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This is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much! I would have never figured that out without your help! Thanks again! ⭐️
Thanks Michelle, Because the Item on the Quote is a Non-inventory Item for Sale, the Item: Description will not work becuase we need to pull the "descrption" from the Quote Transaction Record, not the Item Description because the description varies. However, this does work for regular inventory items. Also, I did find a…
This is now resolved. I used the "Memo" result and received the Line Item Description. 😁😁😁
I know this is an old post, but didn't see any other solutions. We had run across this for the past few years as well trying to break the link between the Special PO and the Sales Order. Our solution is to retype the line items on the Special PO to become new lines, then delete the old lines. Not the best solution for…
Thank you for providing the formula to copy and paste. This is great. I do use the case when formulas at times, but never thought of this route. I was successfully able to replicate. You made my day! Thanks, again!
Was this ever resolved? I am looking for the same. I would like to have a custom field on the Purchase Order that show whether it is a Drop Shipment or Special Order. I can pull some of the created from fields of the Sales Order to show in a custom field on the PO, but not the PO type. I did try {appliedtolinktype} which…
Don't know if this is what you were looking for but it dates back to 2007.
You could try selecting the Highlight tab, under the Highlight if... subtab. Add a Formula (Numeric). Put the following in the Formula section case when nvl({item.quantityonhand},0) < {quantity} then 1 else 0 end Formula Numeric should be set to: equal to Value should be set to: 1 click Set Then go to the next sections to…
Sorry for the delayed response. This is back on the table after being sidelined for more critical issues. This information is helpful with Searches so thank you very much. We will try to find a way to incorporate it into the case, but I haven't found anywhere in Rules that allows formulas to be entered. We may have to add…
Thank you so much for that info!! Exactly the instructions I needed to follow the Thread.
Hello, I ended up just leaving as is for the one user and had to move on to a much larger project. I have been buried so I apologize for the late response. In this new forum, I can't figure out how to get replies emailed to me when I post. As a follow up to your response. Thank you. I will have to try the things you…
Thank you for the response, Evan. Can you clarify? It is unclear to me how I can use that to receive the Qty of that particular transaction. Do I need to make a formula? Again, thank you! Your help is appreciated. Sincerely, Denise
I have a similar Item Search trying to obtain the Last PO Receipt of all items currently in inventory. This info will help us with our quarterly stock rotations. The search I created seems to provide all the correct data I need, except for the Quantity received. I cannot seem to pull the "last" PO Item Receipt Quantity.…
"When ordered by" allows you to find the value of the field when the records within a group are ordered by another field. In your case, if you do max (quantity received) when ordered by date, it will find the quantity received of the most recent PO. Thanks, -e Thank you so much! I didn't realize the purpose of that field!…
We had a similar issue but experienced a negative commit qty for a particular item when then in-turn showed a "false" available and allowed orders to commit when we did not have stock. It took NS 3 days to resolve the issue and they never provided an explanation. Issue Number 264289 Type Defect Severity S2 - Issue Status…
I see this is an old post and am hoping that this option is available now in 2015! I am looking for the ability to see the Customer's Last Selling price of an item during a new order entry transaction.We have created a Saved Search and can pull the information up but it would be better to have it show up in real time on…
I received the answer in another thread.... Transaction: Quantity Maximum must have Transaction: Date added to the When Ordered by Field.
We are in FL (actually end of day for us) and it was miserable today! We kept getting an offline message and processing orders took forever and even lost data a few times. We had a poor output due to NS performance issues today. I hope they have it resolved before 11/14 so we can get caught up.
The script works great in Chrome but throws an error in IE. I did see the note by michoel "NOTE: this relies on functionality not supported in Internet Explorer. If you need to support older browsers, see". The error I receive is JS_EXCEPTION TypeError Object doesn't…
Excellent! Thank you so much! That code worked perfectly. On a side note for anyone that reads this post... on the custom transaction body field, the STORED VALUE is checked and also set the Display Type to Disabled so the field cannot be erased. Also on the script page, the PAGE INIT FUNCTION was changed to getSourceID…