How to get Purchase Order Line - Transaction Column/Line Custom Field?
Hi All,
I have a Transaction Column / Line custom field on VendorBill. How do I get the value set on the Transaction Column / Line custom field using SuiteQL.
Below query would pull up the Transaction and the Transaction line details. Which table should I join to get the value assigned on Transaction Column / Line custom field ?
SELECT BUILTIN.DF(TransactionLine.createdfrom) AS PurchaseOrder, Transaction.transactionnumber, TransactionLine.quantity,TransactionLine.id, Transaction.Type , Transaction.TranID FROM TransactionLine INNER JOIN Transaction ON ( Transaction.ID = TransactionLine.Transaction ) WHERE (Transaction.type='VendBill' AND TransactionLine.mainline='F' AND TransactionLine.createdfrom IN (SELECT id from transaction WHERE type='PurchOrd')) ORDER BY Transaction.id DESC