Category 452
Discussion List
User Defined Column with drop down listSummary: Dear Experts, We have a requirement to create a custom User Defined Column with Drop down list of values in the compensation worksheet, Your response is appreci…
Compensation Info quick action duties and privilegesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, which duties and privileges enable users to see Compensation Info quick action? Th…
Dependant Column in WorksheetSummary: We have a 2 user defined columns configured in worksheet and both are of List columns type. Based on the value manager chooses, the other column should be visib…
Custom Approval Flow for Workforce Comp PlanSummary: Business requirement is to only include SVPs and 2 below in Workforce Comp plan approval flow. I can't see anywhere to configure this, even with a FF, but hopin…
Change Salary Action Reason lookup nameSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, do you know the Lookup Name or code for Change Salary Action Reason field as in the attached screen? Thanks in advance for yo…
Reprocess or add a new plan button greyed outSummary: For one non-worker, we are trying to reprocess for a certain plan and its not possible as the button is greyed out. We were able to do it before and is being pr…
Workaround for the error code CMP-1005623) (Doc ID 2810070.1)Summary: Since there is a limitation from moving from rate based salary basis to non-rate based salary basis currently, what is the best way to work around this obstacle…
Worksheet bonus component not updatable after transfer process has only posted for salary compoentSummary: We are using 2 component in the plan as a salary component and bonus component, we wanted to process both the component one after another after one component da…
Can we hide worksheet columns from matrix managersSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to hide view fields from the compensation worksheet from Matrix managers access. Is it fe…
Redwood 24A Oracle Fusion- Administer CompensationIn Redwood 24A update, there is no separate page to view previous allocations in Administer Compensation, it takes to Create Individual Compensation. How to delete/updat…
How to delegate FYI notifications when the worksheet is withdrawnSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, There is a requirement by the client to delegate all the approvals that reach the …
Unable to update Manager in Status and Hierarchy for two associatesSummary: I have two associates who need their manager updated in Merit because of a late manager change after our cycle was opened. When i go in to change the manager th…
Why does our WFC worksheet say 'Not Started' when the amounts have been entered and saved?We have a complex Formal Bonus cycle that includes assignment segments and does not include your traditional Submit or Approve actions. As you can see in the screenshots…
Need Table format for Salary Component Breakup on Offer Creation PageWhile Creating an Offer letter, we need to mention the salary components in table format so that the Components with respective values are visible in a differentiated ma…
Cannot update ratings for employees whose ratings have been not submitted by the managerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have enabled calibration in our performance document but the CnB team is not able to add ratin…
Add/Remove employees to/from Workforce Compensation planSummary: How can we manually add or remove employees from a Workforce Compensation plan? The eligibility is set up accurately, but we have a few one-offs the Comp team w…
How to make worksheet updatable & retransfer data after a first transfer has already been done?Scenario 1: Transfer compensation data to Core HR > Mark assignments as processed: Yes > submit process > Back out transfer compensation data to HR process only. Observa…
Hourly vs Salaried employee "settings"Summary: Looking for a way to set the system and report an employee's Hourly_Salaried_Code. Content (required): For the past three years we have had an employee which is…
Hide compensation components based on user roleHello, We have components (Configure worksheet -> Compensation components) defined on workforce compensation plan. Currently they are all displayed in summary section, b…
Can we apply 24A release patch, when Workforce compensation Merit Plan is open/in progress?We have scenairo were our Workforce Compensation Merit plan is open for managers planning in production environment. Question - Though 24A release notes does not have an…
Need HDL for Compensation Worksheet columns to Populate Worksheet ColumnsSummary: Need HDL for Compensation Worksheet columns to Populate Worksheet Columns for over 50k Employees The way a user would generally export the worksheet and then up…
Business TripSummary: we have ICP request name Business Trip which have input value "start date" how can we put validation on this request to avoid employees from duplicate start dat…Alaa Shabaka 51 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Rutvija Butlekar Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
The client need to give the compensation team the plan cycle page only not all the plan setupSummary: The client needs to give the compensation team the plan cycle page only not all the plan setup Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): th…
dynamic images compensation change statementSummary: Hi All, I have built a template for Compensation Change Statements which is working fine. Now the client requirement is that depending on Business Unit of assoc…
compensation change statements email to employeeSummary: Hi All, We are on Oracle Fusion 23D. There is a client requirement to mail the Compensation Change Statement (after password protecting the file) directly to em…
Redwood - My Compensation - Enablement Consideration DetailsSummary: Request details/clarifications for Redwood Feature for My Compensation - 23C Feature Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, As …
Issue with manager hierarchy in compensation planningSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we enabled primary manager hierarchy (line manager) and secondary hierarchy (anoth…
Need to be able to have several salary basis increase at the same dateSummary: Customer needs to be able to store several salary basis increase at the same date. This is not allowed by HCM Cloud. The "Incremental component" seems to answer…
Grade Step Progression - Based on Variable Hours WorkedSummary: Grade Step Progression must occur when an employee has worked x number of hours within the grade. Content (required): We have a requirement where an employee is…
Manually upload data Workforce Compensation planSummary: Is it possible to manually upload person information, target and awarded bonus percentages, as well the bonus payout amounts to a Workforce Compensation plan? W…