Digital Assistant & Mobile
Discussion List
Oracle Bots Android SDK: HTML not renderingSummary oracle android SDKContent Hi All, I am trying to rendering the html code in android bots SDK. any one have idea how can we do this. Regards, Vikhil
When is new release updated on existing ODA instanceSummary When is new release updated on existing ODA instanceContent My understanding is that 19.10 which is released should have got updated in my ODA instance though it…
Demo access of ODA requiredContent One of our client is seeking to apply chatbot on their taleo (OTAC) career portal. For this, we need access to Oracle Digital Assistant to work on the requiremen…
How to smoothly transition out of a skill to primary ODA help skill?Summary I'm looking for a way to transition a user out of a skill while the skill is trying to get intents.Content Hello, I have a use-case where the ODA has multiple sk…
user. can it store object or collectionsSummary user. can it store object or collectionsContent I am trying to make it work, not sure if my code issue or if it is not supported, appreciate if someone can confi…
How to Hide a Skill from the ODA Help Prompt?Summary Is it possible to hide a skill from the list of available options when the ODA enters the help prompt?Content Hello, I've created an ODA that has multiple skills…
15-minute limit for session expiryContent Experts, I see in this document that there is 15-minute limit for the conversations between the chatbot and the agent in rightnow. After 15 minutes of idle time,…
Oracle Digital Assistant - initialization errorContent Hi, we are developing a ODA bot. But I am getting some error like " Something's gone wrong initializing the application, but we don't have enough information to …
BI publisher reports in oacContent I created a connection in oracle analytics cloud to talk to bi publisher. I am able to now see the subject areas and OTBI reports based on the roles I add t the …
Number masking in conversationsSummary Editing regex of number mask in conversationsContent Hi, We have product names made up of numbers, and they keep getting cut out/masked from the trainer which ma…
Q&A Training errorSummary Error when training Q&AContent Hi, Today when training the Q&A for our DA we are receiving the below error: 'We encountered some problems training the Troublesho…
Tracking on linksSummary External tracking linksContent Hi, We have video links and other url links in our skill ... we'd like to know if they are used though. Can we add tracking (eg Go…
How does BotML/Dialog Flow know to ask for missing Entities values?Content In the delivered skill example of (PizzaKing) how does the system know to ask for missing entity value? (…
How to integrate oracle bot with google hangout?Summary how google hangout as oracle chat-bot UI.Content I have configured the webhook channel in oracle digital bots. And publish the hangout chat API based below docum…
How to use Oracle Bot into google hangout? Anyone have any doc on this?Summary how to integrate the OMH chatbot-UI as google hangouts.Content I would to login the oracle mobile hub chats using the hangout credentials. Dailog Flow channel as…
What are channels 'unknown' and 'test'Summary What are channels 'unknown' and 'test'Content I see channels 'unknown', 'web' and 'test' in Analytics. I have put the bot on our site so web makes sense - what a…
ODA does not persist accessToken, YML needs logic to save?Summary ODA does not persist accessToken, YML needs logic to save?Content I was expecting, ODA to persists the accessToken though realized, it does not, system component…
Array missing value in attribute how to identify has_content?Summary Array missing value in attribute how to identify has_content?Content I have an array "detailsLines" returned by custom component , it is possible that Descriptio…
What Component can be used to display welcome messageContent Is there a Component that I can add as the first state that will display a welcome message to the user instead of starting from a blank screen? Thanks
authenticatedUser is not getting setup with IDCSSummary authenticatedUser is not getting setup with IDCSContent I am using IDCS authenticatino server with OAuth2 system components, i get login page able to login and g…
How to use Duration In Complex Entity PropertiesSummary How to use Duration In Complex Entity PropertiesContent I have referred this below Document…
Questions that include an Intent & Q&ASummary Issues with Oracle DA when a question includes an intent as well as Q&AContent Hi, Our Oracle DA when asking a question that includes an Intent as well a Q&A you…
What's the minimum BotML that needs to be defined for a Intents and QnA demo ?Summary New to ODA. Need to demo Intents and QnA to users.Content Can someone let me know what's the minimum BotML that I need in order to demo Intents and QnA interacti…
unable to import packaged fixer custom application exampleSummary unhandledRejection failed to start service builtContent I am trying to follow the fixer exercise i.e digital assistant invoking the fixer REST API. i.e during "D…
Build an Android and iOS apps from the Web AppSummary Building an Android and iOS apps from the Web AppContent Hi everyone, I was just wondering if there is any way to port my web channel into Android and iOS platfo…
Invaluable combo - Java Script web channel ODA embedded in VBCS mobile appSummary Invaluable combo - Java Script web channel ODA embedded in VBCS mobile appContent All - it would great to hear from you on possibility, documentation reference, …
What makes a conversation complete?Summary What are the determining factors for 'completed'Content We see some conversations in both incomplete and complete that we can't immediately explain :D What decid…
Using Oracle Digital assistant on Facebook MessengerSummary Action buttons type postback not get any answer from BotContent Hay! We have tested our skills CBPizza bot with cards on facebook messenger. Cards are visible bu…
ODA needs Reusability and Modularity in BotYML and Component Services..Summary ODA needs Reusability and Modularity in BotYML and Component Services..Content I have appreciation of "Digital Assistant" which consists of multiple skills, it p…
Progressive updates with Digital Assistant..Summary Progressive updates with Digital Assistant..Content Several times, requests or interaction with enterprise application takes time which could go beyond 30 second…