Category 457
Discussion List
Translation for the Onboarding Sponsor (free form text) in Checklist contact ?Summary: Is this field translatable via any tools ? Content (required): Hello, At the Checklist / Journey level, we have the ability to show a contact info, and select a…
Recruiting type in Eligibility CriteriaSummary: Hi All, We have requirement , where the eligibility is based on the Recruiting Type used in Requisition.On Eligibility profiles page, we couldn't find any optio…
Line Manager absence balance application taskSummary: Absence Balance application task for line manager Content (required): I am trying to create a Journey for employees to follow when they need to log additional h…
Remove 'Create Journey' for Line ManagersSummary: Content (required): Hello, We have copied the Oracle Seeded Line Manager role and added the relevant journey privileges into our Custom Role. We have removed th…User_2025-02-06-20-56-07-048 102 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohammad Afghanul Khair Journeys
Native esignature not working under Advanced taskSummary: Hi, We configured two tasks - Task 1: Native esginature (with Last Name), employee can enter their last name and mark the task as 'Done' Task 2: Advanced task -…
How can an employee delete personal Journeys that he or she has self-assigned and completed?Content (required): How can an employee delete personal Journeys that he or she has self-assigned and completed? Version (include the version you are using, if applicabl…
Integrate Process Automation with JourneysHi All, I am trying to make use of Process Automation in Journeys. I have multiple process created in OCI. but when I try to create a checklist integration, none of the …
Contextual JOURNEY : How to create a deep link to Advanced search for quick action ?Summary: I would need a link to directly open the page : Advanced search of Work Relationship action Content (required): This is a work around as for me this process sho…
How can we remove action button in Journey alerts?Summary: How can we remove action button in Journey alerts? Content (required): How can we remove action button in Journey alerts? When a task is allocated the user rece…
How to prevent the possibility to reassign and remove tasks of auto-assigned journey?Summary: How to prevent the possibility to reassign and remove tasks of auto-assigned journey? Content (required): Hello, we changed some values on display settings tab …
Text/Source Editor Best PracticesSummary: Challenges with formatting the notes section for tasks Content (required): Hi everyone! Seeking best practices and tools to help with the formatting of the note…
Unable to import task groups using import/export featureSummary: Exported task groups xml file from one pod, unable to import it to another pod. Content (required): Exported task groups xml file from one pod, unable to import…
When Self Assigning a Journey Can Employee Select a Specific AssignmentSummary: When we assign a Journey to an Employee as Admin, we can choose which assignment the Journey can be assigned to, in case Employee has Multiple Assignments. If a…
How to limit who can view/edit/delete a Checklist in Checklist Templates?Summary: Aside from using Roles, is there any way to limit the visibility of a checklist to a certain population? Content (required): Aside from the links below that sho…
Reasons why a journey may not be assignedHi community, I would to ask which could be the reasons why a journey may not be assigned, considering that the journey configuration is correct and the same path is cor…
Cannot start contextual journey for future employeeSummary: We are currently facing the issue that we cannot start a journey for a future employee. What could be the issue? We are able to search for and find this future …
Contextual Journey task not opening in edge browserSummary: Hi Experts We have configured one contextual Journey for contract management . But when Manager tries to access the contextual Journey and click on start button…
Error encountered in Onboarding Journey Task related to Document recordWe created two tasks in as part of our Onboarding Journey. Task Type is Electronic Signature When performer clicks the 'Done' Button, an error is encountered. How to res…
23B Journeys Feature : Optimize User Experience when assigning JourneysSummary: How to change the value of jrnAssigneeSelectionApplyPersonDataSecurity to False. Content (required): We need more clarification on one of the 23B Journeys relat…
Application Task in ChecklistHello Team, We are trying to enable Open Enrollment Journey to our client. When creating checklist template, we were not able to select any benefits related tasks in App…
Error while loading HSDL file to complete checklist tasksSummary: Content (required): We need to create a HSDL which would be used to complete the checklist tasks. But after loading the file, we are getting the error for Legis…
Fast Formula for Questionnaire responsesSummary: Is it possible to create a fast formula based on the response in a Questionnaire to then determine what tasks should appear next in the journey. Content (requir…
Work Info Section Displays Primary Assignment Info even when Journey assigned to Secondary assignmenSummary: Work Info section on the Journey does not display secondary assignment information despite assigning it to the secondary assignment Content (required): Using 'A…
DocuSign - One of the document sent to an Employee without requesting?Summary: One of the DocuSign envelope is allocated to an Employee without requesting. Our Employee is working in the organization for past 10+years. Is there any specifi…
Embed parameters within the Journey task notesSummary: Is it possible to embedd parameters like EmployeeName, ManagerName, HrName, EffectiveDate and so on within the task description (Notes)? Content (required): Hey…
HCM 23D Release Readiness Published 9/1/2023Summary: Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that the 23D New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site. You can access them from: …
DocuSign integration - multiple "subaccounts" ?Summary: My client has different subaccounts by Business Units, how does the integration and document templates work ? Content (required): Hello, We would like to set up…
Adding a Journey - Terms of reference documentWe would like to add a new journey: "Terms of Reference" (TOR)- where all employees are prompted every year to update their Terms of Reference (Job description/word docu…
If Line manager is performer can he access "personal details" application task of pending worker?Summary: Hi, Can Line manager access "personal details" application task of pending worker in journeys? Through structures I made "personal details" visible, Line Manage…
Journey notification appearanceSummary: Hi Community, I want to know how we can change the Journey notification appearance. At the moment, we´ve the next notification when we receive approvals: Howeve…