Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
NSC | Sample SOAP Request to Apply Invoices to Customer Payment
User would like to create a Customer Payment that will automatically apply the Invoices (via SOAP requests)
This sample SOAP request shows how to create the Apply To sublist on the Invoices, by specifying the line number, amount, the apply boolean and the document number (Invoice Internal ID)
Sample SOAP Request:
<add xsi:type='platformMsgs:AddRequest'>
<record xsi:type='tranCust:CustomerPayment'>
<customer xsi:type='platformCore:RecordRef' internalId='1'/>
<payment xsi:type='xsd:double'>110</payment>
<account xsi:type='platformCore:RecordRef' internalId='2'/>
<applyList replaceAll='true' xsi:type='tranCust:CustomerPaymentApplyList'>
<apply xsi:type='tranCust:CustomerPaymentApply'>