Category 457
Discussion List
The "Save" button is non-functional in the Disability Info - Embedded Application Task.Summary: In the Disability Info - Embedded Application Task, the disability form loads correctly, and users can select available options. However, clicking the 'Save' bu…
Create Job Requisition not available to select as listed in Implementing Recruiting guideSummary: Is the information in the Implementing Recruiting guide incorrect? I am creating a Contextual Journey for create job requisition referring the oracle documentat…Thousif Syed 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How to reassign terminated Initiator's task to other HRsThe initiator (HR) of the Onboarding Journey for many employees has left the company. However, the other HRs are not able to access those employees under their Organizat…
Use DFF for Journeys Eligibility ProfileSummary: I've seen previously where you could use Custom/User-Defined Criteria for an Eligibility Profile. I would like to use that feature for Journeys Eligibility Prof…
Need list of parameters that can be passed in report task of Guided Journey to timecard page (OTL)We have a requirement to pass the date as parameter in report task of Guided journey in the OTL Time card page. So, we need list of parameters that can be passed in repo…SARAVANA KUMAR T-Oracle 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Assignee can see the deferred task for a Probation Journey with property set to 'Hide'Summary: Assignee can see the deferred task for a Probation Journey with property set to 'Hide' Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have cr…
How do I show Oracle journeys for a supplier who is accessing supplier portal?Summary: I am implementing Oracle Procurement contracts and require Oracle Journeys for both internal employees and external suppliers who will be accessing the supplier…
Journeys Subtitle Not Fully VisibleSummary: The subtitle message is not fully visible in the Journeys. Is there a way for us to fix this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…
Getting rest action error in personal payment method journey's taskWe have created a personal payment method task and we are able to access it as an employee as well but we are getting a rest action error whenever we open the task.
Not able to add demographic info task in journey for EmployeeWe are not able to add demographic info task as part of employee journey. Below is our task setup: As an employee we are not able to see the task:
Can we mass load journeys for Pending Workers?Summary: I'm testing mass loading journeys for 2 pending workers with the ChecklistMassAllocation.dat file and the file is loaded successfully but then it doesn't alloca…
New Hire Journey - Responsive to Redwood PPM TaskWe currently have a New Hire Tasks journey set up as an external URL using the deeplink to the responsive page for Payment Methods. In a few weeks, we'll be shifting to …
Displaying questionnaire's answers in a JourneySummary: Hi, we have created a Journey with two task and two different performers. We need that the second performer sees the answers given by the first performer in a q…
When a user start a journey via Start Journey button it loads indefinitelyHey! When a user tries to start a journey using the "Start Journey" button the journey screen keeps loading indefinitely, the user is only able to see the journey that i…
25A New Feature : View Journeys Analytics - Unable to viewDoes the new functionality require any additional access or anything need to be turned on? We are unable to view the analytics for any Onboarding journey.
Users unable to search for Journeys on Organization TabSummary: Some users not able to view/search for the New Hire’s Journey as soon as the New Hire Journey is allocated to the users on Organization Journeys tab. They are h…
24B: Journey Setup is auto-enabled as we are using Journeys in oracle hcmHi, As a part of 24B, Journey setup and below quick actions are auto enabled under My Client Groups: Journey Console, Journey Integrations, Journey Scheduled Allocations…
Payroll relationship and Identification Info is not available in person spotlightSummary: Payroll relationship is not available in person spotlight. Even though we are able to access it through quick actions or global search. We are unable to see it …Ganesan M 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran-Venugopal-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
how to hide Edit Journey and Delete JourneySummary: We want to hide Edit Journey and Delete Journey from Line managers login, how we can hide? I already tried from Display setting to hide but still visible. Versi…
Navigate to correct record via Journey application task if multiple records existsSummary: We are using Contextual Journey for Termination (contextual journey action = termination). Prior to terminate an employee HR Spec needs to add Contract End Date…
Work Pattern - Flag Auto Update on Start DateProblem Summary --------------------------------------------------- Work Pattern - Flag Auto Update on Start Date Problem Description -----------------------------------…
How to insert two URL links into one task?Summary: How to insert two URLs into one task? Content (required): Hello everyone we need to insert two URL links in a Journey task. Can anyone tell me how to do this? R…
Journeys- Is it possible to Add Business Unit Name in Task NotificationSummary: Hi Is there any possibility to add Business unit name under Journey Task Notification which will trigger to Task performer when as Journey task is assigned Cont…
Currently Journeys are triggering FYI Notifications instead of Action Required NotificationsSummary: Hi Team, We have observed that, currently Journeys are triggering "FYI" Notifications instead of "Action Required" Notifications to Performers. When performer r…
"Enterprise onboarding" Category is no longer recommended when using JourneysHi All, Currently we are in 24D and moving to 25A in April'2025. We have learned that after 25A, Checklist Templates are moving to Journey App. Regarding "Enterprise Onb…
Getting inactive assignment while trying to assign journeyAfter creating the journey, I was trying to assign the journey to one of the employee when entering the employee number I can able to see more than 1 assignment out of t…
Journey email not going to Pending Worker when added through RecruitingWe have cretead an Enterprise Onboarding Journey with Action "Add Pending Worker". When creating a pending worker while using "Add a pending Worker" action the journey f…
Candidate report - OfferHi all, I have a specific report that extracts candidate's personal information and the progress of the tasks, is it possible to extract a column, in this report, with a…Simone Mignano 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dawn C-Support-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Restrict Settings on document types don't workHi, we have a problem on Restrict Settings in document types. We configured the document type with restrict settings and we indicated 4 roles excluded from restriction. …
An Advanced task does not assign the attached document when it's added from task library.Summary: We have an Advanced task added to the task library which is a combination of "Questionnaire and Document". When we are adding the task to an assigned journey, t…