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OCI - General
Discussion List
When does EPM Government Cloud migrate to Gen2?Summary: When does EPM Government Cloud migrate to EPM Gen2? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The Oracle Fusion Government Cloud environmen…
Active Data Guard with OCI ATPSummary: I'm looking for documentation on setting up Active Data Guard with OCI ATP database. Is this possible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
upgrade Free Tier subscription ErrorHi, I am trying to upgrade free tier subscription but getting error msg. Please find attached snap shot for the msg. Could you please help me to solve this issue.
Error occurred while bootstrapping the model deploymentGot an error while using the model deployment in OCI Data science module. "Error occurred while bootstrapping the model deployment. Error occurred while starting the web…
Oracle enabled MFA without my knowledge, cannot login to my accountHello, Oracle enabled MFA on my account and now I cannot access my account. Whenever I try to login, it asks me to enter passcode generated by the authenticator app on "…
Terraform cloud-init is ignored when are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled = true is usedSituation: I am provisioning compute instances in OCI with Linux and Windows images, different versions. In cloud-init script, users are created, OS settings are changed…
Unable to create a new compartmentSummary: I have activated my new OCI free trial account, as suggested by Oracle Support I waited for 24hrs to get provisioned with all resources while creating my tenanc…
Limit access to Billing and Cost Management informationGood morning. Is it possible to grant access to all tenancy resources to a group except Billing and Cost Management information, I want a certain group not to view any f…
I want to get a new bypass code to login to my cloud accountI tried to log in but I don't receive any notificatoin on my iphone and the authticator app is asking me to scan the qr code to link my account, which also requires me t…
Instance didn't start after rebootSummary: Triggered Reboot option and after that it is not coming up. Clicking on Start from OCI displays an error 'Unable to start instance: Too many requests for the us…
PayAsYouGo Account Never ActivatedSummary: I have asked to become an Oracle cloud PAYG account on the 29th of June but I got no response since then. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
No shapes are available for this imageSummary: My always free instance was disabled and I tried to follow the comment from this thread to restore my instance. However, after terminating my existing instance,…
Oracle cloud account has been hacked and recovery address changedOn 5th July, 2024, I received two emails stating my password has been reset and recovery email has been changed. However, at that time I was traveling and I didn't perfo…
How to combine EPM tenancy into an existing fusion ERP tenancy?Summary: I am looking for direction on how to combine EPM tenancy with numerous EPM PODs into a existing Fusion ERP tenancy. The reasoning behind this is 1- Everything i…
Unable to reset admin passwordSummary: My tenancy is LD50email and my admin password stopped working 3 weeks ago. I have tried many times and in many different ways to reset the password, but the pas…
Login Issue: I lost my password, and my email address do not receive any recovery mailSummary: I lost my password, and my email address do not receive any recovery mail, no any mail reach to inbox or junk mail
help with spring-boot appSummary: My company currently has one compute instance running an Oracle Database and APEX application. We want to build a REST service using spring-boot and Tomcat that…
Rest API to Assign a user to an ApplicationSummary: Looking for an API to Assign a Particular user to an Application. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…
Enable outgoing SMTP port 25 & create rDNSI want to enable the outgoing SMTP port 25 on my Cloud instance, but was told by a support rep to make a post here as I'm on the free tier. Also would like to have a rev…
data safe registration: An error occurredHi, I want to register my ATP database with data safe. When I "Register" my database, it asks me to confirm but then spins for a few minutes and then says "An error occu…
Can data safe monitor data guard configurations in OCI?I see that Data Safe can monitor database activity of an Active Data Guard configuration, but what about regular Data Guard configurations in OCI?
problem with machine disabled due to "abuse activity"[can be closed i just reinstalled vm and thats all]
Change cloud account usernameHello, is it possible to change the username associated with my cloud account myself, or do I have to contact support? Thanks.
I can't choose import bulk data in OIC integrationI can't choose to import bulk data into Oracle Cloud ERP in adapter ERP cloud in OIC integration.
I can not create a support account.I can not create a support account. It is not able to retrieve the organization name. I need the account for OCI Secure Desktops developer testing.
I log in to the Oracle Cloud with my admin (root) account, and all of my computers are gone.For any thing I do, the UI just shows me "Authorization failed or requested resource not found.". When I view my instances, I got this When I want to create new instance…
Locked out of ssh.Summary: I accidentally set the firewall rules using ufw on my vm and denied access to port 22, 443, 80 etc. I've tried to create a console connection but it's not worki…
Lost private key and cannot SSH loginSummary: The private key file used for SSH connection is lost and access is disabled. I have tried to recover according to the troubleshooting, but it does not work. Con…
oracle network latency linuxSummary: Oracle network latency Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all , we have all of our infrastructure on frankfurt center ( eu-frankf…