Discussion List
OBI Dashboard Hide PromptsSummary OBI Dashboard Hide PromptsContent I have an OBI dashboard and I have multiple prompts with 2 analysis on the same tab. Some of the prompts relate to both analysi…
Combine Two CASE WHEN formulasSummary Need HELP with Nested FormulasContent I was looking for ways to combine the following two CASE WHEN formulas and did the calculation based on the filtered data. …
15B Custom Formulas not working since upgradeSummary 15B Custom Formulas not working since upgradeContent I have custom formulas in reports that since 15B upgrade are not longer producing accurate results when I di…Michele Bizjak-Yenulonis 51 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Michael Scaduto Taleo Enterprise
Average Days in certain statusesSummary Average counting rows not distinct IDsContent Hi, I am trying to adjust a formula in a column to produce the average days candidates spend in certain statuses, t…
Reporting on UDFs in TransitionSummary We have created a User-Defined Form that include User Defined Fields and I need to report out on the new hires response in TransitionsContent I am using a User-d…Sarah Niemeyer-57906 33 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sarah Niemeyer-57906 Taleo Enterprise
OBI Scheduling Agents - Sporadically disabling or not running as expectedSummary OBI Scheduling Agents - Sporadically disabling or not running as expectedContent Hello - Is anyone having any issues with their scheduled OBI agents sporadically…Valerie Reyna Villarreal 93 views 19 comments 5 points Most recent by Tanushree Mukhopadhyay Taleo Enterprise
Help with finding how many days Candidates sit in a specific step using Taleo OBISummary I need help with findind how many days Candidates have been sitting in a specific step in TEE, using Taleo OBI Reporting.Content I need help with finding how man…
OBI Reporting - Formulas for Time Sensitive ReportingSummary Need help with creating time/date sensitive filtersContent I will be the first to admit that I am not the most savvy when it comes to reporting in OBI. We are st…
Open Req formula help neededSummary Req formulaContent Hi all I had to rewrite most of my formula's for some reason after a recent upgrade and having a hard time showing the req as "Open" it still …Michele Bizjak-Yenulonis 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephane Cote-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Issue Regarding Taleo Recruit ReportingSummary When I am trying to export a report in Taleo recruit from "Administration" subject Area taking columns Username,Last Name,Employee No.,User status,Organization N…
Schedule a analysis with multi-tabsSummary Schedule a analysis with multi-tabsContent I cannot find a way to Schedule a analysis with multi-tabs. I know how to do it when I create a dashboard but in this …
Increase size of table in viewing pane to show more columnsContent I've tried to research the new features besides the Excel 2003 discontinuation and haven't been able to find a way to increase the width of the table on the resu…Michelle Graham-29105 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Joy Hanneman-21499 Taleo Enterprise
Incorrect DataSummary Incorrect and Missing Data in reportsContent Hi everyone. I am finding a lot of recruiters are consistently filling out requisitions wrong and hiring candidates …
Counting Candidates in "Pipeline"Summary We would like to count the number of unique candidates in specific steps and statuses.Content Hi! I'm trying to build a report that shows the number of "active" …
Return only latest Application Reject/Decline Motive in OBISummary Trying to pull the final reject/decline motive per application in an OBI reportContent We had Application Tracking Reject/Decline motive on a report in Business …
Recruiting - CSW FunnelSummary Anybody please explain Target, % Converted columnsContent Recruiting - CSW Funnel is having Submissions, Target & % Converted columns based on this we can see th…Murali Krishna-38861 77 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Thousif Syed-47883 Taleo Enterprise
Recruiter activity reportContent I am currently in the process of buidling what we are calling a Tally sheet which will capture Recruiter activity - see screenshot below. Today our Recruiters ar…
Formula Help to Pull All Hires For Previous Month And Agent to Send 1st of Following MonthContent I have a weekly hired report that one user only needs monthly. I can create a monthly version to save but cannot figure out how to pull the data for the previous…
Restricting Dashboards based on User GroupsSummary Restricting Dashboards based on User GroupsContent Dear Team, I am trying to restrict Dashboards using the folder security in the OBI in Taleo Recruit, however e…
Custom Average Time to Fill minus weekendsSummary Need to remove weekends from custom CSW driven TTFContent Hi All, Following some great help from you here I now have a great custom TTF report using CSW stages h…
Taleo Recruiting - Embedded ReportingSummary How do I locate the embedded reports in OBIContent We had the support of a third party vendor help migrate some BO reports to OBI embedded reports. As a report w…
OBI Dashboard Deep LinkSummary Dashboards Deep Link URL to be place in Fusion Home ScreenContent Hi, We have Fusion and Taleo SSO configured and have been using for a long time. Now it is a pa…Thousif Syed-47883 113 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Tracking OBI Reporting Overlap and UsageSummary A few quesitons to help our business understand how to better prepare and document potential impacts from quarterly OBI updatesContent Hello, I have a few questi…
Expanding report security beyond requisition ownershipSummary We would like to expand reporting security to division-level for all users, while maintaining the security in Taleo recruiting to requisition ownershipContent We…
First Sourced Date - Definition?Content Hi Can someone please clarify the definition of the reporting object called "First Sourced Date"? (I thought it was the first time the Requisition was posted) Th…
LinkedIn and Indeed Profile Import - UsageSummary LinkedIn and Indeed Profile Import - UsageContent We have both the LinkedIn and Indeed profile import/upload functionality activated in our career sections. We'd…
SR 3-15603070111 : cannot access OBISummary SR 3-15603070111 : cannot access OBIContent Anyone else having issues accessing OBI? We cannot get past the login screen. I have entered a ticket with support SR…
Reusing Listeners and PromptsSummary Reusing Listeners and PromptsContent Dear Experts, I have multiple reports with the same set of Listeners and Prompts, is it possible to reuse the prompts and li…
Not able to access Recruiting Legacy Subject AreaSummary Recruiting Legacy Subject AreaContent Hi Team I have given the user type permisson for accessing Recruiting legacy subject area,but still not able access it. Is …Saadh Abi Vakas-44596 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Securing folder in Reports and analytics by User Type in TaleoSummary Securing folder in Reports and analytics by User Type in TaleoContent Hi, I need a clarification on how to secure the folder in reports and analytics by User Typ…