Category 171
Discussion List
Auto Approve New Item Request based on specific conditions in Product HubSummary: We would like to auto approve items based on specific conditions. Items that comes from a specific user and has a value in "spoke system Item" under relationshi…
REST API to get requirement specification from Product ConceptSummary: How to get requirement specifications from Product Concept using rest api ? How to get requirements from Product Concept using rest api ?
Dynamic Choice List Do Not Have User as a Related ObjectSummary: Hello, I am creating a new Dynamic Choice List attribute in Proposal object. However, in the List Data Source Page, there isn't a "User" or "Contact" Related Ob…
Can't edit page in Sandbox modeSummary: Can't edit page in Sandbox mode Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we are trying to change a simple field label on the Manage It…
How to security proposal accessSummary: Let's say that we have two teams of the same company, working on two different brands, developing products on the same Innovation Management. How to garantee th…
Cost for existing item on concept structureSummary: Customer Elida beauty wants to reuse existing items as components in their concept structures. Cost roll up for the concept structure is a critical measure for …Aidan McCarthy-Oracle 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by vignesh chandran Product Development
Page Composer Add Content Not Working in Idea or ProposalSummary: Page Composer Add Content Pop Up page is not showing any Components in Idea or Proposal page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In t…
Create a Project from PLM ProposalSummary: There is an attached DEMO presentation on creating a Project from PLM Proposal. This feature is available in the DEMO application to test. But, I don’t find any…
I am trying to create a Product Portfolio in Oracle cloud. Can anyone please guide on this process?Summary: I am using Innovation management. I found the below issue today:- I am trying to create a Product Portfolio in Oracle cloud. Can anyone please guide on this pro…
Rename Headcount Attribute in Resource Tab of a ProposalSummary: Unable to see "Headcount" attribute thus unable to Rename this attribute Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am trying to rename a …
How can we give access on attribute level on Proposals based on roles?Summary: Attribute Level access to user using roles on Proposal Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business want to provide access to differe…
Mass Import Fixed Choice List for List of Values Created in SandboxSummary: I am trying to create a new Custom field in Proposal object (Innovation Management) which is of Fixed Choice List datatype. However I don't see an option to mas…
Additional Category List Value in Proposal Attachment TabSummary: I am trying to create a new attachment category in the Proposal --> Attachment tab The out of the box Category drop down only has one LOV value which is Miscell…
Innovation Management Approval process for new proposalsCurrent process of Innovation Management – step by step; S1 - New Idea is entered in the system S2 - Every Idea is checked and if accepted, a proposal is created S3 - On…
Cannot see accept reject button for concept/proposal approvalSummary: We have created Concepts and Proposals and submitted it for approval. Later we added the approver in the list and sent the proposal for approval. However, appro…
ECO import from Agile PLMSummary: We are in the process of implementing the Agile Change Orders to PDH . We want to know if any one implemented via axml file to send Outbound from Agile PLM - Th…
To automate Item Creation process through Sourcing.Summary: Hi Experts, We have a business requirements where Engineering team creates and idea and it is send to sourcing team to create an RFQ and get the supplier respon…
how to trigger external webservice from Oracle saas SCM object workflow with item actionSummary: Need to call a external webservice from Oracle saas scm 23D when an update happen on item in PIM. For that trying to use object workflow from application compos…
Can we create custom fields in Idea object with Context type?Summary: Hi Team, As a business requirement we will be using PLM to create the Ideas. There will be ~ 500 custom fields which we need to create on Idea Object to store p…
Product Innovation Management issuesSummary: Issues 1) Without approval of proposal directly the proposal should not convert it into Concept. 2)Once the concept structure is converted to item the UOM is co…KOTTHURI ASHOKBABU 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Development
Cost must be Cost-Vehicles in case case item class is New VehiclesIn categories Cost must be Cost-Vehicles in case case item class is New Vehicles.
Not able to see structure item in sales orderTo an item in structure tab added a child structure item. When trying to create sales order the structure was not able to see to the item line. Please look in to attachm…
How to create variable EFFs in Item creation screen?Summary: I am working on rule-based Item description generation while creating the items. The item description should be based on the EFFs. EFF 1 is independent. EFF 2 i…Mathaiyah Mathiyalagan 36 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Manoj Bagul-Oracle Product Development
What roles are required to create an Idea?Summary: What roles are required to create an Idea? Can user with only employee role post idea? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applic…Nakul Buradkar-Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kumar NT-Oracle Product Development
Why PH Dashboard role and PLM Dashboard work area do not exist on specific environment?Summary: PH Dashboard does not exists on Security Console. Also PLM Dashboard work area does not exists on Structure under Product Management Suite. Product Management o…Wilromar_Benevides 62 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Srivalli Maharaju-Oracle Product Development
Updated Course: Application Composer and ScriptingSummary: The Oracle SCM Cloud: Application Composer and Scripting course was recently updated and is now available with new content and examples about using REST webserv…
Free Tutorial Videos!Summary: Find help using or configuring Innovation Management through VideoHub tutorials. Content (required): Register on Oracle VideoHub and view basic and advanced tut…Kyle Topham-Oracle 21 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Kyle Topham-Oracle Product Development
Idea page layout based on Idea type/classSummary: As per the training I am trying to create different page layouts based on the Idea type/class. I have followed the suggested steps but in application composer t…Aidan McCarthy-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kyle Topham-Oracle Product Development
New Tutorial Video!Summary: Learn how to configure the Excel Add-in, establish REST API connections for specific object types, create new object instances, and review data. Content (requir…
New Tutorial Video just addedSummary: Learn how to add new fields to the Revenue tab of a Proposal and use Groovy scripting to calculate input from the new fields to generate the Amount of a Revenue…