Category 52
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What causes the error: Name UserPersonType not found when trying to cancel work relationshipSummary: A new hire was hired into the wrong Legal Employer/Entity. The processing team is trying to cancel the work relationship but is receiving an error message: Name…
Remove "Add" button in Demografical Information (Person Details area)Summary: What is the role/privilege that I have to remove to the HR role in order to hide the "Add" button in Demografical Information section (Person Details) Content (…Caterina Ruggiero 96 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can you rehire an employee if you didn't tick "recommended for rehire" upon termination?Summary: Good afternoon All, Do you know if the following statement is correct? It is technically not possible to complete a re-hire transaction if the "recommended for …
Web Services LOV is empty in Groovy Expression BuilderHi, Web Services LOV is empty in Groovy Expression Builder, from where we can define? Any documents about this subject. Regards
Autocomplete rule for Address Change Date ValidationWe have a rule that restricts employees from entering a past dated address change. When an employee enters a past dated change, we are seeing that the rule shows an erro…
Ability to Automatically Maintain Different User Categories in Security Console?Summary: Hi community, curious if you face similar challenges related to maintaining different user categories in the security console for Pending Workers, Recruiting Ag…
After Global transfer the remuration letters still showing the old assignment name and Legal entity.Summary: When producing the letters / documents for Christie it is bring the old assignment name and the Legal entity name . Content (required): When producing the lette…PavanBheema-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Harish Vummidi Human Capital Management
Custom email notification stopped working when we moved to Next Gen HelpdeskSummary: We were using classic view of HR helpdesk and all the custom email template notification working fine. We enabled Next Gen Helpdesk last week only and made requ…
Unableto receive notifications configured in Object WorkflowsSummary: Content (required):Hi, working on a DEV1 instance of Oracle fusion HCM HR Helpdesk Nextgen and wanted to create a notification which should fire on Assigned Age…Suresh Thirukoti-Oracle 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vikalp Goel Human Capital Management
How Can we make Local Name Language Filed as MandatorySummary: We moved HR Transactions to RUI pages, and this impacted a few countries' Local Name Language filed to become non-mandatory. We need to make it mandatory now, b…
Can we hide fields via personalisation based on presence of a Job/Data roleSummary: Is it possible to use an EL Expression to control/restrict the visibility of certain fields within the Personal Details Demographic info page based on the prese…
How can we restrict EFF accesses by roles?Suppose we have two roles, manager and employee. We want to operate contradictory rules for these roles' EFF access. For example, the employee role cannot access and vie…
Restrict Resignation based on length of service.Summary: Hi Everyone! We need to restrict employees not to apply resignation if the length of service is less than one year. Is there any way to achieve this? Version (i…
Can we hide the link 'Click here for your Certificate' from View Transcript page for NonCatalog ItemSummary: Hi All, Can we hide the link 'Click here for your Certificate' from View Transcript page for NonCatalog Item alone. The certificate link should be available for…Asha Jennifer 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Human Capital Management
moving existing departments under a Division to a new DivisionSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to create 2 new divisions and moving certain existing Departments under newly created divisions. is this a feasible requirement an…
assignment changeSummary: When i want to change grade for a specific employee , not giving me all the values of grades as it is all active and this is from admin user , i tested it on de…
Are there anyway for Person Number Automatic Generation while uploading New Hires by HDL?Summary: Content (required): Are there anyway to get New Person Number Automatic while uploading New Hires by HDL? As there are many business units hiring on the same ti…Walid Hamdy 81 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
JBO-29115 Unable to construct the error message due to error java.lang.NullPointerException. Use theSummary: We are trying to terminate employee and getting below error . Tried through HDL and got same error. We verified data and looks good. Any idea how to resolve bel…
Will the classic HRHD Knowledge Articles migrated to NextGen?Summary: Our Knowledge Articles are created under classic HRHD under FAQ category(Not HCM FAQ). Will the New Articles created/ existing articles edited be migrated from …
Where finding available conditions for Termination Approval rulesSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, we should configure termination approval rule. Where could I find the list of condition I can use? In the attached example yo…
Approvals - supervisor hierarchy / most senior positionSummary: We have many tasks (absence, salary, promote, working hours etc.) that follow the supervisor hierarchy for approvals. How can we set a different approval rule f…Michelle Hughes 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Saurabh Sonkusare-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to create approval rule based on Managment HierarchySummary: How to create approval rule based on Management Hierarchy Content (required): We have requirement where approval to be sent to 1 st line manager --> HR --> 2nd …Greeshma Mutyala-Oracle 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Saurabh Sonkusare-Oracle Human Capital Management
Given Feedback in AnalyticsSummary: Where can I find in analytics the given feedback of a worker ? Content (required): Hi, where can I find the feedback given to an employee (screenshot) in analyt…Silvia Guido 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Recovered transactions are stuck in progress state.Summary: Content (required): We need to bypass the approval flow for Manage Employment workflow, once we did. We recovered the failed transactions and now it is stuck in…
Manager cannot receive termination approval (standard notification)Summary: Content (required): Hello experts, we are testing Termination approval flow. When we submit termination for an employee, we expect the notification to arrive to…
Is it possible to remove the actions button in the Roles and Delegations Tile?Hi! We did not add the privileges for the actions button to work in the roles and delegations tile since, we will be using the tile for approval delegations only. So, wh…
Manage Salary ApprovalSummary: Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 23A Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
How to hide Contact US section from Line Manager's view of JourneysSummary: We have a requirement to hide 'Contact Us' section from Line Manager's view of Journeys page. Content (required): You can navigate to My Team --> Journeys --> A…
Is it possible to parse on the same page for users with two roles?We have two roles. For example, these roles are line manager and employee. Currently, a line manager also has an employee role, because the manager is actually an employ…
job specific enterprise model vs a position specific enterprise model, with pros and cons for bothSummary: Any document - job specific enterprise model vs a position specific enterprise model, with pros and cons for both Content (required): Any document - job specifi…PavanBheema-Oracle 53 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dineshkumar Ramarao Human Capital Management