Category 164
Discussion List
Customer Contact details as LOV in installed base DFFSummary: How to : IB DFF to show customer contact details as List of values Content (required): I have a requirement to see the customer contact details in one of the IB…
Don't seeing additional information in work orderSummary: In work definition I entered data into additional information. After creating work order with work definition, I don't see them. Content (required): Version (in…
Work Order Operation and Work Order Duration Calculation in decimals- Discrepancy wrt Standard Op.Summary: Work Order Operation and Work Order Duration Calculation in decimals- Discrepancy wrt Standard Operation's duration Content (required): I defined a resource, us…
Project tracking feature on maintenance work orderSummary: We have a requirement to capture project details in maintenance work order, work order cost should be transferred to project cost, do we have this feature in th…
Asset Item is not appearing in LOV of Maintenance ProgramSummary: Asset Item is not appearing in LOV of Maintenance Program Content (required): I defined an item, assigned to maintenance organization, created few assets and ma…
Maintenance Calender having different shifts is getting overlapped with each otherSummary: Maintenance Calendar is getting overlapped with each other. We have a requirement where we have 3 shifts running and we have set the calender accordingly still …
Mass completion of Work order operationsSummary: Is there any option for mass completion of work order operations or completion of work order ? Content (required): We have more than 10000 WOs to be completed i…
How to find the associated amount from project cost distribution of work order which is posted to GLSummary: I need to find the associated debit amount from project cost distribution which is posted to GL for a work order. Steps for the same are described below: 1) Go …
We require to change the asset details from the asset module when asset Maintenace is done?We require to increase the number of life in years in the asset and change cost of asset when a asset maintenance work order is done without manually doing it in the FA …
Unable to Update Install Base Asset DFF using VBCS in ExcelSummary: Hi All, I am trying to use VBCS excel plugin to bulk update 'Install Base Asset ' Attributes but I am getting an error when I try to update DFF. Getting the bel…
How can I drive maintenance costs from my maintenance Org to a corporate headquartersSummary: I need to be able to perform maintenance activities at the Corporate Headquarters which is not set up as an Org in the system. I can set the assets up in my mai…
Can maintenance be used without financials?Summary: Hello, We want to implement the maintenance module without the financials modules at a first phase, and then implement the financials module at a later phase. i…
Is there a way to stop email being sent to when exception is raised on Maintenance WO?Summary: Is there a way to stop email being sent to Maintenance managers when an exception has been raised on Maintenance Work Order? Content (required): Version (includ…
Smart Meter InstallationHi, I'm not sure if this is the correct group for this question. We have a client who's main business is installation of smart meters. They'd like a system implemented t…
Is there a Report that shows why a Work Order is not Complete in MaintenanceSummary: Client is requesting a report that shows reasons why a Work Order is not Complete e.g a report might not be complete because of material unavailability or even …
Option to export the work ordersSummary: How to export the list of work order queried? Content (required): I don't see an option to export this data above the results table. This object is not enabled …
We need to associate the meter to the install based assets in bulkSummary: we have around 1400 maintenance asset in which we need to associate various meters in bulk. We cannot be able to find it nor in the FBDi template nor in the Res…
Default Filter in Manage Assets page does not workSummary: Default Filter in Manage Assets page does not work Content (required): When I navigate to Manage Assets page, I don't see any results by default. I had previous…
Manage Assets Page Does Not Get Refreshed after editing the asset and savingSummary: Manage Assets Page Does Not Get Refreshed after editing the asset and saving Content (required): I query few assets. I then choose to update few assets' Name an…
Unable to add or configured the day-light saving timings in the Maintenance calendar in fusionSummary: Our client works in the APAC region where there is default day-light saving is been there throughout the year now there is no such option where we can configure…
Merge Option in Maintenance Program.Summary: Need some clarification regarding Merge option in Maintenance program. We have two Work definitions consist of below Operations: Now when we use Merge option in…
Non serial control IB update with RMA receiptSummary: What is the current functionality working to update the Non serial controlled Installed Base asset upon RMA receipt? Content (required): For Non-seril controlle…
Maintenance Asset Meter reads not calculating the feild "Calculated Daily utilization Rate"Summary: We have created a meter template and recorded readings. However the meter is not generating the calculated daily utilization rate using the recorded meter reads…
Disregard the Forecast Work Order ScheduleHi Team - Is there a way to disrespect the forecast? For example lets say my maintenance program generates forecast on daily basis. And based on my experience i decided …
Adding Cross referenced Item to the Work order material transaction.Summary: When adding items to the work order material transaction, we would like to add an item with an item cross reference to be able to select the other part number o…
Unable to find the Disabled flag in Maintenance Management - Forecast Real Time Subject areaSummary: Hi All, I have been using "Maintenance Management - Forecast Real Time" to create an OTBI analysis to display forecast details of maintenance programs and relat…
Is it possible to Add Sub Operations and Sub Resource to Work OrdersSummary: Client are requesting if it is possible to add a sub operations and sub Resources to the different operations in a work order Content (required): Client are req…
Maintenance - Warranty ContractsI can't create a contract manually. When trying to locate the 'Asset Number,' the asset I'm trying to add doesn't appear. The 'Coverage Name' field shows up normally. Ar…
PM Due DateSummary: Is there any setup which will let user decide if the PM Generated Work Order will be Forward Scheduled or Backward Scheduled? Can we setup some PM Work Order to…