My Stuff
NS does not support what you are attempting to do. If you really insist, one way may be to call a Suitelet (via the a tag method you are already doing). The suitelet can then run your code and redirect the user to the final destination.
Check that Item Internal Id 6831 is not Inactive. An item can be Inactive and still have stock, so don't solely rely on that. If it is not Inactive, check other possible restrictions such as Subsidiary You do have item 6831 in the file, and all lines are told (via External ID) to be on the same adjustment. So NS is kicking…
Add a formula field and output an HTML <a> tag. Should look something like: '<a href="https://<your account number>'||{internalid}||'">View</a>' Couple of points: You need the ' and the beginning and end The actual URL must be enclosed within " The || is a command to…
Invoices can be created from Sales Orders or from Item Fulfillments, but in almost all cases they are created from SOs (the NS bulk process to invoice is called "Invoice Sales Orders", meaning it executes off invoices, not IFs). So if you are invoicing from SOs, values from the IF will not flow to the SO. It is common for…
Well, the simplest option might be to add a custom checkbox column next to the tax field, label it "Allow Tax Override". You can then add code to check if Allow Tax Override is checked, then do not run the logic. To be thorough you'd have to run the logic if that box is ever unchecked. As an alternative, if your use case…
I'd add a column to COUNT(item.taxcode) then a summary criteria such as COUNT(item.taxcode) is greater than 1 Basically COUNT only counts unique values, so if all lines on the SO have the same tax code, your COUNT will be 1. If its anything above 1, you know you have a mix.
Well hi there Barry Yeah Invoice to Payment is a very dangerous area, because a Payment can be for multiple invoices. Each invoice can have a particular set of C/L/D, while the Payment can only have a single set. Thus, you can unbalance your AR's balance sheet (from a CLD perspective). So fundamentally, this is why NS does…
One simple way could be to add a hidden, store value false custom field that is configured to source the entity type from the SO entity. Your script can read this custom field and act accordingly. Another would be, in your script, to call an entity search and pass the internal id of the customer, returning the entity type.…
NS has all the pieces to support a Rental business module, but none of those pieces are put together out of the box. You can go with the Sererra module (I would not recommend it) or work with consultants to design the rental process and automate the cumbersome bits. Right off the bat, typically rental is done with…
Yes, SC is the same platform as SCA, except locked down so you can do more limited themes. End result is a really powerful platform that allows you to set up a store that cannot have customizations (but it can have "layout" type changes and you can buy functionality add-ons)
There are no free ecommerce options with NetSuite anymore. SSP pages are a component of webstore options you must purchase. SC (not SCA) is an inexpensive and simple product, I would recommend you look there. Netsuite can set this up as part of a fixed-fee impementation for very little.
In that scenario, my feeling is using a Work Order to change the components that one time would be more appropriate.
It is normal for the Assembly not to allow change of components. Only the WO allows that. You should be able to add components from the WO sublist. I am not sure why you wouldn't be able to do that.
No. You'll need to use a text field.
You could use nlapiGetOldRecord() and nlapiGetNewRecord(), in conjuction with record.getAllFields() to cycle throw every field and check for a change. That's pretty crazy stuff though.... can't you just assume that if the record is saved, the timestamp should be updated? Most logics I've seen use this shortcut, as anything…
Did you try setting the FireFieldChange paramter to false on your setFieldValue call to see if that would resolve the issue?
Oh I looked at our code and found something interesting. In BeforeSubmit of Creation (JUST creation), Lot Numbers are returned as text. In all other cases they are returned as internal IDs function beforeSubmit(context) { if (context.type == context.UserEventType.CREATE) { var currentRecord = context.newRecord; if…
No, I do not believe so. Child records of all kinds need the record to exist to be able to refer to the internal ID.
I don't know much about CCH, but if you manually set a code, will it leave it, or will it replace it on the next save? If CCH will leave manually set codes (maybe there is an "allow override" type checkboc on the order?), then dealing with this using scripting on top of CCH would be relatively trivial. You could just make…
Easiest way (though not the only way) is to map an External ID value - i.e. all lines belonging to the same invoice should share the same External ID.
Did you get errors?
We can do that - but then CCH doesn't see the transaction at all, which then gives us incomplete data when it comes time to print the signature ready tax forms. The taxable sales information is missing from the transactions that we unchecked the taxable box on the line item. In that case sounds like you'll need to contact…
You would need to put CLD at the transaction body-level. So long as it's at the line-level, you will never be able to have everything tagged. That Realized Gain/Loss is a good example. That's a system-generated line. If you have CLD at the line level, that line will never get tagged.
That sounds about right
Well hello there Well, as annoying as it it, standard practice would be to go edit the Item Receipts when the Bill comes in to adjust values. This can often be automated with a script (however, due to the fact NS maintains a many-to-many relationship between Receipts and Bills, sometimes that doesn't work out). Now if the…
No, you are correct. NS in its infinite wisdom gives you the internal id, which you must then call a search to translate to the actual lot number.
You can achieve this using NetSuite's intercompany framework.
I would recommend you review the Help topic found under Accounting->General Accounting->Automated Intercompany Management. I would also recommend you consider engaging some NetSuite consultants/experts to help you review your implementation and help adjust for intercompany process, as this is not necessarily simple, and…
Certainly possible but involves a lot of customization. I'd see Prescription as a custom record, in regards to fundamentally storing the data. But now you gotta customize your website to allow customers to upload those (simplest way would be to expose the custom record via an online form available from My Account, but that…
I don't think there is any way to prevent it. You would indeed need to let it happen then use scripting to revert.