My Stuff
What I was really hoping to find was whether anyone out there had actual experience using: A. Using MS Excel on the Macintosh B. to connect to a NetSuite database C. using the NetSuite JDBC driver for OS X. It would be really helpful to see some clear confirmation that this can actually be made to work.
We already saw this article. It explains how to DOWNLOAD the JDBC driver, but doesn't explain how to INSTALL it on OS X. A. The instruction to "extract the content of the .zip file to your desired location" doesn't help much when we don't know what location is appropriate. For someone who is not an OS X expert, much more…
Thank you Michelle. Is there anyone else who might know of some way to accomplish what I am trying to get done? Is there any way some other formula type might somehow work?
@3ric Well, that's a mild improvement over screenshots, as it slightly improves the efficiency of re-entering the criteria in a different instance. What is the exact Chrome plugin that you use?
@Joahnna Given Uy-Oracle it is obvious that this is a limitation in NetSuite. (As a software professional, I find this an astonishing oversight.) What I'm looking for is any suggestions better than screenshots for working around this problem. Apparently there are none. VERY disappointing. :-(
@Tafara Screenshots are of course possible, but rather clumsy, especially if/when the criteria/results are at all extensive. And extremely unwieldy for custom Reports. ?
@JohnCirocco I did think of using bundles, but I'm not sure I will be able to access those from other accounts/instances. And if the instance it was published from goes away eventually, will that do so as well? I might try it out eventually for some current searches, but I was hoping there might be another way to do what I…
I have already looked into the account-number and have tried all these approaches and system-generated accounts, and none of these have custom fields (mandatory or not). On a few of the accounts I do believe they were system-generated, so that explains those. But for several user-generated accounts I still have no answers.…
My apologies. The Non Posting accounts listed above DO seem to be System generated. But they don't seem to fall under the descriptions of the articles you mention.
None of these articles apply to the accounts I am trying to inactivate. According to the System Notes they are all user-generated. Here are the account numbers/names/types at issue: z - z - Deferred Expense zz - zz - Other Current Asset zzz - zzz - Other Current Asset zzzz - zzzz - Other Current Asset zzzzz - zzzzz - Other…
I found the real cause of my problem. I didn't realize that my Project had a parent Project with the same name--only it was inactive. Hence, the parent Project was something like "PROJ" (which was inactive), and the child was "PROJ:PROJ" (active). So although I thought that "PROJ:PROJ" was self-parenting, in fact its real…