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OCI - General
Discussion List
can not login to my instance by Serial Console ConnectionSummary dont know the default password of root/ubuntuContent Hi,guys I created an instance with ubuntu 20.04 minimal image, after login the server by ssh , i changed the…
Suddenly costs me block storage fees and I cannot create an always free block storage anymore on myContent Hello, I thought I can't use any paid resources on my free tier account, but "Cost Analysis" says I used paid block storage resources, suddenly since a few days …
Free-Tier Trial Period is not Enough + Extra OCI Credits for ACESummary Free-Tier Trial Period is not Enough + Extra OCI Credits for ACEContent Dear OCI Team, Please extend the trial and evaluation period of Free-Tier from 1 month to…
APEX Instance Not WorkingContent Always-Free Tier ATP datawarehouse was stopped to due not using for a time . Today i started it, and I am getting the following message when i want to get in to …
How to retake resources for Instances on free Eligible.Summary How to retake resources for Instances on free Eligible.Content Hello, I have 2 terminated instances and 1 active only with 1 CPU and 6GB for VRAM. If I edit and …
Always Free, old volumeContent Hello ! After following the following forum to make a copy of my Always free instance. I was able to login…
Instance DisabledSummary My always free instance was disabledContent Hi, My two always free instances were disabled. Can someone please look into this issue? "Unable to start instance: I…
Always Free instance terminated, can't restore my boot volumeSummary After the always free instance got terminated, i cannot restore the boot volume, as it says it's TERMINATEDContent Please let me know how I can restore the boot …
ADW database no longer visible in the console - Just disappearedSummary Free tier ADW database disappeared for the OCI console. Database was used regularly (daily)Content Hi Does anyone know how to raise this with Oracle? had a free …
What is the syntax for a freeform-tag on the oci command line?Content For example, please correct this command: oci bv backup update --volume-backup-id --freeform-tags '[{"Purpose":"Test"}]' I've tried with and without multiple qu…
Exadata and other softwareContent Hello. Hope Oracle team will help me with a few questions about Exadata, because i need it official. As I understand Exadata is Oracle hardware with Oracle Linux…
Always free instances cannot startContent Hello, I signed up to an Oracle cloud account few weeks ago and I created 2 ARM instances. Those instances are in the "always free" tier (If I understood correcl…
Oracle Brings Holistic Observability to the EnterpriseSummary Learn How Oracle Cloud Observability and Management Changes DevOps Best Practices.Content Constellation Research explores what sets Oracle Observability and Mana…
Always Free Instance disabledContent Hey, i was told i could still use Always Free resources after my Free Oracle Cloud Promotion has expired. I thought this meant my Always Free compute instance wo…
How I Can Implement Finger Print In Oracle Apex ? (Store Finger Print / Retrieve Finger Print)Summary How I Can Implement Finger Print In Oracle Apex ? (Store Finger Print / Retrieve Finger Print)Content How I Can Implement Finger Print In Oracle Apex ? (Store Fi…
Hello from OCI Customer Support! A Quick Update on the OCI General ForumSummary OCI Customer Support is elevating its monitoring efforts of the forums, as well as an increased presenceContent Hi all, My name is Mike and I am part of the OCI …
When Oracle Apex 21.1 Will Be Available On Autonomous Database (Oracle Cloud) ?Summary When Oracle Apex 21.1 Will Be Available On Autonomous Database (Oracle Cloud) ?Content When Oracle Apex 21.1 Will Be Available On Autonomous Database (Oracle Clo…
Account disabled, not see any resources!Content Hi, I created my free account some time ago and have not used it, but now I would like to use it. When I login to my services, no features are shown, I can't do …
Delegate IPv6 CIDR Reverse DNS zone to my name serversContent Hello, I am looking for a way to delegate IPv6 CIDR Reverse DNS zone to my name servers. Is it possible with Oracle Cloud? For example, I have 2603:c020:8003:a80…
Protect cloud login(free tier) with MFASummary Is it possible to protect cloud login, free tier, with MFA for free?Content Hi. I'm learning about oracle cloud, free tier and oracle autonomous db. Is it possib…
OCI Audit ToolSummary "OCI Auditing Tool" helps us in mitigating the manual work and provide an automated way to govern the infrastructure with minimal effort. Content With the increa…
Account disabled, account re-enabled, cannot add card to account, support will not engageContent So late Friday my account was disabled. I reached out through a few different avenues to see what happened, why the account may have been disabled, if it could p…
Unable to provision Oracle Linux KVM Instance on any instances, including Ampere A1 FlexContent Hello, I would like to provision an instance with Oracle Linux KVM on my Always Free account using an Ampere A1 Flex instance. Oracle Linux KVM is completely fre…
I found my compute instance stopped, but I can't start it.Summary I found my compute instance stopped, but I can't start it.Content I found my compute instance stopped, but I can't start it. Below is the message when I select "…
Deploying highly available Redis replication with HAProxy on Oracle Cloud InfrastructureContent We’ve already documented the detailed process of deploying Redis replication on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). The main purpose of this blog is to demonstrat…
Can't receive any UDP packetSummary I am using wireguard VPN, without any changes, my instance suddenly can't receive any udp packetsContent I have been using wireguard to secure communications bet…
Getting billed for free tier!Summary Provisioning failure has resulted in non-free tier componentsContent I have a free-tier only account and recently when creating a new free-tier instance, it crea…
Always Free VM got shut downSummary A message told me to contact customer support to reenable itContent I had 2 Always Free instances active. Today, my free trial expired, the x86 VM kept working, …
cann't connectd when reboot VM instanceContent hi. I made a strange thing. I cann't connected my VM instance with SSH when I reboot the instance. I try to Restart it in VM instance dashboard. It can't work al…
Compute Instance stopped due to DMCA Infringement.Summary Last night one of my compute instances was stopped due to DMCA infringement. But I have an explanation.Content The DMCA infringement was not done by me, but some…