Category 335
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How to create separate different fields for different types of expenses in Oracle fusion?Summary: In Expense Module - After selection of template , the types are to be selected. How can we add different feilds for different type of Expenses? Content (require…
VCF4 File FormatsSummary: VCF4 File Formats in Banks of Caribbean Countries Content (required): Hi All, Greetings. Please inform me if there is any reference where VCF4 File Formats were…Subramanyam Tumarada-Oracle 41 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Subramanyam Tumarada-Oracle Expenses
How to process Ghost Card Transactions in Expenses Module?Summary: Dear Team, Good day !! Can you please help me to understand how to process Ghost Card Transactions if the file contains a single "Card Number" for all the emplo…
Unable to submit expense reports due to error messageHello, We have several employees who are getting an error “You must attach all required imaged receipts before submitting this expense report.” when trying to submit the…
Has any one integrated with AMEX to process GL1205 which will update corporate card profiles?Summary: Has any one integrated with AMEX to process GL1205 which will update corporate card profiles? Content (required): We have several cards that are not inactivated…
Can the Business Unit assigned at Employee Level be different from Business Unit in User screen.Summary: Business Unit definition in HR is different from Business Unit definition for Finance. Can the Business Unit at employee level be updated at the User level? Con…
Approval rule based on job levels and cost center managersSummary: How to setup a rule to skip the cost center manager and go to the next job level if expense report owner is cost center manager? Content (required): I am trying…
Remove US Expense Location Search Results in this format: County, State, CountrySummary: Can the Expense Location search results for the United States remove locations in this format: County, State, Country? Content (required): We want to filter out…
The application has started the transaction upload and validation process. (EXM-630264)Summary: The corporate card upload and validation process was completed successfully but did not upload any data to the system Content (required): I am trying to import …
Add descriptive flexfield to list viewSummary: Add descriptive flexfield to List View Content (required): I enabled a flexfield for expense items, and that is working. I'd like to add the flexfield to the Av…
Nonemployee Attendees - created nonemployees stored in application or where these records stored ?Summary: Nonemployee Attendees - created nonemployees stored in application or where these records stored ? how long these records would be stored is it visible to emplo…
City wise Rates for Per diem expenses , for some countriesSummary: We have a requirement to define per diem policy, with Country wise rates. Within that, for some countries (Indonesia, Malaysia etc.) we need to sub differentiat…
How to change the trigger pages with SandboxSummary: The first page when user click on Expense module is "Travel and Expense". How to change the Authorization page as the first page by Sandbox? Content (required):…
Is there a workaround for limitations of Passengers Distance field on Mileage Allowance Expenses?Summary: There are a couple of issues we're experiencing regarding limitations of the Passenger Distance field for Mileage Allowance Expense Claims: The flow of the form…
Recently transferred Expenses and Cash Advances not showing up on "Recent" invoicesSummary: When Expenses and Cash Advances are moved to AP , it is expected by the Accounts team to see those invoices showing up on the "Recents" infolet of the Invoice w…
How to automatically populate expense report from GetThere Travel Trip Itinerary?Summary: How to automatically populate all expense report fields from GetThere Travel Trip Itinerary? Content (required): User has booked travel via GetThere, and trip d…Steven Mei-138041 101 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Employee Expense Delegation to Manager allows the Manager of the employee to approve expense.Summary: Employee Expense Delegation to Manager allows the Manager of the employee to approve expense. We would prefer that if for some reason an employee delegates expe…
How to use the HR default expense account for Expense ReportsSummary: Content (required): Hello: Where do you indicate in the Expense module to use the default expense account designated in HR Version (include the version you are …
How to have default expense account follow the expense report owner and not the delegate?Summary: Hello, when a delegate is assigned and goes to enter expenses for someone one else, the default expense account is changed to the delegate's default expense acc…
Mileage registration per day - Remove End dateSummary: It is possible to remove the End Date for expense type Mileage? Content (required): Customer has the requirement to expenses mileage per day. They expense an ex…
Some citi card txn are showing even after submitting them all for particular month.Summary: When submitted all expenses to Line manager for that particular month and paid for all expenses but still some items have been showing in expense module in the …
migrate expense setupsSummary: migrate expense setups Content (required): Dear all, Please find the below : I did all the expense setups on an instance, and i want to copy all these setups to…
PGP Certificates to use on Corporate Card Program Transfer Parameters setupHow to generate PGP certificates having a limited validity of 2 years? Bank has a requirement that the Visa credit card info be encrypted with a key that would expire ev…
Terminated Employee Expense Report (Pay Through Options = Third Party)Summary: Terminated Employee Expense Report (Pay Through Options = Third Party) Content (required): We have a requirement to have employee expense report will be paid vi…
Cleint has 3 templates for the same business unit and we want to restrict selectionSummary: Client has 3 templates for the same business unit and we want to restrict selection of template while entering the expense report, the user should NOThave the a…
When trying to submit expense report,it asking for add bank details.Summary: When trying to submit expense report,it asking for add Bank account details. However the Bank account information has been already updated in expense module. Ev…
Expense type L O V is blank for a specific Expense TemplateSummary: We have some expense templates defined and each of them linked to respective expense types. While there is no issue in using most of them, there is one Expense …
How To Pay An Expense Report In A Currency Different Than Business Unit Base Currency?Summary: How To Pay An Expense Report In A Currency Different Than Business Unit Base Currency? Content (required): There is a employee temporarily secondment from Singa…
How to filter the Authorization that can be closed?Summary: If user has completed the reimbursement, they need to close the Authorization. But only way to find the Authorization records which can be closed is checking on…
Paid Card Transactions for Terminated EmployeesSummary: How to process credit card transactions that are already paid for termed employees. Content (required): What I would really like though is to know what is the c…