Category 377
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Estimate form in redwood Depot repair formSummary: There is no Estimate form in Redwood depot repair form, how we can enable it
total charges not apearing in depot repair redwood formtotal charges not apearing in depot repair redwood form
How to create work order related to maintenance using Sales order.Summary: How to create work order related to maintenance using Sales order. we are not using the Manufacturing module, We need Supply Orchestration to replicate the back…
What are the roles required to find "Create Note" option in Installed base assets under Service?Summary: "CreateNote" option is not visible in dev16 environment.What are the roles to be added to find that option. Navigation: Service-> Installed Base Assets We are a…
Is it possible to audit changes to DFFs on the Debrief Header?We have a requirement to capture the old value, new value, the date of the change, and the user who made the change for a DFF that is stored on the Debrief Headers (RCL_…
posting of charges not defaulting ship to location to sales orderSummary: When charges are posted and Asset has ship to location, it is not sending the ship to address to Order management on Billing lines. Taxes in AR invoice should b…
How to limit access to the specific Organization on Manage Field Parts Inventory pageSummary: When using Manage Fields Parts Inventory page as Field Service Admin, the Organization field populates all inventory organizations. I have tried to restrict the…
Service Logistic - Add Part UI to have technician's region defaultedDear All, i have attached the screen shot for your reference. Can we have customization in service logistic > Add Parts / Labour / Expense page to default the Activity a…
End to end flow for Oracle Field service inventory managementSummary: Looking for a flow chart or document that has the end to end flow and setups for inventory flow between Oracle Fusion ERP and Oracle Field service cloud. Conten…Hardik Gupta 62 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Venkatasubramanyan Service Logistics
Manage Field Parts Inventory page is not showing inventory itemsSummary: In Service Logistics, the 'Manage Field Parts Inventory' page is not displaying inventory items in the search results When logging in as a Field Service Technic…
How to populate warehouse at a header level in order from service requestHi, When orders are created from Service Request, Warehouse is sent to the line level, how do we populate Warehouse at the header level as well for orders created from S…
how to retrieve Auto Posting Debrief errorsSummary: If auto posting ESS job fails, does it store the errors in any table? We would like to retrieve the Auto posting errors in OIC. Content (please ensure you mask …
Item not showing in estimate pdf reportSummary: Item not showing in estimate pdf report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Item lines created in Estimate are not showing on pdf rep…Muhammad Yahya 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Bharathi Kanimozhi-Oracle Service Logistics
Couldn't create estimate line from work definitionRedwood Estimate Form 25A We are trying to create estimate from work definition but getting this error
Unable to search Work definition from list of values in EstimateeSummary: Unable to search Work definition from list of values in estimate and Depot repair form Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): While crea…
Service Logistics: 25A RoadmapMake sure you take time to review our latest 25A roadmap for Service Logistics.Kelly Cooper-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandesh Chandrappa-Oracle Service Logistics
Labor duration round upSummary: Through OIC integration service logistics getting debrief created. we are creating 2 labor charges one Labor charge (activity start time- end time) and travel c…
How to rename the "Post Charges and close" button to "Approve"Hi team, In the Order Management > Work Order Charges UI, when we get to the debrief details screen, we want to rename the button "Post Charges and Close" to "Approve" a…
Will Debriefing of Parts Added update the Installed Base HierarchySummary: As per the standard functionality of Service Logistics, when Posting a Debrief (Add Part) from OFS when a Part is Installed to an Asset (Asset on the Debrief He…hussamyousufkunju-Oracle 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandesh Chandrappa-Oracle Service Logistics
part exchanges and depot repair for products and parts that are not Asset TrackedSummary: Is there a way to create Repair Orders in Manage Depot Repair UI for Non-Asset items Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have crea…
Can we get Post Charges button instead of post charges and close on redwood UISummary: The client requirement is to Post charges and then stay on the page instead of clicking on Post charges and close and go back to the redwood UI landing page. Th…
How to add handle fee during RMA processSummary: The client wants to have a function that automatically add the handle fee in PartOrders return page. By look at the manual, the parts tabs on service request UI…
Hyperlink/error pop-up feature for OM extension related errors on Work Order Charges Redwood PageSummary: We have created OM extensions that trigger certain business validations for custom DFFs on Work Order Charges Redwood page. These validations get triggered on c…
Scheduled Ship Date Calculation in Parts OrderSummary: When ordering parts using the service logistics Parts Order, the scheduled ship date in the transfer order is calculated as the order date plus the number of da…Manisekaran Seetharaman-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manisekaran Seetharaman-Oracle Service Logistics
Post Work Order Charges by Technician from other BUSummary: We have the business case where field service engineers would be supporting other business units, for example a customer from Netherlands have requested for a r…hussamyousufkunju-Oracle 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by hussamyousufkunju-Oracle Service Logistics
Redwood UI for Service Logistics screensSummary: Hi All, Is there any guide to uptake the new Service Logistics Redwood UI? In our env, I just see a blank UI when I click on the Redwood link for manage work or…Satya Balakrishnan-Oracle 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Satya Ganti-Oracle Service Logistics
Organization to default in Manage Depot Repair Search PageSummary: Organization to default in Manage Depot Repair Search Page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We want to default Organiz…
Need to use Source document cost option in Price listSummary: We have a requirement to capture the cost incurred in maintenance+ Mark up % using Price list and push it to Depot Repair to debrief the charges. Content (requi…
Certain Employees are not found in Manage Field Service TechnicianSummary: Only certain persons in TCA are found in Technician field in "Manage Field Service Technician" configuration page. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
How much time it will take complete Import Setup Data from CSV FileHow much time it will take complete Import Setup Data from CSV File. The process started 5days back, still it is in progress only.