Category 56
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Added new payroll time type in entry layout cannot view in Time Calculation RuleHello Everyone, We have recently created a new element and then added it to the Time Entry Layout Component. I have created a new timecard and added the time type, when …
Joc details- Job Function Fast FormulaSummary: We are trying to pull the Job Function under Job details in the Compensation worksheet through Fast Formula, what is the correct FF for Job Function? Content (p…
What are the parameters for GET_BALANCE_VALUESummary: Has anybody used the function GET_BALANCE_VALUE in a fast formula? What are the parameters? Is there any documentation on this function? Content (please ensure …
Entitlement Absence Plan Use showing wrong durationHi all, We have a Qualification plan where when an employee submit an absence the plan use takes the scheduled hours instead of the actual hours of the submitted absence…Prasanna-Fusion-HCM 38 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Prasanna-Fusion-HCM Workforce Management
Getting compilation error in OTL FF while trying to use ActualDate and RefDate for earned day and OTWe have created a work day definition to define earned (Grouping Threshold-60 mins; Spanning Days Rule-Start Day) and overtime (Spanning Days Rule-Split at day start tim…
Swap shifts from Time AdminSummary: We have a requirement to swap the shifts by using Time admin. Could you please help me the navigation where time admins can swap the employee shift to other emp…
Redwood - Add Absence showing blank Screen for Contingent WorkerSummary: We have enabled Redwood Transition for Absence and as part of Testing we are facing issue in 'Add Absence' for Contingent Worker. As a Contingent Worker - if 'A…
Line Manager not able see time card of his/her direct reportSummary: Employee X is now Y's Manager , but X is not able to see Y's timecard. Manager change happened on 01/31/24. In the Time Management, Z is still showing(manager c…
Redwood Add timecard for HR- not able to search for employeeSummary: Not able to search employee form Redwood add time card option for HR. We are able to search from team time cards. Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
Page header is showing NULL trying to Change Title Name using Page ComposerHi Team, We are trying to change the page header from NULL to title using page composer, it is effecting all the pages. Can you please guide us how we can change it for …Bhuvaneswari Konduri-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Bhuvaneswari Konduri-Oracle Workforce Management
How to change absence type UOM from Days to Calendar Days.Summary: We need to change the absence type UOM from Days to Calendar Days but if we try to change it is non editable so we would want to know any other ways for this. C…
Configuring Request for Pre-Approval for Overtime.Hello Everyone, My client has a requirement that employee should submit Request for Overtime in Advance e.g. today is 13th Nov 2023, I'll submit a request that on 16th N…
Departments are not appearing after the upgrade from Responsive to Redwood pageHi All, We migrated our Department from Responsive page to Redwood pages from Administrator profile options as suggested in the release notes but now we are unable to se…
Request a Position Change points to blank page with an error messageHello, I created a deeplink that points into "Position Details" page in accordance to Oracle's deeplinks list sample -…
DOR access only to employeesHi all, We need to place a letter in DOR which I will fetch via report path. Now when the employee logins in, the DOR should be made view only to him. HR should not be a…Dhilipkumaar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Getting error Exception during restactionWhen employees are navigating to Me-->Time and Absence-->Existing leave records and Me-->Time and Absence-->Absence balance pages It is happening after 23C update when w…Narendar Rao Naineni 233 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Vaishnavi Phulsay Workforce Management
My Team - Add a Pending Worker getting Access Denied ErrorSummary: We have recently enabled Redwood up to 24C in dev, but under My Team when trying to Add a Pending Worker, we are getting an Error: Access Denied. Is there a rol…Sara Ratzlaff 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Trying to find the list of sickness absences updated between fromdate and todateSummary: Trying to get list of sickness absences updated between fromdate and todate report parameters. Example say there is an existing absence of 01-Sep-24 to 02-SEP-2…
USA sick plan legal requirementHi, We have a business requirement which is termed as a Legal requirement on how the accruals should be calculated. Below mention is the scenario on how the accrual calc…
Is there any link between HCM table and FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS in Oracle Fusion?Hi Team, I am looking for a join between table like HRT_PROFILES_B and FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS, I was able to find an oracle document which is using pk1_value from FND_AT…
How to roll out the Redwood Time Card to a small group of users.Summary: I wanted to know how to roll out the Redwood Time Card to a small group of users for a pilot in prep for change mgmt and support need for the company. I was sug…
We are not finding the option of "Add Work Relationship" in Redwood pages.We are not finding the option of "Add Work Relationship" in Redwood pages for HR Specialist role. Kindly anyone can help what is the reason?
Project Type "Billable" as an approval parameter for Project Manager & Non Billable projects for LMSummary: HI Team, We need different approvals based on our Project types(Billable & Non-Billables). We have Non-billable Projects that will require Line Manager approval…
Can you suggest a relevant webinar/training for starting working with VBS?Summary: Webinar/training to start working with VBS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I want to learn about the Visual Builder Studio. I…Elena Ramona 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Can leave plans be configured in such a way that employee earns the leave at the end of each month?Summary: All of our leave plans are currently frontloaded at the the start of the year, meaning each employee begins the year with an X amount of leaves which they can u…
PER_HIST_ASG_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE DBI is not working in Global absence accrual matrix formulaSummary: change_contexts (PERSON_ID = l_person_id) ( WHILE PER_HIST_ASG_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE.EXISTS(i) LOOP (i=1+1 )) We have an accrual matrix to the front-loaded absen…
Need Table for Calendar or Planned Schedule or Team ScheduleHi, We need Table for Calendar or Planned Schedule or Team Schedule; can anyone help us. Regards, Rakesh
can we change the Candidate type in Candidate Search page using HDLSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Srivathsan 25 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Juan Carlo Culibra-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Why do the additional attributes in Timecard not show descriptions in the LOV?Summary: Redwood Upgrade functionality Human Resources Time and Labor My Client Groups > Team Time Cards Search for an employee time card Open an employee time card Clic…
Washington overtime: How to calculate overtime Night/weekend hoursSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to calculate overtime hours based on the hours category of the highest total in a week. Meaning if a person worked for 20 hours re…