Discussion List
What are the optimal Storyline SCORM 1.2 reporting/tracking settings?Summary: We typically have two main types of assessments: compliance courses (users can retake as many times until they pass, Learn needs to report completion status and…
How do you translate Enrollment Create User ID (from BI Enrollment report) to Username in Learn?Summary: How do you translate Enrollment Create User ID to Username in Learn? I am trying to determine who created some ILT session enrollments for auditing purposes, bu…
Tracking/Reporting settings for quiz attemptsSummary: What is the most optimal setting to achieve the following: we have users taking a quiz within the LearnCenter. Upon passing (85%) users are issued a certificate…
Reporting of Course Percent Completed for Incompletes shows "." in BI Course ReportSummary: The BI Course Report shows Course Percent Completed for Incompletes shows . when I run a BI Course Report. Is there a way to get an actual percentage and not a …
Need help to create a large custom report of course completionsNeed to create a report of all users who completed Learning Plans including mapped items which are LC courses and imported SCORM courses for past 6 years. Output data re…
Is there a Bi Reporting field that returns who last updated an enrollment or learning plan?Summary: Is there a Bi Reporting field that returns who last updated an enrollment or learning plan? I tried using Last Updated By field in a BI Enrollment report but it…
Duplicate Merge for candidate profiles, where do I find the attached merge report?Summary: Reading documentation for merging candidate profiles as of 24A Merge Candidate Files (, the "Result" final step says: Merge reports are attached to r…
Is there a Learn report to show who mapped users to a Learning Plan?Summary: Is there a Learn report to show who mapped users to a Learning Plan? I am seeing things like Learning Plan Author, Learning Plan Assigned Date, etc., in reporti…
Find out "who" made an assignmentSummary 2 people were assigned up to 89 items on 4/28 with 5/4 due; 7 days after I get past due emailContent Need to know who made the assignment. * Both users were assi…
Adding AND/OR Logical Operator to BI Report FiltersSummary: Does anyone know how to add the ADD or OR logical operator to multiple BI report filters? Content (required): I created an enrollment report using the BI Report…
Is report field Course Content Time Spent accurate? Also, how can I tell if a manual Completion?Summary: I am trying to figure out why some users in a LearnCenter Report show as 'completed' course status, even though Course Content Time Spent shows 00:00. Could tha…
How to Edit Job Profile Report to Include Learning Plan DataSummary: Hoping to edit the "job profile" report in Learn to add in Learning Plan data typically found through a learning plan report. Need to include "learning plan ass…
Is there a report that will show total hours each learner was in Learn for a designated date range?Summary: Happy New Year, Team Learn! I have been asked to provide a report that will show total hours that each learner was in Learn for a designated date range, e.g., J…
Is BI Reporting Down?Summary: All of our BI reports are erroring out. We are in the process of submitting a ticket to Oracle. Content (required): All BI reports are returning "Error" in the …
BI Reporting is not returning same results as Report BuilderSummary:For some reason BI Reporting is not returning same results as Report Builder when using a custom report to provide completions status for our Epic LPs. Report Bu…
My Team Supervisor Account with associated Cost Centers ReportSummary:I have been asked to provide a report that lists each supervisor account that has My Team access for one or more cost centers, and then to list the supervisor ac…
How do I find Learning Plan Name associated to Learning Plan IDSummary:I ran a BI report (Audit Trail Report) to determine who has mapped a specific learning plan to users. The report is great except for it only tells you the Learni…
Oracle Support responses to Taleo Learn service requests?Summary: Is Oracle Support responding to your Taleo Learn requests any longer? Content (required): They tried to close our last service request before the issue had been…
User Login HistorySummary: How to view more than just the last login for users in report form Content (required): I have been asked to provide the average number of users who log in a mon…
BI Report to use as a transcript that includes both enrollments and courses/classesSummary: I am challenged to build a BI Report that includes both the enrollments and courses/classes. I have only be able to get one or the other. Anyone have suggestion…
Link to Report Sharing AreaSummary: Need the URL Content (required): There is (or at least used to be) an area where everyone could post their BI Reports to share with others. I lost the bookmark,…
BI Reporting performance today, 12/08/2021Summary: BI Reporting is taking a very long time to produce a short and simple enrollment report for an event with very few participants. The same report popped out imme…
need to know the max field length of Learning Item ID/Learning Plan IDContent Hello, I am building a database to store learning plan progress information from OBI report. I realize a learning plan can map to multiple learning item types an…
Feedback needed for Upcoming eSkillz Best Practices Webinar on BI ReportingSummary I need your Questions regarding BI reporting.Content Hi Folks, eSkillz must have run out of presenters because they asked me to do a presentation on BI Reporting…
Report that Returns the Items that are Mapped to a Skill?Summary Looking for a Report to tell us what Items are Mapped to a SkillContent I have tried unsuccessfully to create a BI report in Learn that will return the item name…
21B in TST - errorsSummary My Team issue in 21B TSTContent Good Morning! I am testing 21B in TST. When I open My Team as a Manager, the teammates' learning activities are not displaying co…
Course File Path ReportSummary Need to identify the file path of all SCORM and AICC courses in Taleo Learn.Content We are transitioning content and need to identify the file path for each of t…
Users who self map to Learning Plans but require managerial approval cannot be found on BI reports,Summary create a report to prompt managers and admins to get users out of limbo while awaiting approvalContent Some of our Learning Plans (LPs) require managerial approv…
All Reporting not functional - Firedrill becomes Frustrated RantSummary Post Oracle Maintenance Functionality LossContent Started work today and saw David and Annie's posts regarding issues and feared the worst. Turns out our mainten…User_2025-01-23-20-10-57-149 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Connie Castillo-Winkler Taleo Learn
Can you keep a completion for an assessment off a transcript?Summary We have been asked to create a survey and obtain everyone's answers without allowing the completion to hit the transcript.Content We have been asked to create a …