Category 248-2
Discussion List
Excessive IPv6 packet loss to Frankurt AD-2 FD-3I have a VM in Frankfurt, AD-2, FD-3, using the VM.Standard.A1.Flex shape. When I measure the packet loss through ping, I'm getting "negligible" packet loss (less than 0…
how to calculate pricing for OCI VCN and NAT gatewayWe need to connect On premise API and database with Oracle digital assistant where we will need a config based on VCN and NAT gateway. We would like to know how pricing …
Reguest for Reverse DNS Record definition for IPs controlled by OracleSummary: I would like reverse DNS records to be defined for one of my instances. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am using a Free Tier ac…
The ports 22 and 9000 are exposed and listening but "No route to host" on 9000, 22 is fine.Summary: The ports 22 and 9000 are exposed and listening but "No route to host" on 9000, 22 is fine. The ports are exposed in a same way in a security group of the insta…
Any way to recover my account?I bought a new phone and lost the MFA code, although I still have acess to the email, phone number, and I still can even SSH my VM, is there any way to recover my accoun…
Configuring Hub Spoke on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with FortiGateAs per the architecture explanation, the traffic from the ON-Premise Data center routes to the Fortinet FortiGate VM in through the untrust subnet. However, in the diagr…
Where is the free tier limit on ephemeral public IP addresses documented?I am trying to plan out what I can set-up in my free-tier tenancy and found that I'm limited to one reserved public IP, but I can't find any documentation on what limit …
Failed to get the verification code for 2-step verification. Now I can't log in to Oracle CloudSummary:Failed to get the verification code for two-step verification. Now I can't log in to Oracle Cloud Content (required):I turned on MFA when I logged into Oracle Cl…
Reverse DNS configuration in Free TierAs far as I understand, to set up a reverse DNS record for an OCI IP address, you need to open a service request:…
unable to access my instance from ssh i am only able to acces it from the cloud console connectionSummary: i am unable to access my instance from ssh i am only able to acces it from the cloud console connection and if i check it showls all the ports of my instance is…
Problem with AuthenticatorHi, I'm trying to log in to my account, but it's asking me to accept a notification on my mobile phone app. I have Oracle Authenticator installed on my mobile phone and …
How long to upgrade to pay as you goSummary: Upgraded to pay as you go 5 days ago but account still says that upgrade is in progress Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Do not wa…
Network Gateway & Service Gateway Quota 0 for Free TierSummary: I am trying to use VCN Wizard to configure network in Free Tier and I see that I have 0 quota for Network Gateway & Service Gateway. I validated it with another…
My OCI console won't allow me to create a NAT Gateway.Summary: In my OCI Bootcamp. I'm having a problem in module "Hands on Internet and NAT Gateway" video.I've created the Internet Gateway, but OCI console won't allow me t…
You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment. Try another compartment, or cSummary: You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment. Try another compartment, or contact your administrator for help. Content (required): Afte…SAULO BRAGA 101 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle OCI - General
samba installation on OL 8Summary: Can I install samba file server on the OCI VM and access it globally? I tried doing the same but had no success I allowed ports 137, 138, 139, and 445 in FW and…
When logging into Oracle Cloud, it says Access Denied Login Policy and I cannot log in.Dear engineer reviewer, hello! Cloud account name:cc20291394 Because I accidentally turned off the login policy in the settings, when I logged…
Feature request: customer editable DNS PTR recordsHello, I can't find an Idea Lab for OCI so I am posting here. I think it would be very useful for the OCI Console to allow customers to edit DNS PTR records for public I…
How can I reset my Free Oracle Cloud account?Summary: Hi, How can I reset my Free Oracle Cloud Account? It's giving me errors when I try to access any resources such as ATP Database, AJD or even any other areas. Fo…
Can't login via 2-step verificationSummary: I can't login to my account via 2-step verification because I changed a new phone. I also removed the authorization from the old phone. I tried this method to a…
I cannot access my always free instances: "You don’t have permission to view these resources"Summary: Basically as title says, tried to log in into my Always free account and found "You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment. Try anoth…
Authorization failed or requested resource not found.Summary: I have suddenly Lost Access to OCI Free Tier. Content: I am logged on as administrator, but I have no access to any services. All screens show 'Authorization fa…
Unable to log in to ubuntu instance. ssh keys still require a passwordI lost access to the ssh key granted when initially creating my always free VM.Standard.A1.Flex running ubuntu 22.04 so I followed the guide from here https://docs.oracl…
SMTP Port and upgrading to a paid account at what cost ?Hi ! For the context, I found out why the port 25 is blocked and apparently I need to create a "Request limit increase" to unlock the port. What I want for now is to con…
I wanted to upgrade my account but it was disabledI logged in to upgrade my free tier account as I was quite happy with the service so far. However, after logging in I find that everything looks disabled. I search my in…
Failed to start internet key exchange(IKE) protocol daemon processDears, I'm using prebuilt OCI Labs for lab activity of Configuring CPE site to site VPN and at IPSec Configuration step, I got stuck. Ipsec services cannot be started fo…
My account has been disabled it seemsToday i got an email stating Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Customer, Oracle has received notice of or detected unusual and potentially harmful activity originating from yo…
tenancy inactive without any warningSummary: Tenancy became inactive without warning, also unable to use any of the "always free" services Content (required): I'm using the free tier available services, su…
API gateway with Oauth2 fails to connect to Keycloak on public IPSummary: API GW throws error when fetching Oauth2 discovery URL: "Unexpected response from the discovery endpoint uri: https://.../auth/realms/master/.well-known/openid-…
Why is this happening "You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment."Regarding my oracle cloud account, the other day i decided to sign in and ran into an issue where it says quote "You don’t have permission to view these resources in thi…