Check this log for any errors or so? Preparing to launch the Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInsta112024-e9-19_11-02-58AM Log: log
This is a very much-needed feature. Appreciated, traction on this @Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle
Sure that is an option, but needs extensive developer expertise. customer looking something manageable from Admin tool or DV UI Console User and Groups. @Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle
@Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle Pls take a look
Much needed to have this REST API. Another Use case will also avoid manual steps in the DR activity @Alan Lee - Oracle-Oracle
Well, keeping Snapshot backups become easier than ever. You can use the Rest API to do the Job automatically. Snapshot APIs
Check for any potential errors in the temporary files and file SR with product support.
Please check, How do I install Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics?
Agree with @Gianni Ceresa, in an other approach, you can assign different Subject areas to diffrent vendors. So the Different Subject area names will be captured on UT tables. You can allow access through DB views on the Usage Tracking tables based on SUBJECT_AREA_NAME column.
Thanks @Jean-Pierre Hoedenaeken Any comments on the open JDBC connection failure to OAC DV? @Alan Lee - Oracle-Oracle
Hello @Jean-Pierre Hoedenaeken , From where are you trying to connect Denodo, is it from OAC DV? Please post the errors you are finding with. Also, Please file in a Product Support SR. Did you try connecting Denodo using OData drivers? Odata drivers are also supported, Please try that. Odata…
I don't think the minimum is required for WORK_DIRECTORY_SIZE_GLOBAL_LIMIT, coupling system settings with NQSConfig.INI would be idle.
This issue needs a fix, Upvoted for a cleaner dashboarding experience.
This idea seems to have, rows counted before spooling data to CSV file. Need to verify diligently on the performance impacts. It is better to work through the correct error code on the exception handler.
Indeed a much-needed feature for orchestration and automation from other Scheduling tools which has more fancy features.
That's right! @Jahnavi-Oracle
This idea could be closed, as the version implemented is as follows.
This is a needed feature for users. When users want to add the visual to the custom website, they don't want to "explore" option enabled. Hence, need an option to hide the "explore" hyperlink, like classic Dashboard options.
@Naresh Gopavaram OAC authentication stays in IDCS/ IAM, hence the Bar file content can't interact with IDCS components. You can migrate the users and groups in bulk to IDCS, however, validation is required. As a best practice, you will assign Application Roles to the Groups, so that user will inherit the application…
Upvoted, it is desired feature.