Category 452
Discussion List
The salary basis value is still visible even when after inactivating itSummary: The salary basis value is still visible even when after inactivating it Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, A few "salary ba…
View reports: Workers Compensated - how to download?Summary: View reports: Workers Compensated - how to download? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In WFC Plan, I go to View reports> Workers C…
How is the workforce compensation plan gets completedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have configured a workforce compensation plan with a manager hierarchy, now the plan has reach…
Submit button is missing for highest approverSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The highest approver of the workforce compensation plan cannot view the submit button for submitt…
Error when clicking on 'Act as a Proxy Manager' task under Compensation appSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, can anyone explain why am I getting this error when clicking on the task 'Act as a pr…
Printable Total Compensation Statement displaying job in compensation tables for specific employeesWe are facing an issue where printable TCS is displaying job title for specific employees only. We checked the reason and assume this is happening for employees rehired …
How to remove purged plans from administration reports dropdown list?Summary: We have some out dated plan cycles which we had purged, but the purged plan still exist in the administration report dropdown list. Is there a way to remove the…
How to find who up-loaded the View Compensation History ?Hi, Need to find who has uploaded the view compensation history ? Right now we are in 2022 - 2023 comp cycle so we having 2023 data in the system why this 2023 data is c…Jebarsan Thangam John Durai Raj 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jebarsan Thangam John Durai Raj Compensation
oracle hcm compensation 24Hello, i am looking for 24A release notes/details for Compensation and i don't find it, am i missing something? when i click on the html link it takes me to the cloud re…
Which privilege gives access to the Workforce Compensation app under 'My Team' tab?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I am creating custom roles, and I was asking which privilege gives access to the W…
Eligibility change alert or tracking eligibility change in WFCSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hey community, I'm curious to know if anyone has explored the possibility to create an alert when…
Compensation Change Statement issue with component effective dateSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we are configuring statements. Below our template: Signor/Signora , Siamo lieti di…
In which table promotion component details are savedSummary: Please let me know in which table worksheet promotion component details are saved and what is the column name. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Transfer process is not posting salary as well as element entriesSummary: Hi All, I ran the transfer process but salary as well as element did not get posted. When i checked the administration reports. When i clicked on Error name : C…
Compensation Change Statement AND condition in the headingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, at the heading of CCS template we should enter an AND condition based on Legal Emp…
Need to enter Legal Employer condition in compensation change statements template headingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I should enter in a unique file salary templates but with content segregated by Le…
View Compensation History - Recurring Payments BehaviorSummary: Hi, The Client wants to see the compensation for January 2024 (see the No. 1 image) using View Compensation History. But I believe it won't show because the cur…
Can we trigger alert for Eligiblity change in Compensation worksheet ?Summary: Can we trigger alert for Eligibility change in Compensation worksheet ? Content (required): User wants to trigger alert, when manager is changing the eligiblity…
Models - current budget and new budgetSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello all, Could someone please help me with the following: I'm testing models for the upcoming G…
I need to change the text of this notification:Manage Personal Contributions.Summary: I need to change the text of this notification:Manage Personal Contributions. How do I find it in the catalog? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Total compensation Statement pie chart slice colorHi all, We've implemented TCS in our test pod. In Demo session client requested to change the pie chart color in the printable version. How to change those colors. In st…
unable to see Calibration Status ColumnSummary: In compesnation Sheet, we are unable to see column "Calibration Status" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As we are currently on 23…
HCM Compensation statement - how to add superscript in rtf formatSummary: How to add superscript in rtf format in compensation statement Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our compensation change statement …
Customize the Subject line of Email Notification for Personal ContributionSummary: Hi Team, I have customized the subject line for personal contribution approval notification in BPM Worklist. Task Name: VariableAllocationTask Subject Line: Fle…
Differential factor not applying to salary page after running purge and recreate processSummary: I have three Departments with their work location zip codes in the Compensation Zone (all city/zip/county combos accounted for), but the differential factor 100…
Facing an issue related to currency of Units- - Component 2Summary: Facing issue with the emp records having Base salary currency as CHF (Swiss Franc) . I can see the within worksheet plan, When Currency is set as 'Worker local …
Worksheet not calculating comp ratio after upload to override salary min, mid and max values.Summary: 3 user defined column were created to override salary ranges. While performing the worksheet update, the new ranges are applied to the override columns but the …
Manager cannot look for reports when accessing individual compensation quick actionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, line managers cannot look for employees when clicking on search bar. Which privile…
ability to validate the pending ICP requestSummary: Has anyone attempted to validate the pending request in ICP before initiating a new one? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
Total compensation statement : Is there any document or worked example on usage of conditional textSummary: We are rolling out our Total compensation statements to an extended population group. The compensation category has a descriptive text - which we would like to …