Category 150-2
Discussion List
Supplier Registration Questionnaire without the use of Supplier QualificationSummary: Supplier Registration Questionnaire without the use of Supplier Qualification Content (required): Hi team - i) can someone please let me know if it is possible …
Can Supplier adm account user be notified on email about business classification expirationSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Ability to have more than 50 Supplier level DFFsSummary: Is it possible to setup more than 50 Supplier level DFFs Content (required): We are working on an implementation project for a customer where they need to have …
Payables Payment Requests (One Time Payments): Supplier vs Party RecordSummary: Guidance on Importing Payables Payment Requests (One Time Payments) using the FBDI loader talks about creating a party record. Are the terms ‘Party’ and ‘Suppli…
Oracle Cloud Functionalities for measuring/Ranking Supplier Performance KPI metrics post OnboardingSummary: Oracle Cloud Functionalities for measuring/Ranking Supplier Performance KPI metrics post Onboarding Content (required): Hi. This is regarding whether any functi…
Supplier Profile Change Request randomly changing Additional Information field "Where Incorporated"Summary: Supplier Profile Change Request is randomly changing the Additional Information field "Where Incorporated" USA State value when combinations of other Organizati…
how to find out with whom a supplier registration request is pendingSummary: how to find out with whom a supplier registration request is pending Content (required): hi team - at any point in time, how to know with whom a supplier regist…
What is Impacted by the e-mail on the Supplier AddressSummary: We have contacts added to a supplier but in the address section there is also a space for an address e-mail. What is this e-mail used for? Content (required): W…
Is it possible to register a supplier in phases?Hello! We have a demand that the Supplier Register must be made by several different areas, where: 1 - Buyer (or Requester) initiates the Supplier Registration by insert…
Audit trail for supplier portal usageSummary: Audit trail for supplier portal usage Content (required): Hello I was wondering if there are any BI report or Dashboard to track supplier portal usage. I think …
Is there a specific supplier attribute which can be used to enable the supplier for PeppolSummary: Client is planning to use Peppol to enable e-invoicing. Are there any attributes for suppliers which are designed to be used for Peppol integration? Content (re…
Import of supplier attachments using Import Supplier Attachments FBDI template completes with errorIs there any restriction on the file type that can be imported for supplier attachments via FBDI e.g pdf , msg, doc, xlsx etc.. I have been trying to import file of the …
Supplier PortalSummary: Supplier Portal Content (required): I followoed the steps to add a message on the portal, however, its not displayed when logged on. Am i missing a step, if yes…
View pending approval assignees for pending registration requestsSummary: We are using the supplier registration workflow approval functionality. We need to create a report that identifies who the approval is pending with when the reg…
How can I include the Supplier Number in emailSummary: I need to include the Supplier number in the email FYI Notification for Supplier Registration Request Approved, I have the .rtf and the data model updated, howe…Alistair Pereira 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier Change Request for Site changesSummary: Need to know how to generate a supplier change request whne the administrator change any field on Site TAB. Content (required): Version (include the version you…
Enforce Supplier name and address in CapitalsSummary: Our client has a requirement where the supplier name and address and few important fields need to stored in all caps. We have external supplier registration flo…Pallavi Vutharkar 174 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Register suppliers without creating a login to the supplier portalSummary: Content (required): Hi, Is there a way to register a supplier without having to create a user account? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable…
Supplier Registration Request no option to Approve or RejectSummary: The Supplier Registration Request under Things to Finish on the Home Page and in the Bell does not have the option to Approve Or Reject but the Supplier Profile…
can we add supplier portal functionality to an existing user?Summary: Hi all, kindly note: Is it possible to add supplier portal functionality to an existing user? or does it have to be a supplier user by default? Content (require…
Populate Supplier Number ManuallySummary: Feasibility to populate the supplier number manually during the supplier creation. Content (required): We have a requirement to populate the supplier number man…
Vendor Onboarding ReportingSummary: I'm working with a client who is using Oracle for their vendor onboarding process. The have Registration Requests going through workflow approval, they use SQM …
How to default payment method for suppliersSummary: Content (required): While creating new suppliers in UI, the Payment Method is automatically set as “Check”. This requires us to manually add the new payment met…
How to default payment method for suppliersSummary: Content (required): While creating new suppliers in UI, the Payment Method is automatically set as “Check”. This requires us to manually add the new payment met…
Is there a Supplier Profile DFF Attribute field that allows greater than 150 characters?Summary: I'm creating a Supplier Profile DFF with Data Type = Character and Display Type = Text Box. I would like the text box to be greater than 150 characters. For the…
Supplier Contact with restricted access not able to view the negotiation & ContractSupplier Contact with restricted access (meaning the supplier contact is given data access to a particular site) is not able to view the negotiation & Contract in the Su…
What happen to the field 'legal structure' that used to be found in the suppliers?Summary: What happened to the field 'legal structure' that used to be found within the supplier definition? We are looking where the information contain in this field sh…
is it possible to map remittance email in questionnaire and include it during supplier registrationSummary: One of our Cloud ERP client has a requirement to get remittance email address added/mapped in the supplier questionnaire as standard attribute and include this …
Is it possible to trigger Supplier Portal user account notifications for selected Suppliers onlySummary: Business requirement is to be able to use Supplier Portal only for specific suppliers. Existing suppliers do not receive user account details as notifications a…
Is there a way to manage access on Supplier attachment categoriesSummary: We have business requirement where only Supplier Manager & Supplier Administrator should have access to view attachments at Supplier Profile. Current categories…