Category 42
Discussion List
How to personalize the add-in by changing the Oracle logo into our company logo**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 22D Summary of the question: How to personalize the add-in by changing the Oracle logo into our…Suri Natarajan-Oracle 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Anghel-Support-Oracle Sales
Opportunity line pricing from SCM Cloud possible?Summary: Is it possible to default price on opportunity line from the pricing defined for the product in SCM Cloud? Or using Price Books the only way? Content (required)…
How to update sorting field in a subtab?Summary: On the customer account pages we have Opportunity and Activity subtabs already created. Is there a way to go in and update the sorting field on the Subtab? If n…
Can we add one new Detail (filter) to Configuration Visualization from a Saved Search?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 22D Summary of the question: We are trying to create a new Configuration Visualization with Sou…Ionel Spaloghe-Support-Oracle 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ionel Spaloghe-Support-Oracle Sales
Assign Territories based on Parent Account attributeSummary: Is it possible to have a child account be assigned territories based on his parent account information. Version (include the version you are using, if applicabl…
Are there privileges that can be used instead of seeded CX ones?Summary: If we want to remove or revoke the following Privileges from the roles, could there be a downstream issue? Privileges name: View Trading Community Resource Deta…
How to change the Summary subtab nameSummary: How to change the Summary subtab name Content (required): Hi , We are looking to change the sub tab name on Lead from Summary to Lead Details.How can we do this…
Remove Contact Address section from the Lead Details PageSummary: Remove Contact Address section from the Lead Details Page Content (required): Hi, How to remove the Contact Address section from the Lead details page. It was s…
How to configure from email address for notifications from CRM cloud (Lead Assignment)Summary: We have configured a custom email notification for Lead assignment and the notification is triggered when a lead is assigned to a sales rep, but the from email …
Does Territory assignment work with multiple fieldsQuestion : Does the system allow you to assign territories based off of geographic element AND another field value? Example: we have geographic assignment for all of out…Kyler Thomas-Support-Oracle 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kyler Thomas-Support-Oracle Sales
Lead Owner Not Updated Automatically If Its Territory Owner Is ChangedSummary: Lead Owner is not updated automatically if its Territory owner is changed. We have a groovy in place under leads(Before Update trigger on Lead object) to make t…
FBDI : Error while creating subscriptions through FBDISummary: Getting below error while trying to create a Subscription using FBDI "The processing of the validation job couldn't be completed. Resubmit the validation job." …Neelesh Varma 82 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Subscription Management
How to add line breaks or bullets in Long text field through groovy?Summary: I am trying to include bullet points into a long text field through groovy. Content (required): I am having a long text field in lead page where the value will …
How to get the amount of Contacts assigned to an AccountSummary: How can I get the amount (count) of Contacts listed for an Account using Groovy? Content (required): The current groovy returns the incorrect number of contacts…
Enable LinkedIn for CX SalesSummary: Enabling LinkedIn for Activities Content (required): We've enabled Linkedin Sales Navigator for our users and we want to know how to enable the additional optio…
How to configure email notification for Lead assignmentSummary: When a lead is assigned to a sale rep an email notification to be sent to the sales rep regarding the lead assignment. Content (required): We have reviewed the …
Auto populate value on the search filterSummary: Auto populate value on the search filter Content (required): Is there a way to auto populate the field value in search filters of other Fixed choice list Field.…
Adding / Updating custom lookups via REST APIQuestion :Need to be able to update or create new custom lookups via REST api. **This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR)Release: 23A Summary of th…Kyler Thomas-Support-Oracle 122 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kyler Thomas-Support-Oracle Sales
Is it possible to connect Office 365 with multiple AzureSummary: The client is using multiple Azure accounts specific to the region so how to establish an office 365 connection with multiple Azure accounts? Content (required)…
Is the appointment detail in Calendar customizable?Summary: Content (required): Hi Experts, Just want to check if there's a way to edit/customize/extend the appointment details floating dialog when you hover an appointme…
Can we create Dynamic Choice List (DCL) on Partner Contacts?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 22D Summary of the question: Can we create Dynamic Choice List (DCL) on Partner Contacts? Suppo…Ionel Spaloghe-Support-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ionel Spaloghe-Support-Oracle Sales
Method Of Payment in CX Sales CloudHi everybody, we are working with Fusion (CX) Sales Cloud and we are using CPQ as well. We are facing with a internal discussion as the “Billing Account” and related “Pa…
Is there any limit on how many products to be added for a Product Group in Sales Catalog?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: Summary of the question: Is there a limit of how many products can be added for a…Swathi.Lemati-Support-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Swathi.Lemati-Support-Oracle Sales
How to associate Accounts to Custom Object on Creation ImportSummary: Unable to associate existing accounts to new custom object records Content (required): I've been unable to associate accounts when importing to a custom object.…
How to re-assign a number of contacts to a new accountSummary: We have a customer that did a spin-off and a number of their contacts are going to a new account - what is the best way to do that in the UI or do we need to us…
Can we export the sales quota with the same hierarchy in the systemRelease: Summary of the question: Is there a way to export the sales quota with the same hierarchy in the system Supporting Documents if any: https://docs.…
Unable to set "Blank" value in country fieldSummary: A country field with a LOV type appears in Contact. Every time we attempt to add a new contact, the Netherlands is selected as the default country in the countr…User_2025-03-07-05-27-23-569 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manoj Kumar-Support-Oracle Sales
Has anyone removed the value sets from out of box flexfields on the Base Transaction?Summary: Replace out of box value sets on global segments on the CN_TP_Base_Transaction table Content (required): My client is looking to bring in city, state and item I…Chris C 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Anghel-Support-Oracle Incentive Compensation
Update Multiple Emails to same contact using ImportSummary: Update Multiple Emails to same contact using Import Content (required): We have a requirement to update multiple emails for the same contact using Import manage…
How does Quote WinStatusCode affect Opportunity Status?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: Summary of the question: CPQ integration to CX Sales has been enabled in the envi…Swathi.Lemati-Support-Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Swathi.Lemati-Support-Oracle Sales