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SuiteQL speed
Hello. I'm creating application with REST WebService, that using SuiteQL.
Currently i'm trying to optimize processing speed. I'm see, that some queries executes slow.
This is some examples of my queries. Is this normal speed for SuiteQL?
1) Take one quote (select t.*, to_char(t.createddate, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') datecreated, to_char(t.lastmodifieddate, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') datemodified, c.displaysymbol from transaction t join currency c on c.Id = t.currency where t.type = 'Estimate' and t.number = 85) – 4.76s.
2) Take list of 65 quotes (select t.*, to_char(t.createddate, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') datecreated, to_char(t.lastmodifieddate, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') datemodified from transaction t where t.type = 'Estimate' and t.custbody_wex_customerid = 161 order by t.number desc) – 6.92s.