Unbilled Receivable Adjustment calculation
I have replicated the calculation of the "Unbilled Receivable Adjustment" in the ODBC schema with SQL, but I need a clarification:
So Netsuite is calculating Cumulative Billing vs. Cumulative Revenue Recognition. If the cumulative billing is less, than it creates adjustment: Debit Unbilled Receivable and Credit Deferred Revenue.
My question is: per what entity it does this calculation? (Let's assume I don't have groupings)
Does it calculate it per Sales Order Line? That's what I did but I want to make sure.
As far as I understand, Invoice (line) is not connected to Revenue Arrangement / revenue element (correct me if I am wrong), it is only connected to Sales Order (line), so when calculating Cumulative Billing, I see the only way to calculate it per Sales Order Line.