Absence and Accrual
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Count of week days for absence reportSummary: We need to count the weekdays (Mon - Fri) in a selected period to calculate absence percentage. Anyone a suggestion or solution how to get this done? WouterWouter.Schaap 51 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sovitendu Jalli-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Can't see absence reason in reports after putting end date inside the relevant absence typeSummary Can't see absence reason in reports after putting end date inside the relevant absence typeContent Hi, We have an issue that after putting the end date to an abs…Markovich Chen 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jonny Varley Reporting and Analytics for HCM
MonthName function not WorkingSummary MonthName function not WorkingContent Hi All , I am trying to get the Month Name (Jan / Feb / Mar) from a Date entry - Eg -I'm using the following function - Mon…Jo Black 80 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavendra_M-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How can I calculate Absence Sickness for Employees for 4 absences of 3 days or more?Summary: I need to produce a report for employees that have had more than 4 sickness absences of 3 days or more within a rolling 12 month period. I have managed to creat…
how to restricted otbi report to show employee absencesDear , I have a otbi report which is showing correctly result with all employees absences but issue is its showing for those employee who applied leaves on 2021 Dec to 2…Mirza_Adeel 32 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Gary Miller-39965 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
In Otbi reports where we find Absence DatesDear , I need to put Absences Dates in otbi report but i cant find Not need Date Start and End Date i need only Date For example if one employees taken 30 leaves from 25…
Unable to Join Multiple Subject AreasSummary: Unable to join "Workforce Management - Absence Real Time" Subject Area with "Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time" Content (required): Our require…Jyothi Gorantla 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jyothi Gorantla Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Otbi report not shows data when used union allDear , I created one OTbi report for absences , it shows data fine but when i used union all for same its not shown data why ? can anyone help me? Thanks
Where can we find Leave Balance in OTBI Subject areaDear , I want to leave balances for my users i created a otbi report (Workforce Management Absence Real time) but cant able to find leave balances in front i can see tha…
OTBI does not show accrual/absence balance dataSummary: I'm trying to create a report which shows an employee's accrual. However it does not show any data in OTBI. Content (required): I want to create a report in OTB…Nicolas Vahman 270 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandeep001rp Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Adding Department to existing report - Employee Absence CalendarSummary: We are using the report - Employee Absence Calendar - from here - https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/discussion/70219/employee-absence-calendar/p1 it …Ian.Gooderham 62 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Helen Thomas Reporting and Analytics for HCM
User account data restriction issueSummary: Data Restriction issue. Content (required): Hi Team, Me and my HR using same admin user account. And in my organization we have one of the report called Leave B…
Absence calendar in line manager dashboard shows more workers for next monthSummary: the absence calendar in line manager dashboard shows absence for current and next month. I found the next next month does not only present direct reports, but a…Wouter.Schaap 36 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Wouter.Schaap Reporting and Analytics for HCM
What table is absence Plan Period Start Date stored?Please see sample screenshot:notautomni9 201 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to remove a subject area access from duty role?Summary: How to restrict subject area access in a duty role? Created copy of "Absence Management Transaction Analysis Duty" role. Want to remove "Payroll - User-Defined …K Qureshi 86 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Report on Absence AttachmentSummary: Report on Absence Attachment. Is it possible to create a Report which will say who has attachment on Absence Content (required): Hi Experts, Is it possible to d…
Unable to see absence data in Workforce Management - Absence Calendar Details Real TimeSummary: Hello While running the Employee absence calendar report, I cannot see any absence data. Employee Absence Calendar — Cloud Customer Connect (oracle.com) Content…Helen Thomas 118 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Helen Thomas Reporting and Analytics for HCM
In which table we can find Accrual Plan Balance DatesDear , i want to know which table i can find leaves dates same like you can check there is details you can see date also i want that dates table? ThanksMirza_Adeel 41 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Reporting and Analytics for HCM
ANC_PER_ABS_ENTRY_DTLS table is emptySummary Absence entry Detail table not getting populatedContent Hi All When absence entry is created from the UI with basic mode, data is not getting stored in table ANC…Amol Patil HCM-Oracle 531 views 16 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajesh.Vadlamani Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Annual Leave Following Maternity LeaveSummary: Pick up if an absence spell directly follows a different type of absence, Content (required): In OTBI is there anyway to detect if an an absence spell directly …David McLellan 12 views 0 comments 1 point Started by David McLellan Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Where to check if employee received a pager unit and their on-call premium?Summary: I'm trying to look where in HCM this information can be visible: Employee received a pager unit and their on-call premium. Thanks!notautomni9 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Ability to report on modified approved future-dated absence entriesSummary: Content (required): Hi - is there a way to report on absences that have been modified by employees ? Example: On 11-Aug-2022, an employee applies for a 2 day ab…
Looking for a sql query to get the absence plan and corresponding element name associatedSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to get the data of the Absence Plan and corresponding element data using the sql. If anyone has come across such requirement then plea…Peeyush Chandel 2.6K views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nagaraju Godasi Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Issue: Unable to find Donation related Entry reason in Absence tableSummary: Unable to find Donation related Entry reason in Absence table Content (required): We can see the Additional Information stored in Adjustement_Reason but when it…
Front-Loaded Accrual BalanceContent I've been trying to create an Absence Balance OTBI Report that reports both the Incremental and Front-Loaded Balances (for the Incremental Accrual Balance, I use…
Where is 'Elective Disbursement' details of Absence Plans stored?In the details of absence plans, which tables/lookups can I find values of this field? This is what it looks like in front-end: Thanks!
How is Absence Days metric is calculated?Summary: Hi, We would like to understand how Absence Days measure is calculated. It gives different results (one correct and the other is not) I don't know what the issu…HulyaAkan76 53 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to get plan start and end dates for a persons absenceSummary: I want to build a report to show the start and end dates of a person enrolment in a plan as we need to write to each person when a plan will expire. Content (re…Sharon Harper 12 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sharon Harper Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Employee Vacation Schedule and vacation rate Listing ReportSummary: Looking for sample OTBI report for Employee Vacation Schedule and vacation rate Listing Report. I looked at customer connect "HCM Report Sharing Center" but cou…Santosh Orcl 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Santosh Orcl Reporting and Analytics for HCM