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Career and Succession
Discussion List
Remove "Participants" from the dropdown in talent review meetingsSummary: Remove "Participants" from the dropdown in talent review meetings Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I would like to know if…
Competencies to be mapped based on grade levels (e.g., Senior Director, Director)Summary: Can we map the competencies based on certain level For example Senior Director might have Intermediate competencies and Director might have Basic+ Intermediate …
Clarrification on Owner of Successor PlanSummary: Can someone explain me about the ownership in succession plan for nonprivate succession plan? Point 2 and Point 3 in above are not clear for me to understand. W…
Mandatory Move to Responsive UX With 23B UpdateSummary: I promised many of the members of this forum that I would let folks know when we planned to deprecate - as in remove - Classic UI from Oracle Cloud HCM applicat…
Career Development pageHi, I'm configuring Career Development page, but I have some issue. I can't see "Note" section on "Add goal" pages for development goal (I already have enabled it from o…
View Spreadsheet feature is empty in Mass Process Performance documentsSummary: As an admin, when I process a mass creation of performance document, the process goes through successfully and "View Spreadsheet" comes up. But when I click it …
Can Department Title be used in Organization Model Profile?Summary: Department Title use in Organization Model Profile Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When creating a Organization Model Profile, an…
Incumbent Plan Grade Field Data for Succession PlansSummary: Our organization currently utilizes incumbent-type succession plans only. We have interest in reporting on our incumbent grades as part of succession reports, b…
Is it possible to set an EL expression or fx for fields in Skills and Qualification via VBStudio?Summary: I need to set a field under skills and qualifications and set a business rule with an EL expression or similar, The example requirement is, if I have the role o…
Change label of a field in the job profile section without influencing other fieldsHi, How can you change the label of a field in the job profile section without influencing other fields? Thanks and regards
Reporting Job Role - Succession Plans - Data Security Policy not removedSummary: Reporting Job Role - Succession Plans - Data Security Policy not removed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have 1 Talent Reporti…
Cannot see all Private succesion Plans in OTBI as a SuperuserWe have created a superuser role whereby all Private Succession Plans, Talent Review Meetings and Talent Pools can be accessed even though the person assigned this role …
CHANGE LABEL NAMESummary: Change the name label of a section of the job profile without affecting the other sections that are part of the job profile. Content (please ensure you mask any…
Hiding start date(using business rule visual builder) in goals creation pageSummary: I am facing an issue while hiding Start Date in goal creation page using business rule. I have made it to hidden in business rule. If i navigate from My Team > …
Remove risk of loss and impact of loss from succession planning screenSummary: Remove risk of loss and impact of loss from succession planning screen Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, could somebody ple…
Skill and Qualifications rest apiSummary: Hello everyone, can we download documents from section Skill and qualifications using api rest? If not, does it exist another method? Regards Elisa
Redwood - Talent review Meeting Date is showing wrong dateSummary: Hello Experts, A HR user is creating a new Talent Review Meeting. Data Submission Deadline date : 25/06/24 Meeting date : 30/06/24 From Line Manager View, The M…
Alert for membership expiry based on end dateSummary: Hi All, We are trying to build a custom alert for Memberships expiring based on the Membership End Data for the content section "Memberships" in Talent Profiles…
Only 'View Summary' in the Talent Review meetingSummary: Hi Experts, Is there a way to only view the summary like in the image below in the talent review meetings and not the names of the employees? In a way to defaul…
See your own data in a talent pool.Summary: See your own data in a talent pool. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): If I am an HRBP and I am part of a Talent Pool (as a pool can…
EL Expression to make a field not visible and not required for a specific content sectionSummary: Hi experts, We are working on the Skills and Qualification page customizing a content section. We want to make neither visible nor required the field highlighte…
custom section in skills & qualificationsSummary: Hi, We are creating a section in Skills & Qualifications using "Accomplishment" Template. However, we need to custom our section and place as first field a DFF …
The performance rating values loaded through HDL are not showing in Talent review meetingSummary: We are loading the values through HDL for performance and potential rating, but only potential rating values are displayed and not the performance rating values…
End date is not getting update in talent rating while upload the HDLSummary: Last year the customer uploaded Behavioral rating without end date into talent ratings, so the latest rating is showing in the current rating section. Now they …
Talent pool section also removed when succession plan related roles are removedSummary: Talent pool section also removed when succession plan related roles are removed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I have re…
Review Content selected not reflecting on Conduct Meeting pageSummary: We have 7 ratings in the template and only 2 required for the monthly review. Even though only 2 were selected when meeting was created, all 7 appear in the das…
Is Required Proficiency Level field the same as Target Proficiency field?Summary: I have a Competency Section in my Talent Profile. The competencies that will display in the section is based on the competency from my Job Profiles. I want to d…
Competencies on skillHi, How do the competences in the skills and qualifications page work and how do I display performance evaluations on them? How should they be configured? Thanks, Imma.
Succession Plan SegregationSummary: Hello, Is it possible to segregate the visibility of people who are part of a succession plan? (When searching for a person to add them to a plan, can we search…
Uploading job/position responsibility and qualificationsContent Hi, How do I upload job/position responsibility and qualifications?