My Stuff
I'll go against the trend and say maybe 30-40%. We're a hybrid environment with SFDC for CRM and NetSuite handling the ERP functions, so we're really leveraging Financials more heavily than anything else. Since we're in the SaaS vertical (and NetSuite has _so_ many features for _so_ many different market segments...)...…
Thanks all. One of my users (who is wanting to use Win10 and has already upgraded), pointed me to the NetSuite help file for the Outlook connector that said Win10 is supported, but it looks like that declaration might be premature.
If you back migrate to Outlook 2013 it will work. Our problem, from our IT division's perspective, is that they install office on people's computers via our 365 subscription, and they only have access to the latest version, and have no way to install the older version.
Whenever we ran into a request like that (where we'd need to combine multiple searches into a single, non-date driven view), we used a custom portlet and leveraged the Google Charts API to draw out the tables and pull in all of the relevant data and format it as needed.
I can't do this in Criteria because I need all Customers with Sales in the previous month in the report. If I put case Date Closed in the criteria only customers with cases closed in previous month will be returned. My Criteria: Transaction Type: Cash Sale Transaction Date: within last month Ah. In that case you might be…
If you're building this out in the UI, could you do this and group it however you'd like (by customer): Criteria: Case : Date Closed is within Last Month Results: Summary Type: Count Field: Case : InternalID
Hi Brad, If you are unable to see the employee under the Sales Rep dropdown on Transactions (e.g. Opportunity, Sales Order) or Criteria on Saved Searches, ensure that Sales Role on the Employee Record (Human Resources tab > Job Information) is populated. I hope this helps. It is populated, and that role has the 'Sales Rep'…
tavanpat Mentioned this in the other post, but thought I'd share it here too - you've got smart quotes around everything starting with Ukraine; that might be the problem ('Ukraine' versus ‘Ukraine’).
I'm not sure if this would work, but this is how we've tackled some things like that in the past in SS1.0. You can set up a script parameter to capture the most recent internalID processed, and use that in a filter when you check your governance to reschedule the script using YieldScript(). If you do internalID > lastID…
I think that the concatenated string would work, or passing two parameters (ID and location). (The other option would be to do your check after the last location, maybe). If you have multiple script queues, you could even do one queue per location. This feels like the right way from a first glance - it also has the…
Our answer to that was to create a inline/hidden field called 'Vendor Bill Approver' on Purchase Transactions and use UE scripts to capture that on the POs. When you transform the record/receive the PO/bill the PO, that carries forward to the VB, no additional work needed.
I see this happening occasionally; when it does, I go up and change the drop-down menu from whatever context the console thinks it should be running in back to 'top' and all works well. (Or I just refresh the record.)
Could you use nlapiSubmitField to update the opportunity record? Would look something like: nlapiSubmitField('opportunity', opp, 'custbody_opp_so_rev', so_rev); Otherwise you'd need to do LoadRecord and SubmitRecord to commit your changes.
Does the script work if you submitField with parentDateModified instead of the one you've converted to a string?
We've also discovered you can inline-edit the To Be Printed checkbox and it'll update, which hopefully helps with the weekly runs.
I've noticed the same thing on an account or two as well. Save + Print on the bill payment seems to let you print the checks on a one-off basis. Not sure what the issue is, but we're putting a case in with NetSuite support. Out of curiosity, do you have the Electronic Bank Payments bundle and are you on 18.2? Trying to…
2016.2 Release Notes say that SuiteScript 2.0 will have an SFTP API coming, so it should be possible to do this without the third-party workaround in the future*. (*Forward-looking statement, blah blah).
Bednar hmm... but I need something now! Actually, we needed the ability like yesterday :P Oh well... Thank you, david.smith! If you need something today (and don't want to develop it yourself), we used the Celigo Integrator product to do our FTPing, but I'd think that would be an expensive short-term solution. :)
I'll just bump this thread from 2008 -- is there an answer to this? I've got a VERY angry support team calling and lyncing me right now.
Sue: It's not making to the RESTlet, but... if you check the login audit trail in NetSuite when you're connecting from the (non-working) Drupal 7 site, are the attempts showing up there (as either successes or failures)? That might prove the case one way or the other if it's even reaching NetSuite. -b
Thanks for the responses. Once we put the login back on the main site,"it just worked". One of life's little mysteries. Was it the RESTlet that just needed to be kicked? Did our vendor do something to the Drupal script that fixed it? No idea! Signed "the new Brad" ;) If I had to make a guess, I'd wager that the hook wasn't…
NS won't let you use Count with a text formula, throws an UE. That's strange - if I use it on a transaction record (so to_char on the trandate) it works as expected. This isn't 'Count' in the actual formula, but is 'Count' as a summary type.
You can use Unique and Distinct in Formulas, which is a blessing. :) You should be able to do it by grouping your results by Employee and doing a Formula(Text) and Counting a formula like: TO_CHAR({date}, 'MM/YYYY'). (This is the approach j.j mentioned above). Thanks! -Brad
snip Looks like the single quotes you had around the countries might be the issue - does it work if you have instead: CASE WHEN {custrecordsfcountry} = 'Cyprus' THEN 'CY' WHEN {custrecordsfcountry} = 'South Africa' THEN 'ZA' when {custrecordsfcountry} = 'Ukraine' then 'UA' when {custrecordsfcountry} = 'Turkey' then 'TR'…
While not ideal, could you do: LEAST(COALESECE({baseprice}, 99999999), COALESCE({pricelevel3}, 99999999) ....) and then handle the rest from there?
If the HR role can't see the Administrator/Full Access roles under Manage Roles, you could customize the System Administrator role to access those records. See Answer Id: 36852 for details - They can see the roles (if we give them Administrator access), but there's been…
Do you have the Performance Monitor bundle installed on your account? That might pinpoint whether it's a script (which will show how much time it's taking) or whether it's something on the NetSuite side (which will show as giant gaps in the performance monitor). Unfortunately, it's been my experience that I have to provide…
At this point, we are still gathering data: For example, right now, here are some basic problems we are having in addition to ones already noted: 1. Loading a Saved Search for Edit will just timeout. The header loads but not the detail. 2. Customize Form: It may take a minute to load the form for edit. 3. Basic Entity…
As a touch base on this; a number of our scheduled scripts (that call on searches) are failing today due to search timeouts; processes that normally execute without any issue; with all of the increased time coming from Server on an APM side.
We are entering our third day of performance related issues, including issues with slowness/unresponsiveness of the global search as well as overall slowness pulling cases, looking up issues, getting into customer profiles, etc. Our users are starting to get extremely frustrated and are contacting me constantly. I have…