Suarez 61 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Hrushikesh Pentewad Performance Management
How to prevent employee from submitting self-evaluation when behavioral competencies is empty?Summary: Hello, When there's no behavioral competencies under Evaluation Topics (Step: Self-evaluation) and employee clicks on Submit button, the system is allowing it. …
Touchpoints > Events and interactions > Add customised eventSummary: Content (required): Hi all :) We you like to add in the Events and interactions timeline in the Touchpoint some customised event. We would like to include other…User_2025-03-07-20-41-32-275 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-03-07-20-41-32-275 Performance Management
Historical and current organizational goals no longer visible after 23B releaseSummary: Historical and current organizational goals no longer visible after 23B release Content (required): Current and historical organizational goals have been delete…Catherine Kelling 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management