Setup and Configuration
Discussion List
Restrict line Manager to delete the owners of the Talent PoolSummary: Dear Experts, Client Requirement: When line manager is adding people to the pool, they should not be able to remove an owners, this should only be for the talen…Dileep Reddy Vattimi 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Allow to add multiple records in Work Preference template under talent profileHello Experts, We are using DFF in Person profile Content Items, we used Work Preferences template to create custom content section in person profile with the names Trai…Mubashir Ansari 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Career and Succession
E-mail notification is not getting triggered for the Nudge ConfigurationSummary: Email notification does not get triggered to the Line Manager. Content (required): I have created a Employee's birthday in the Nudge and mapped the channel to e…
Talent Ratings PROMOTION section fields to be made MANDATORY based on selectionSummary: This is regarding the PROMOTION RATINGS related condition based MANDATORY fields need to be setup. It may be via EL expression or Page composer(if any). Content…
Profile Contexts - Which to Enable?Summary: We have found support DOC ID 3001093.1, which resolves an error in Performance. The solution instructs us to enable Context value PERSON_PERFORMANCE_RATING. As …Gary Brodsky - Oracle-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gary Brodsky - Oracle-Oracle Career and Succession
EL Expression to Hide Profile Field based on LOV SelectionSummary What EL expression is used to hide a field based on the user's selection from a LOV?Content Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone has set up an EL expression to hide f…
Talent review error and access issue.Summary: Hi Expert, As an HR i have created a talent review meeting and we added the business leader. but business leader not able to see what data fill by reviewer. and…
Can deep link visibility be restricted on Person Content SectionsSummary: Restrict visibility on person content sections (Skills and Qualifications) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 2 Person Profile Conte…
DFF on Education Profile SectionSummary: We would like to configure a DFF on education profile section such that if the user selects Other on Education level, DFF should be visible and it should be a b…
HDL to upload "suggested career" or "career of interest"Hi, Is there the possibility to upload "suggested career" or "career of interest" in "Career Development" page of employees? If yes, can you provide me a HDL Template ? …
Not able to add decimal points in rating categories under rating model configurationSummary: Hi Team, we are not able to enter decimal in rating categories tab in rating model configuration in Oracle cloud talent management Is there any setup we need to…
Creating a field in Skills and Qualifications that populates automatically with a future date?Hi all, For our client we need to create an automatism on the page of skills and qualifications: an expiration date field will have to be filled automatically (for examp…
"Guide me" button in "Job Profile" pageHi to all, Do you know if is possible to add the "Guide me" button in Job Profile page? I mean the Job Profile that the employee can search from "Explore Careers" in "Ca…
Development goal edit functionality is not workingVersion: 24B Redwood Enabled From MSS and ESS. Users can't able to Edit the development goal even without Task and Measurements. This issue is happening for both Employe…
Unable to enable attachment section for competency sectionSummary: Hi Team, Currently we have a requirement to enable the attachments for each competency when an employee add in the skills and qualification, Also we note that w…Senthil Murugan Balasubramanian 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Naga M -Oracle Career and Succession
Descriptive Flexfields are not appearing in Skills and QualificationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we created a custom section in skill and qualification with flexfield. After deplo…
Talent Review QuestionsThe customer want to do the following 1- If we want to get the potential rating from the third party assessment, then we have to take it that assessment and we have to e…
Performance management taskSummary: we need to know how to disable the notification in case we are forced to move back and then move ahead the the Performance management task Thanks Lucia Content …
Unable to see skill level / rating model for Skills (skill template) on Skills and QualificationsSummary: Unable to see skill level / rating model for Skills (skill template) on Skills and Qualifications Content (required): Hi all, We have created a content section …
Redwood in skill and qualification pageHi, I enabled Redwood in "Skill and Qualification" page, but when I try to access in the page I see this error: Do I need any privileges or do I have to schedule process…
School NameSummary: Hi Team, I have created school name as DFF in Talent Profile, just wanted to know that dff will show in Orc Career site? Thank you! Content (please ensure you m…Jamil12 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marjorie R-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
EL expression to hide Add Goal button for employeesSummary: Hi, Kindly, could you help me to hide the "Add" button under Career Development> Development Plan: I need to hide this Button only for Employees. Therefore, thr…
Feedback - How to prevent a user from removing his own feedbackSummary: Our purpose is to remove the chance from some users to remove their own feedbacks Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We noticed …
How does 'is interim successor' work in succession management.Summary: We terminated/Transferred an employee and had already created an succession plan to replace this terminated/Transferred employee where we had added other candid…
Remove " + Add" button visibility for all Talent Ratings if a rating is already saved. The only optiSummary Remove " + Add" button visibility for all Talent Ratings if a rating is already saved. The only option should be to edit the rating, not add a new ratingContent …
Hide add button for a specific talent profile sectionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We wanted to give only edit access of a talent profile section and not the add access. Is this po…
Getting error while trying to import LinkedIn Profile in Talent ProfileSummary: When trying to import, LinkedIn details in Talent Profile, I'm getting following error "Server authentication required but WWW-Authenticate header is null" Has …
spider chart in Skills qualification - Manager not able to see itSummary: As Line Manager (with seeded oracle role: ORA_PER_LINE_MANAGER_ABSTRACT), user is not able to see the button "Manager evaluation graph" Content (please ensure y…
Getting error while trying to import LinkedIn Profile in Talent ProfileSummary: When trying to import, LinkedIn details in Talent Profile, I'm getting following error "Server authentication required but WWW-Authenticate header is null" Has …
Editing Qual/Licence name on existing Talent profile recordsSummary: Hi there, Could someone please assist as to how we can make the Qualifications field 'editable' for existing records on an employees Talent Profile? We have the…