My Stuff
I understand someone at Merchant Solutions was trying to do something. I lean for this be non-commercial, user based, or Partners team up and do it together.
I use CyberSource but if I am setting up a new company, I will use eMerchant. CyberSource stopped taking out transactions fees in bulk monthly and takes them out daily, causing daily je to keep up. We want a monthly debit for ccard fees, and CyberSourse does not provide it.
I have several clients demanding and I keep telling them that it is an enhancement request. Anyone from NetSuite care to offer an update? It is much needed.
I have been testing and like what I see. They have many of the Pardot features for a fraction of the cost, like lead scoring to track behaviors of recipients. We are connecting MakesBridge to bring in the Behavioral Score back into the NetSuite contact record. We give points based on what pages they…
From my Amazon Ads, when I use ?leadsource=5 (the campaign ID), I am getting accurate data in my Campaign response report... I too am seeking to better understand raw data. Everything I have studied on Google Analytics says that the raw data, actual numbers, are NOT very accurate. The consensus was to use GA for relational…
Exactly Ray. I tried a trick that did NOT work. I exported the ones unsubscribe, then created a duplicate record, with Unsubscribe NO, then executed a dup merge.... unfortunately, it held the unsubscribe field, even when I had the correct one master, or latest.....
Check the Bundles for the Custom Administrator role, install, and use that role. You can bypass 2FA.
Are there any issues with Windows 8? Should I wait to convert to 8? I use Outlook 10. Thanks.
Another approach is to export the items, append their name with an -x or something and reimport. With those items, create them as inventory items with the old name. Make the -x items sub-items of the new non-serialized so that reporting captures the history. If you use average costing, or it doesn't matter, then create a…
do a csv export with Internal IDs, which you use to reimport.
I am running tests and scenarios on it. I am going to try to back test it if I can to see how it would have come out in reality. I am trying different methods and time frames and analyzing. Will share my findings. It was hard for me to grasp, but after going through the many videos, I am getting a hold of it.
Can anyone provide me with the script to disable the column fields on a sales order. The ultimate objective is to allow the customer to edit certain body fields on the external sales order form, but not the item column fields, which are entered internally. I am not a JS programmer.
I work with a top notch programmer for scripts and suiteapps.... let me know if you want contact info. Arthur Jackson 404-257-1000
you have to have an invoice to accept payment... either create a balance forward invoice, or just to take the funds for short term, Accept customer deposit... this way you, when you do create the invoice, you apply the deposit, and you can run your bank deposit
also, there are some great calculators on Arthur
Adding the details and checking pricing for service items is an extra, and odd, step. We are using Timesheets but I am not sure i would recommend it to a client yet.
A client needs to keep the start time/end time, not just duration on the time records. Any ideas?
Hi Long, Great to see where you have landed. You did great work for me years ago as a programmer. Arthur
Reconciliation is much easier to have credit cards go to undeposited funds, then deposit each day in groups. Visa/MC together and Amex separate. I have Cybersource or the merchant do a batch deposit, not individual. This saves enormous time. If I need to drill into a deposit, the detail is available on Cybersource.
on the customize form (not pdf) go to Print Fields, Columns Tab
THANKS FOR THE EXCELLENT FEEDBACK RAY... Do you (or anyone) know the reference or citation in the GAAP or Sarbanes Ox 404 referencing revenue recognition and expense recognition for drop ship items????? I need it to respond to the company controller... thanks.
However, GAAP requires it hit the financial statement at billing and fulfillment, not invoicing and billing.....
I realize this is an old post, however, it is my exact problem We want the vendor to be able to access a field to enter their shipping date and tracking number. However, to give that access,k they can change pricing, items, etc. I even tried to create a very limited full user role but haven't been able to isolate either a…
When we print a Canadian cheque, the date looks like: 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 for 1/21/2001 any ideas why? It says "digital date" on the pdf and print preferences which I don't see on other accounts in US what is this?
This would be helpful. I wish there was a Next Sales Activity Field too. This could be very useful.
I have a cumbersome solution. Add a campaign field to the expense records and source list from campaigns. Then run a filtered PL with campaigns grouped in left column to get totals. When campaign ends, take the total expense and but it in base costs or event cost on campaign. Being able to add campaigns on all expenses,…
Right. Has anyone found any good icons online? There are many, thousands. The dimension is 60x60 pixels.
You shouldn't reallyl need a java programmer for this. Set it up as a new tab rather than as the homepage. Setup/Customisation/Center tabs. When you then publish the dashboard (which you do have to do from the homepage even though the dashboard is on a new tab) you have all the options to lock it down. I AM PRETTY SURE…
OK.. forgot we can change the shipping/billing page order. Done. What about adding an email address to the ship to field so that the gift recipient can receive an email notification?
YOu really need the Advanced Site Builder to customize the website. Unless you are selling 10 or fewer products, I recommend it. Also, I do like the Analytic Module. I have a system with product data feeds to the comparison shopping engines that is great at tracking referrals and revenue. Plus, you can see a shoppers…