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Work Life Solutions
Discussion List
Additional Volunteering CausesSummary: Add Additional Volunteering Causes Content (required): Hi Team Apart from the standard volunteering causes available for the employee to select from, the custom…
Volunteering - Hide Global EventsSummary: We would like to hide Global Events when we go live with Volunteering Content (required): Most of the content under Global Events are US based and we would like…
23A New Feature Summary and What’s NewSummary: 23A New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site:…
Tracking Activity Data ConnectorsSummary: Need activity tracking for Apple Watch for Wellness Content (required): Hello, We are implementing the Oracle Wellness module for one of the customers in UAE an…
HRHD Custom NotificationsSummary: HRHD Custom Notifications Content (required): Hi All, I gone through some documents and it says to define email notification for HRHD through application compos…
Volunteering - Default Goal Hours and ClausesSummary: Default the Goal Hours and Clauses when Volunteer sign ups for first time Content (required): This is related to Volunteering Application. This requirement is a…
Unable to access Benefits and wellness under My Client group.Content I am getting blank page when i access Benefits and wellness. Please help me on this. Note- Having Employee Wellness Manager (Job Role) seeded role Version 21A
Email to volunteers not workingSummary Emails to volunteers are not triggered to communicate the details or updates about the volunteering projectContent For any volunteering project, emails to volunt…
Delivered reports/analytics for Work LifeContent Hi all, I haven't seen any content yet that describes the delivered analytics and reports within the Work Life modules. Does anyone have this information? thanks…
Personal Brand > Survey > HR AdminSummary We would like to see functionality that would enable the HR Admin to select at random the group of employees that the survey is sent toContent n Personal Brandin…
Personalise Global Events in VolunteeringSummary: Content (required): Hey All, Is there an ability to personalise the Global Events section in Me - Volunteering - Projects? We have a question from a client aski…
How to remove Soft skills from personal Brand AdministrationSummary: Remove Soft Skills from personal Brand Content (required): Dear All, Please let me know if there is any way to remove standard soft skills from personal Brand A…
Direct email response submission via received email notificationSummary We wanted know if there is a way to respond through the email notifications of a service request that will be directed to the oracle HRHD module?Content Currentl…
Loading FAQs for HRHDSummary Can FAQs be bulk loaded into Oracle FusionContent When building the knowledge base with FAQs does each FAQ need to be manually created within authoring and publi…
Not able to update Well-being Guided AssessmentSummary We are not able to update the Well-being guided questionnaireContent Hello, I am not able to update the Well-being guided questionnaire for an employee, is there…
Employees are not able to see the Mentors in their Personal BrandSummary Employees are not able to see the Mentors in their Personal Brand to get mentored by expertsContent Each individual in the Organization has been highly skilled i…
How to use AlertUtils.loop to get all Active Learners of an Offering in single email?This is the code that is being used in Template to send email to Instructor, however it sends separate emails per Learner of the Offering instead of consolidating all Le…
Can we Upload documents (PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) directly in HR Helpdesk Knowledge ManagementSummary Can we Upload documents (PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) directly in HR Helpdesk Knowledge ManagementContent Dear Team, I've a requirement to load documents direct…
Disciplinary / grievance / flexible working case managementContent Hi We are currently exploring different options for how we can manage disciplinary, grievance and flexible working cases. So far, I believe the options we have a…
HRHD : Knowledge AuthoringSummary HRHD: Access to Knowledge AuthoringContent Hi All, I have defined a user with 1) Human Resource Help Desk Agent 2) Knowledge Author - HCM, but while trying to ac…
How to add the "processed" status in the list of statuses on benefits "Evaluation and reporting"Summary: Earlier we had the processed status option in the list on benefits' reporting and evaluation area (please see screenshot for visual explaination). from past few…
How to get notifications?Summary I want to get notifications of creating service requests and notifications after getting anything assigned to. I have enabled all the notifications from setup an…
HRHD: Controlling Service Request visibility for Agent based on QueueSummary HRHD: Controlling Service Request visibility for Agent based on QueueContent Hi All, Client has requirement to restrict the service request visibility to agent b…
HRHD - Multiple Time remaining and milestonesContent Hello experts I need to configure two distincts calendars (to attribute time remaining field) in HR Help Desk, based on CATEGORY or Calendar edit standa…
Worklife Notifications not working post submission of skill connector/ Generate notification jobSummary: We are trying to see the and view the email notifications (and bell icon) for some of the features E.g. 1) Experts are notified when questions are posted. 2) Ow…
Custom Skills and Skill Categories in Employee Personal BrandSummary: Hi, We want to add Custom Skills and Skill Categories in Employee Personal Brand but there is no option. System at the moment (release22a) is just allowing to u…
How to get Offering Coordinator on Learning Assignment's Resource Alert?Summary: Currently our business team requires to add Offering Coordinator on Learning Assignment Alert Notification, It is needed for employees in order to contact coord…
is there a deep link for SR landing page in HR Help Desk Module?Content We wanted to look into an option for the deep link for SR landing page. That way we will be able to update the help desk email notification language to include t…
Looking for a Deep dive Reference guide for Volunteering and Mentoring ModulesSummary: I am looking for some deep-dive reference document that could explain more about "Volunteering" and "Mentorship Skills" functionalities. I went through the docs…
How can I to add descriptive flex field and extensible flex field in Volunteering?Summary I want to know how add DFF or EFF in volunteering.Content Hello, I want to know if it's possible to add DFF or EFF to Volunteering functionality, because the cus…