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Work Life Solutions
Discussion List
Unable to change primary point of contactSummary Unable to change primary point of contactContent We have a agent helpdesk custom role but is unable to change the primary point of contact when he create a servi…
Help Desk - Missing RequestSummary Request in Default queue visible only in reportingContent I'm looking for guidance on resolving the case of a Help Desk Service Request that is assigned to the D…
Profile Values accepted for Profile Code SVC_EMAIL_PAST_CONVERSATION_MSGTYPESContent Hello Experts, I am looking for the valid values that the Profile Code SVC_EMAIL_PAST_CONVERSATION_MSGTYPES accepts as Profile Values apart from ORA_SVC_CUSTOMER…
Populate External Contact custom field on Help Desk Ticket from Inbound Message Sender's Email AddreSummary We receive a variety of inbound messages via email channels to our HR Help Desk. We've deployed a custom field to track the external contact for searching, repor…
Help Desk Knowledge ViewsSummary Need to monitor how many times Knowledge articles are viewedContent We have knowledge articles set up in HR Help Desk but no way of knowing how many times they a…
Creating Custom Action: Add Me to SR TeamSummary Groovy Script to Add Current Person to SR Team with One ClickContent As noted in the CC post here, where we customized SR Details page layouts based on the curre…
Defining Help Desk Ticket Details Page Layout by Current UserSummary We've configured several advanced expressions using groovy to tailor SR details page layout as we expand use of help desk.Content We are expanding the use of HR …
Wellness Implementation GuideSummary Looking for most recent Wellness Implementation GuideContent I found the following link for Wellness implementation, but was wondering if there was a more recent…
Guide for HR Help DeskSummary Guide for implementing HR Help Desk and featuresContent Hello experts, Can somebody share us an using and implementing guide for Oracle HR Help Desk ? Version 20D
can we create a direct link that will bring up the 5 most recent Service Requests or list of recentlSummary I am exploring on a possible solution to generate direct links in HR help desk module for three scenariosContent 1. To list the Service Requests that are in Open…
HelpDesk configure second outbound emailContent Hello experts. We need to configure a second oubound email to the platform. Both are redirecting to oracle native email. 1 - Is there any way to visualize and te…
Discuss option not working in projectSummary Discuss option available in volunteering projects is not working and giving an java null pointer exception errorContent Employees, Managers or Admins can views t…
Can't find a transaction with approval that is not handledSummary The Edit button for the assignment is grey which indicates that there is a transaction pending. I can't find it in Transaction Console or BPM.Content We have app…
Queue is not getting updated when category is changedContent Hi Experts, We are implementing HR Helpdesk and found this issue. Employee creates a service request using a wrong category and it gets assigned to a queue. Help…
Can we use HR HelpDesk for other departments like IT, Operations,etc?Summary Can we use HR HelpDesk for other departments like IT, Operations,etc?Content Hi, One of our clients will be implementing HR Help Desk. They want to understand if…
HRHD - Send email when user responds SRContent Hello experts Does anyone know, how could i send an email, in HELP DESK, after the user responds something in the ticket (Service Request). Example: User 1 creat…
Query or Table for Manage Service Assignment Rules in HR Help deskSummary Query or Table for Manage Service Assignment Rules in HR Help deskContent Hi Everyone, Can anyone help me to provide the Query or Table for Manage Service Assign…
HRHD - Post 20D Highlight and format painting missingContent Hi all, We've found that post 20D that Highlighter and format painter are missing from HRHD messages. I was wondering if these features were removed or if there …
HRHD - Milestone not pausing a second timeContent Hello experts I've configure the milestone to pause when SR status goes to "waiting". The first time it stops correctly nd add the time it was paused. But the ne…
To find the Table of Manage Service Request Outcomes and Resolution in HR Help DeskSummary To find the Table of Manage Service Request Outcomes and Resolution in HR Help DeskContent Hi Everyone, Please help me to find the table of Manage Service Reques…
Table for Resource DirectorySummary Table for Resource Directory in HR Help DeskContent Hi, Can anyone help me to find the tables for Resource Directory. Navigation: Other->Resource Directory
HR Help Desk - What are the Contact Relationship Types?Summary HR Help Desk - What are the Contact Relationship Types?Content Within the HR Help Desk, there are several contact relationship types but no documentation that I …User_2025-01-28-23-04-52-179 22 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-03-03-33-360
Are there any new HRHD Features in 20 DSummary We wanted to know if there are new features for the HRHD module in 20DContent We were not able to find anything in the 20 D release notes, hence wanted to know i…
Religious accommodationsSummary Track Religious AccomodationsContent Hello, Does Oracle have the capability of tracking religious accommodations for employees? Thank you Version We are in 20C
Customization on the HR Help Desk "List of SRs" PageSummary We are trying to display a custom message on the Help Desk page just above the list of SRsContent The reason for this custom message is to divert all the technic…
Removing date field restrictionsSummary Removing date field restrictionsContent Hello, We are implementing the Health and Safety module and we would like to record Actions that occurred in the past. Ho…User_2025-01-23-21-24-21-434 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-21-24-21-434
Where can I find HR Helpdesk Oracle Delivered Process MapsSummary Trying to find Oracle delivered process maps for HR Help deskContent I am trying to find Oracle delivered process maps for HR Help desk and unable to find any. C…
Restrict Agent Access to SR details when Agent is Primary ContactSummary How to restrict an Agent from seeing internal notes and other content when the agent is the primary contactContent We are trying to solve the issue where a user …
HR Helpdesk Milestone ConfigurationSummary HR Helpdesk Milestone ConfigurationContent Hi Team, I've Configured Milestones in HR Help desk. Configured Availability, Standard Coverage, Default Coverage. But…
HRHD Milestones were not getting assigned to Service requestes.Summary Default coverages are not getting applied to service request.Content Hi All, I have created Availability, standard coverage and default coverage. After creating …