Category 452
Discussion List
Total Compensation Statement - Excluding an Active EmployeeSummary: Our TCS statement period is 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023. I tried generating a statement for an employee that was active in that time period but terminated on 3/1/2024…
ICP not visible in employee Compensation Info tabSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I cannot see the Individual Compensation Plan in the employee Compensation Info qu…
Is there any way to report / audit on deleted element entries when we do not use HCM Global Payroll?Summary: We had 4 element entries that were fed to our ADP Payroll mid-January that were the incorrect element entry for these associates. Instead of end-dating the elem…Tori Scheider 168 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Irfan.Ahmed Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Best Practice for processing Grade Step Progression and COLA on same effective date in a WFC planSummary: Looking for best practices on how to use Workforce Compensation to create a compensation plan that allows you to process both grade step progression to reflect …
Change Salary/Admin Salary Transactions fail with BPM rule or approval issueSummary: we have noticed an issue with Change Salary/Admin Salary Transactions fail due to BPM rule or approval workflow is not triggering and failes Transaction. up on …
Is there an up-to-date list of Dynamic Data Base Items for Rates Based Salary?Summary: We have been using Rate Based Salary for 3 years now and we know the feature continues to develop. Can someone on here share an up-to-date list of the dynamic d…
Customize the "ManageCompensation" data modelSummary: Customize the "ManageCompensation" data model Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How can i add the "Target Amount" custom field to t…
Should compensation managers be able to update recommendations when plan is in administrative mode?Summary: Compensation managers have finished making recommendations and the plan has been switched from 'Open' to 'Administrative'. We understood this to mean that manag…
Advanced filter not applying to the summary section of the compensation worksheetSummary: Advanced filter not applying to the summary section of the compensation worksheet Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We …
View salary history in 1single page for active, suspended, and inactive assignments of an employeeHow to view salary history in 1single page for active, suspended, and inactive assignments of an employee
Expand Compensation Change Statement SectionSummary: Employee Self Service section requires double click to expand Content (required): In the Me>Personal Information>My Compensation page the Compensation Change St…
mix of manager-level budgeting and worker level budgettingSummary: I want to use total bonus budget as component level should be sum of one component as employee level budget, the other component is manager level budget, how ca…
TCS not fetching percentages in the tablular formatHi , We need to customize the letters format/templates as per organization in Total compensation statments. This included the percentages. Attaching a sample format. Hel…
How to add DFF in Change Salary Page?Summary: How to add DFF in Change Salary Page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):…
Error/Null message when generating Real Time statementsSummary: A compensation manager is facing an error message when trying to generate real time statements in 'View Administration Reports' Content (please ensure you mask …
Rounding rule of the column does not work on the Worksheet exportSummary: Hi everyone, On one of the columns in a WFC plan, we have a rounding rule of round to 10 and decimal to show as 0. This rounding rule works find in the system. …
How to modify the text of Workforce Compensation New Statement email notificationSummary: Where do I access the following notification and modify the body text? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 23A Code …Rich Fernandez 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Compensation
Compensation History only fetches change salary history and not element entry history in worksheet.Compensation History only fetches change salary history and not element entry history in worksheet.
what does Next Salary Review Date do? when updating salarySummary: i'm trying to understand what exactly this "Next Salary Review Date" do when there is a date populated in that field. Content (required): we have a need in whic…
Is it possible to use Compensation without HCM employee/ manager rolesSummary: Is it possible to use Compensation module without HCM employee/ manager roles Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In case HCM employe…
Workforce Compensation - Hiding tabs in Administer Worker TaskSummary: Hiding all tabs except "Compensation" and "Statement" tabs in Administer Worker Task for a specific role. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Available Budget becomes negative post apply result in Global ModelSummary: Apply certain percentage or amount for each row in the Global model and post action of save and apply budget result, Available Budget should become zero but it …
How to set Monetary Format ( Comma separated Values) & Budget in Lakhs/ Crores instead of Millions?Summary: Monetary numbers should be in local currency comma separated format. By default oracle hcm follow global format of comma separating numeric digits, example: 200…
HCM Manage in Workbook Spreadsheet VisibilityHello, We seem to have an issue with visibility on Spreadsheet Loader. The problem is even though we see the correct visibility(in terms of configuration). Which means a…
How to add additional column in Workforce Compensation Plan Performance Summary SectionSummary: How to add additional column in Workforce Compensation Plan Performance Summary Section Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert…
Can't remove profile rating Profile Rating Models From custom roleSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to remove Budget Percent wording from the Budget Publication notificationSummary: After publishing a budget for a manager in the HCM Compensation module, in the notification, the wording "Budget Percent" is visible. Is there any way that this…Trisha Bucktawor 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Compensation
How can we restrict the tile "Workforce Compensation" under "My team" for Directors onlySummary: Hi Experts, We have a requirement that the "Workforce Compensation" tile under "My team" should be visible only to the Directors and not to any of the other man…
Where to store geo difference and jod code wise MRP valueSummary: Our customer calculates Market Data by using Zip code wise geo difference and Job code wise MRP. We have more than 40000 Zip codes and 6000 Job codes. Could you…
View Compensation history - show summary info more than Five YearsSummary: Can we have option to show more than five years in view compensation history Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the…