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OCI - General
Discussion List
oracle network latency linuxSummary: Oracle network latency Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all , we have all of our infrastructure on frankfurt center ( eu-frankf…
Can't access to OCI resources after changed password and two factor auth.Summary: Can't access to resources after changed password and two factor auth. Hi! I use OCI free tier. Today on login oracle ask me to new password and two factor auth.…
Free tier- Instance doesn't shows, access and permission issuesSummary: Hi there, I have few active Instance in Oracle cloud few months now. The server is disabled to connect and I receive access issue with once trying to see my Ins…
Authentication with OAuth 2.0 - Generate Refresh token from Access tokenSummary: We are trying to implement OAuth2.0 authentication in EPMAutomate utility for Automations of data loads and other application tasks. Content (please ensure you …
SSH blocked with firewall, so I cannot connect.Summary: I'm using a free-tier compute instances to host a server on Oracle Cloud, but today I accidentally did something with the firewall (either UFW or firewalld, not…
Is it possible to disable the “Create New API Project” option for regular members in Apiary?Is it possible to disable the “Create New API Project” option for regular members in Apiary? We want new API projects to be created only by Apiary administrators. How ca…
oci cli command to fetch database systemSummary: Like to know Cli command to retrieve DBCS - node name, node IP address, OCPU, Memory, State, Compartment, Launch date, Storage size Content (please ensure you m…
Help request !!!!!!!I registered this account (jadeasbndavidon) in 2019 using a domain email address. Later, due to other life matters, I rarely used it, and it remained idle for a long tim…
Why no one is paying attention to my questions?If anyone has seen the problem I asked before, could you please help me solve it?
Can my terminated tenancy by re-activated?Summary: I deleted my old OCI tenancy, and would like to re-activate it. I would be more than happy to switch to a pay as you go account. As it was a free-tier account, …
Any plans to increase number of days(90 to 1 year) for user creation date and roles in OCI console?Summary: Currently we have Role Assignment Audit Report which mentioned about the user and his role assignment details. But this report will fetch only for last 90 days …
You don't have enough limits to add child tenancies.hi All, I am running a free tier account and trying to explore different Oracle Cloud services. I already have a tenancy where I have created a OIC instance. I would als…
Locked out of Mobile AuthenticatorSummary: Oracle has just made me reset my password when signing in. After completing this password reset, I was signed out of my mobile authenticator. Now when I'm asked…
Unable to create instance - VM.Standard.A1.Flex - Out of host capacitySummary: My home region - ap-hyderabad-1 does not allow to create any Ampere instances. Content (required): I signed up for free tier, so that I can experiment, before p…
How to interpret cloud cost estimationI was going through cloud cost estimator tool but I am really confused. When I select Gen2 ExaCC with 16 OCPU monthly cost is coming around $16,000.This does not say any…
Cloud Account Administrator - How to determine from the tenancy who has the cloud account admin roleSummary: Cloud Account Administrator - How to determine from the tenancy who has the cloud account admin role Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Don't receive the email set up complete and not find the tenant accountSummary: Don't receive the email set up complete and not find the tenant account Content (required): I have registered an account at Singapore region, after verifying th…
REST API in Oracle Digital AssistantSummary Please let me know if anyone has used the BI / OTBI Reports REST API in Oracle Digital AssistantContent Oracle Digital Assistant Version 1
Account still says upgrade in progress after 48hSummary: I tried to upgrade my account from a free tier to a paid account, the status is still "Your account upgrade is in progress.". Content (required): I upgraded on …
"You account upgrade is in progress" for a long timeSummary: My account is under "You account upgrade is in progress" status for a long time Content (required): I have upgraded my account from free account to paid account…
PAYG account terminatedSummary: My Pay-as-you-Go account was terminated by system and marked as inactive. How do I reactivate?? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I…
Route outgoing internet traffic via spoke NATGW in HUB and Spoke VCN ArchitectureSummary: routing egress Spoke traffic via NATGW on HUB VCN Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I wish to understand the feasibility of the fol…
I cannot login to my Oracle Cloud account— Summary — I got an email said "There are no Oracle Cloud accounts associated with the e-mail address", but if I register Oracle Cloud with this email, the system shows…
This Compartment does not existSummary: Everything seems to no longer work and I get "This Compartment does not exist" and I cannot seem to create a new one. What can I do? Content (please ensure you …
Install openVPNI am using a Free Tier account in oracle. The OpenVPN server worked well on the Oracle server, but one day I could not connect to the OpenVPN server. I deleted everythin…
Your tenancy is not eligible for Oracle Support, including service limit increases.Summary: I am oracle employee… Its created "always free" account by default and I am practicing "Developing cloud Native application" workshop. However, unable to procee…
Block Volume with Compute InstanceHi Experts, We have created a instance with 200 GB block volume size. We have logged into server and able to see the new volume with name sdb with 200 GB size. We would …
Request to reset my OCI to defaultSummary: Hi, I am looking to reset my OCI/Tenancy back to factory/default settings. I am looking to have a fresh install of my cloud. I had sub users assist me with some…