Category 457
Discussion List
Journey Task - Is it possible to list all the valuesSummary: Is it possible to show all the list of values (Currently shows partial value but able to search rest of the value) Content (required): Is it possible to show al…
Configure journey with visual builderHi everyone, we need to hide the actions "Reassign task" "Remove task" and "Edit task" from tasks that are in a self assigned journey. We can't hide these actions using …
Journeys are not getting assigned to employees when mass assigned from Journey Explore tabSummary: Hi, We are trying mass assign a journey to all the New Hires from Journey explore tab by selecting each new hire's name with the Selection Type - "Person". But …
Customize task allocated email for BIP based notification ?Summary: Is it possible to customize the email sent when a task is allocated (FYI and Action Required), for Journeys set as "BIP based notification" ? Content (required)…
Nudge Task in journey not completeSummary: I'm configuring a nudge to send an email when the task in the journey is not complete. An email is not generated after I run the Process HCM Nudges job. I have …
Limit Access to Probation JourneySummary: We are working on Journeys and as per the current functionality a person having HR Admin/Manager (Copy of HR Specialist Role) Role can view/access journeys for …
Guided Journeys on Redwood PagesSummary: Content (required): With the rollout of guided journeys, there is the ability to put the tasks at page-level or region-level on almost all TDS rules with guided…
When is the notification sent to Performer for the Tasks Awaiting AllocationSummary: Notification to the Performer of the Tasks Awaiting Allocation Content (required): Can anyone please suggest if the notification will be sent to the Performer o…
Esignature in checklist taskSummary: Hi, Just wanted to know whether we can have a workflow for esignature in journeys task. Eg: if there is a document that needs to be signed by 2 people; Employee…
Onboarding checklist notificationHello, We are using checklist for Onboarding, and currently there are different task will be assigned to new joiner after 15 days, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days. Currentl…
Checklist not allocatedHi, is there a way to notify users when a checklist is not allocated to performer because of an error? Where users can track the correct allocation of checklists? Thank …
How to make the name of a Journey dynamicSummary: Navigation: My Client Groups - Quick Actions - Show More - Checklist Templates - Medicare Information Journey We would like to dynamically append the current ye…Bhuvaneswari Konduri-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shweta Ganguly-Oracle Journeys
Task Activation Criteria Not Working With QuestionnaireDear Oracle Experts, Overview of Activation Criteria: The sample provided by Oracle for task activation based on previous task input is limited to the text field, which …Mohamed Yousif Mohamed Gadalla 365 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Signe Winther Allerup Journeys
Is it possible to get a read request for tasks notifications?Summary: Read request for tasks notifications Content (required): The participants in the journey do not cooperate with us and do not enter their task or click finish. W…
What is the token for Worklist in Task Assigned for Performer?Summary: Users are getting duplicate emails. We do not want the email with FYI in the subject line to go out. Content (required): Users are getting duplicate emails. One…
Unable to see journey actions in allocate journeysSummary: Unable to see journey actions in allocate journeys Content (required): Unable to see journey actions in allocate journeys Version (include the version you are u…
Questionnaire - Upload answers through HDLSummary: Questionnaire - Upload answers through HDL Content (required): Hi, Is it possible to upload the assessment answers into employees questionnaire survey in bulk t…
Configurable Forms with a table in JourneySummary: Content (required): I have a request to collect data in a table and deploy via a Journey, is it possible to use Configurable forms to create the extensible flex…
Page composer - Need to make the field as requiredSummary: Content (required): I have made the field as required using page composer , but I didn't get any error msg if the field is NULL.It's allowing me to the next sec…
Pending Worker: Personal Info/DemographicsSummary: We would like for Pending Workers to be able to view and edit their Personal Details (inlc. Demographics) before they start. Content (required): We have added t…
Onboarding checklist issue - Performer based on AoRSummary: The tasks are not assigned to the AoR but they are assigned to the initiator Content (required): Hello experts, I created an onboarding checklist with 2 tasks. …
'Guide Me' button not visible on header pageSummary: After enabling Guided Journey, the 'Guide Me' button is visible only under 'When and Why' Content (required): Even though the Guided Journey configuration is fi…
What tokens are available for use in the UI?Summary: I can see in a recent update the front-end UI is now support dynamic tokens. Is there a listing of what tokens can be used? Is this similar to what can be used …
configuration of native signature - name validation questionSummary: Currently we do not have any Name Validation configured in Integration Details for e-signature name validation. Content (required): Currently we do not have any…
"Archive and Purge Journey Data" - Force Complete option donot return any recordsSummary: Content (required): Trying to Bulk "Force Complete" a particular checklist assigned to users. This allocated checklist is in Initiated status and allocated on 2…
Copy tasks from checklist and reallocateSummary: Copy tasks from checklist and reallocate Content (required): Hi Team, We have come across an issue where one of the tasks remained stuck though the employees ha…
Can we trigger the Journey to the external usersSummary: Can we trigger the Journey to the external users Content (required): Hi Experts, We have a requirement to trigger the some Surveys to the employee who were not …
Deallocate Checklist from JourneySummary: Deallocate Checklist from Journey Content (required): Hi Team, How do we de-allocate the assigned checklist in a Journey for the employee? We do NOT want to del…
HR checklist questionnaires, can have mandatory questions?Summary: Content (required): Hello experts, Is it possible to have the questions mandatory for a questionnaire HR checklist type? Usually in the Recruiting the questions…
How can I see the details in the logs when a Journey is assigned?Summary: In order to troubleshot when I journey is assigned, we need more tools to view what is happening behind scenes Content (required): We have created Journeys of t…