Discussion List
Employee Self Service - Personal Details - Date of BrithSummary Date of Birth Editable through Personal Details for Employee/Pending WorkerContent 20A - Responsive UI. According to the MoS - Doc ID 2351457.1 "In Rel 19 A, wit…
Job Code and Position Code dots missing in NUX pages for Employment Info and Change AssignmentSummary For the Quick Action Responsive Pages for Employment Info and Change Assignment, the more information dots are missing from Job and PositionContent As we are tes…
Release plan for Gen AI feature "Redwood - AI Assistance in Goal Creation" for the U.K data centers?Summary: Hi All, Do we have a timeline on when Oracle is planning to release their Generative AI feature - AI Assistance in Goal creation within the redwood pages for th…Kuntesh_Udhas 83 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by Christopher Nicklin Performance Management
Enable the Push Notifications for Mobile app and related queriesHi All, We have a requirement to enable the Push Notifications for Mobile app and we were able to enable and test the notifications successfully. However, while testing …
Configure Renew Placement & Rehire an Employee using Create Work RelationshipSummary Configure Renew Placement & Rehire an Employee using Create Work RelationshipContent Hi, What is the general recommendation if you would need to configure Renew …Simona Dinculescu - Garrett Motion 198 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Guna Shekar NM HCM Mobile
Time Entry best practicesSummary: We are looking for client best practices on how they use Oracle HCM: Time Entry for their blue-collar workers. Some of this population at our organization 1) do…
How we can schedule report to a shared folder.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Abhishek.Sachdeva 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Cannot Evaluate Open Enrollment in new Benefit Admin pageSummary Cannot Evaluate Open Enrollment in new Benefit Admin pageContent Hello,, We are moving to the NUX in April and are testing all the modules. The Benefit Admin pag…User_2025-01-23-21-24-21-434 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gowri Darshani Meffin HCM Mobile
Quick Action: Family and Emergency ContactSummary Gender and DOB are mandatory for contacts in the responsive UI pagesContent We have noticed that in HCM Design Studio there are legislative rules on the Personal…
Getting error with Reverse termination conditonSummary: We have requirement to configure different approvals for reverse termination and termination we need to trigger the different approval flows based on action. I'…
Oracle Digital AssistantContent Hi, Just wanted to see if anyone had successful configuration of Oracle Digital Assistant. thank you!
Employment info not showing previous employment historySummary Employment info not showing previous employment historyContent It seems that you can only view employment history for direct reports even with the HR roles. Did …User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 146 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Analyze Salary Part Time Calculator from Classic not in RUISummary Analyze Salary Part Time Calculator from Classic not in RUIContent In classic in the manage salary page, next to the salary amount field there is a calculator ic…
People to Cover - Error for Future Dated HiresSummary Error for Future Dated Hires - People to Cover - not able to add Additional InfoContent I have completed an SR for this issue, but wanted to bring to this forum …
Change Hire Date in Edit Work Relationship errors outSummary When I try to change the Hire date for an employee in the quick action of Edit Work Relationship I get an errorContent When I try to change the Hire date for an …User_2025-03-07-21-45-22-414 40 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-03-07-21-45-22-414 HCM Mobile
default to "voluntary termination" as action while resigningSummary how to default action to "voluntary termination" when doing a resignationContent is there a way to default to a specific action "voluntary termination" while an …
BI not working properly after 20BSummary link between datamodel and Analysis is causing issuesContent is anyone experiencing issues after obtaining to the 20B update with regards to BI? i have few datam…
RUI - Edit Payroll Relationship DetailsSummary RUI - Edit Payroll Relationship DetailsContent Hello, I am trying to figure out how to update the Payroll Relationship Detail in the new RUI (where our payroll s…
Summary / Review page to addpending workerSummary is it possible to have a review page in RUX on add pending workerContent In classic there is a review page to add pending worker when all details have been enter…User_2025-01-28-19-07-44-962 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jon MacGoy-Oracle HCM Mobile
View Elements in RUX for HRSummary We are unable to see the elements we have built in RUxContent In the classic view HR view elements via the payroll view elements task We don't seem to be able to…
Old Bookmark for Goals in RUXSummary Goals icon in about generates an Old Bookmark ErrorContent When selecting the Goals icon in the About Me section in RUX, we are receiving the following error: Yo…
Additional Person Info - Blank Page for some custom rolesSummary In enabling the Additional Person Info Quick Action, some custom roles have a blank screenContent I have enabled the Additional Person Info Quick Action and assi…
Direct Reports section is missing in Employment under my Client GroupSummary Direct Reports section is missing in Employment under my Client GroupContent Direct Reports section is missing in Employment under my Client Group. Navigation to…
HCM Transaction Design Studio - Areas of Responsibility and Manage User AccountContent Hello, Can someone please confirm if there are dedicated Actions for the following pages in HCM Transaction Design Studio in 20B: * Areas of Responsibility * Man…
Manage Absence Records and Manage Work Schedule Assignment Quick ActionsSummary Hi, We have enabled Manage Absence Records and Manage Work Schedule Assignment Quick ActionsContent Hi, We have enabled Manage Absence Records and Manage Work Sc…
Performance Goal changes need to be Submitted for ApprovalSummary Performance Goal changes need to be Submitted for Approval even though the Workflow Rule is Auto-Approve for certain criteriaContent Hi, I have configured the 'A…
Ordering of fields in employment infoSummary is it possible to reorder the fields in your view on employment informationContent We have been asked if there is a way to reorder the fields that are in the emp…
Employment Contracts: how to edit/update dataSummary Unable to edit/update contract details dataContent In the New Responsive User Experience how can HR edit/update employment contract data? For example, customer n…
Newsfeed mapping required for Element Entries and payroll relationship taskSummary Newsfeed mapping required for Element Entries and payroll relationship taskContent I am working on a project to switch HR users from classic to new feed pages. A…
Hire an employee - data entry ID is default as managerSummary the manager is automatically defaulted with the name of the person creating the record - can this be changedContent Hire an employee The manager is automatically…User_2025-01-28-19-07-44-962 28 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Jayakrishna Paleti HCM Mobile