Category 164
Discussion List
Default value in DFF based on user selection of standard fieldCore Business Requirement : Based on the standard operation selected on the maintenance work order, one of the segment of COA needs to be updated. Issue: There is no sta…
Is there any way to create calendar for Work Requirement with Frequency Quarterly or Semi-Annually?How can we create a Calendar Pattern with Frequency "Quarterly" or "Semi-Annually" in Work Requirement?
How to create maintenance work order based on meter reading ?Summary: We have a requirement to create work order based on meter reading can you please explain how to achieve this ? please provide the steps to achieve the requireme…
Error -Enter a transaction date that's between the work order release date and today's dateHi All We Receive this Error when trying to complete workorder using my maintenance page Error: You must enter a transaction date that's between the work order release d…
In OFS my work order operation type changes from outside to inside after part installSummary: Why does this happen i changed the operation type to be outside, but after installing parts it flips to inside. I want it to stay as Outside. Content (please en…
Bulk Assign Meter Template to assetSummary: We need a method to assign meter template to each individual asset in bulk Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Current funcitonality …
How to display attribute from Item Master into Install base Assets?Hello, We have a requirement to fetch Item Type information from Item Master into Install Base Assets for the Asset that is associated to Item. For Ex. We have an Asset …
How do I freeze column widths in the Work Definition Redwood screen?Summary: I have enabled the profile to manage work definitions in the new Redwood screen and I have to adjust the column widths every time the page is refreshed. How do …
Is there any way to create calendar for Work Requirement with Frequency Quarterly or Semi-Annually?How can we create a Calendar Pattern with Frequency "Quarterly" or "Semi-Annually" in Work Requirement?
FSM File Import and Export is not Working as Expected in the new Release 25A.FSM File Import and Export is not Working as Expected in the new Release 25A , we are trying to import the Condition Event codes and Translations via FSM import in lates…
maintenance resource instance bulk uploadHi, Is there anyway to bulk upload resource instance in oracle maintenance cloud setup task, we try to import using functional setup manager csv file, but there is no co…
Maintenance resource instance rest apiSummary: We need maintenance resource instance Rest api to assign resource instances to different resources Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Redwood: SCM AI AgentsSummary: hi Team, looking for documentation on enabling AI agents , by referring whats new pages. I always end up at the step where we are supposed to navigate to My Cli…Sanjeev Inampudi-Oracle 30 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sanjeev Inampudi-Oracle Maintenance
Update IB Asset Data- what are the different methods?Summary: We want to mass update a list of IB Assets- update a value under a custom field or a DFF added field. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
MNT Resource Not shown in the Redwood page even with all Roles and data access.Summary: We have defined Maintenance resources in 24D (Redwood), We are facing an issue where some users are unable to access manage maintenance resources from the maint…
What are the next steps to be done after submitting the claim?Hello, I created a warranty contract in maintenance management and the warranty is active. I created the work order, completed it and close it. And it is fully costed. t…
Maintenance Review Dispatch list taskHi With the new update "Maintenance Review Dispatch List" is replaced by "My Maintenance Work" . We are facing below issue In "My Maintenance Work" not able to see the w…Manjunath Dorennavar 92 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Maintenance
Derive cost management SLA mapping set based on maintenance work order Standard OperationCore Business Requirement : Based on the standard operation selected on the maintenance work order, one of the segment of COA needs to be updated. Issue: There is no sta…
Unable to create Standard Operation due to error value for the OP_YIELD_FACTOR attribute isn't validSummary: I'm trying to create standard operation but keep getting stuck by this error. What feature is required to just be able to create standard operation? Content (pl…
Unable to search maintenance WOs in "My Maintenance Work" UII am unable to see any Maintenace WO in given ORG under "My Maintenance Work" Redwood UI. WO is in released status and could be seen in Manage Maintenance WO under the m…
Possibility to return to Dispatch List once the New Maintenance Technician Workbench is enabledWe are thinking to enable the New Maintenance Technician Workbench in our environment in Oracle Maintenance. In the Documentation it is written that setting the profile …
Maintenance exception interface to OFSSummary: Hi Community, We would like to explore the Possibilities/Suggestions on integrating Oracle cloud Maintenance Exceptions to OFS systems as we couldn't find any d…
NOT ABLE TO IMPORT CSV FILES FOR WORK CENTERSSummary: We are trying to import csv files for creating work centers without success… these are the steps we followed: In the setup pafe for SCM we chose Maintenance Man…
how can I make the list of subtypes displayed to the user limited and dependent on the selected typeSummary: due to user errors when creating work orders manually, we would like to know if there is a way to limit the subtypes when selecting a type of work order? i.e. w…
How to resubmit Workorder for Approval configured using E SignatureHi All, We are experiencing an issue with approving work orders. We have set up Maintenance Work Order approval using the E-signature feature and have made some changes …
Knowledge Doc: How Can I Diagnose Issues with Redwood UI?Context: When accessing the Materials tab in the My Maintenance Work section of the Redwood UI, no values are displayed. Should there be materials visible? Is there an u…Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle 262 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by ROHIT.R-Support-Oracle Maintenance
Maintenance - Warranty ContractsI can't create a contract manually. When trying to locate the 'Asset Number,' the asset I'm trying to add doesn't appear. The 'Coverage Name' field shows up normally. Ar…
Where I can create Warranty Provider Name In Maintenance Module?I want to input coverage for an asset in Maintenance Management but it need Warranty Provider Name and I didn't find menu where to manage it
my maintenance work page: How to restrict the logged in user to only be able to use their instanceSummary: In "My maintenance work page" I have 3 technicians registered as resource instances, I create a work order and assign only one technician, but when he goes to r…
my maintenance work page: duplicate times for complete butomSummary: I create a work order with a resource and assign 10 hours to it, then on the maintenance page I report 8 hours, then I change the status to completed and apart …