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How to Map the Invoice lines to its SO lines via SuiteScript 2.0?
Hello. I'm running a script on the Invoice record. This script's aim is to take the value of the line field "custcol_altsales_invoice" from the invoice and map it to the corresponding SO line in a field called "custcol_ccaw_test_field_1". The issue is that this works if everything is invoiced at once (all the lines from the SO are present on the invoice). It will map incorrectly if, say, I only invoice some lines from the SO. Is there a way to map each line from the invoice to its exact line on the SO?
/** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType UserEventScript * @NModuleScope SameAccount */ define(['N/record'], function(record) { function updateCommissionOnSalesOrder(context) { //only run if it's edit or create if (context.type == 'create' || context.type == 'edit') { //reference the current invoice var invoiceRecord = context.newRecord; // Get the Sales Order ID from the Invoice record's "Created From" field var salesOrderId = invoiceRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'createdfrom' }); // Get the line count on the Invoice record var lineCount = invoiceRecord.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'item' }); // Update the "Commission Calculated" field on the