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Not getting the Manager Person NumberHello All, When I am running a BI Report to get the manager person number, but I am not getting the manager person number. Not sure why. If suggest something, if someone…
Is there a way to deploy OTBI Reports (Data Models & Report Templates) from a GIT repo via CI/CDHello, We are developing custom reports for Oracle Financials . This includes the report data models and report templates. They are stored in a git based version control…Gaurav321 36 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
62Allow users to organize data sets into folders/sub-foldersOrganization Name Oracle Corporation Description Managing data sets can be cumbersome when working with a single list on the Data Set tab of the Data Set page. Could we …RustyBruce-Oracle 331 views 21 comments 62 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
3Ability to Hide seeded foldersWe need to have the option to hide seeded folders and have them available only for admins, currently seeded folders can't be modified and them we are not able to hide th…Juan Rendon R 91 views 9 comments 3 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
9BICC: Configure External Storage Options to google cloud, azure cloud etcOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Description (Required): BICC: Configu…User_LOO6J 173 views 4 comments 9 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab
How to retrieve the BICC User Logs?We need your guidance on how to retrieve BICC user logs, specifically logs that capture details of when a user has modified offerings or job schedules. Our objective is …Imran Shaha 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
Applying filter to report attribute but keep the rank as unfilteredI am creating "Rank" function on a calculated measure. It works fine. But when I filter on a column value the rank changes. Is there a way I can apply filter on an attri…GouthamReddy-Oracle 10 views 0 comments 0 points Started by GouthamReddy-Oracle Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence
Final Countdown: Just 48 Hrs to go for Oracle Analytics Data Visualization ChallengeLAST 48 HOURS to submit your entry for the #OracleAnalytics Data Visualization Challenge! Show off your skills to the community today! For full submission guidance, see …Daniel C Mohan-Oracle 196 views 7 comments 6 points Most recent by Jamie Anderson-Oracle Oracle Analytics News
6Ability to pass filter prompts from one workbook to another without adding new filtersCurrently, when going from one workbook to another via data action, choosing to pass all prompts will create new filters on the workbook. If those filters already exist …User_IXAZE 23 views 0 comments 6 points Started by User_IXAZE Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
38Option to hide column in Data VisualizationOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Description (Required): Request for f…Bharath Raghupathi-Oracle 1.5K views 19 comments 38 points Most recent by Branden Pavol Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
How can I add parameters to a seeded BI Publisher data modelWe have a validated seeded data model (Journal Entry Reserve Ledger) for fixed assets that we want to add a Line of Business, Location, and Department parameter (Segment…
2Need to hide few FDI/FAW reports/dashboards from the out of the box prebuilt contents.Hi Team, We need to hide certain seeded/out-of-the-box reports provided by FDI, as we haven't implemented the corresponding modules in our Cloud HCM instance. Please let…Anurag Bairagi 31 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Ramprapanna Bhattacharya-Oracle Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
OAS Prompts in DashboardHI All, We have a dashboard /analysis with month and Year prompt, but when user selects a month prompt, Analysis should display data for the selected month and previous …VijayDC 189 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Benjamin Arnulf-Oracle Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server
Fusion Prod to Dev Clone (Development System Refresh)Hi all, What is the recommended approach to Refresh a FDI Dev environment after a Fusion Prod to DEV clone occurs. We have our ERP Dev environment being cloned monthly f…Conor Murnane 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence
1Object level security - No access to folder in OAC DVHi , When can we have "No Access" to particular folder option available for folders in OAC DV for Object level securityUser_NSXHT 19 views 0 comments 1 point Started by User_NSXHT Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
PeopleSoft Session Logs Out When Clicking on Prompt Using a View from HCM TablesIssue Details: The prompt works with other tables, but when using the custom View, the session signs out. The View pulls data from HCM tables, and security settings for …
Extra Time! Submit your visualizations by March 14th!The Oracle Analytics Team are giving you an extra two weeks to submit more Data Visualizations! If you want some quick ways to get started on creating your data visualiz…Madeleine Groeger-Wilson-Oracle 34 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by Madeleine Groeger-Wilson-Oracle Oracle Analytics Data Visualizations Challenge
29Data Actions based on a condition/valueOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Description (Required): In case of mu…Amrita Gupta-Oracle 66 views 4 comments 29 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
BI Publisher interactive report row limitHello, I have a question about the row limit of an Interactive BI Publisher report. Currently, I get as an output 200 rows, which matches the limit of the Data Model and…
3Include Excel and CSV format export Option in workbook email scheduleHi, Recently one of the customers was trying to schedule a workbook to send in an email in Excel/ CSV format. But they found PDF and PNG format only in the workbook emai…Bhavesh Patel 27 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Sumanth V -Oracle Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab