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Service Logistics
Discussion List
How to model complex organizations in Depot RepairSummary Depot Repair in presence of multiple Business UnitsContent Our understanding is that when creating an RMA (example from Engagement Cloud) to initiate a Depot Rep…
Supplier Operation Charges are not coming in Depot Repair Debrief Charges PageSummary Supplier Operation Charges are not coming in Depot Repair Debrief Charges PageContent Hi, I have created a Repair Order from Depot Repair workbench and then I Is…
Apps Composer or DFF Support for Parts Tab in Service RequestSummary Apps Composer or DFF Support for Parts Tab in Service RequestContent Hi, We have an requirement to enable additional fields while entering the parts requirement …
Logic for Asset Number LOV in SR Parts Tab.Summary Logic for Asset Number LOV in SR Parts Tab.Content Hi, We have lot of Customer Assets in our IB but when I open the Asset Number LOV in SR -> Parts Tab only few …
Purpose of defining separate organization for Depot Repair.Summary Purpose of defining separate organization for Depot Repair.Content Hi, In Oracle Implementation manual it is suggested to define separate Organization for depot …
How to handle Loaner Shipment and Loaner Return in Depot Repair Cloud.Summary How to handle Loaner Shipment and Loaner Return in Depot Repair Cloud.Content Hi, Can you please let us know on how to handle Loaner Shipment and Loaner Return i…
Unable to find "Return Only Without Credit" Order line type.Summary Unable to find "Return Only Without Credit" Order line type.Content Hi, In Service Logistics 20B release readiness document we have new service activity codes fo…
SCM – Every Manufacturer Needs Service, 14 April 2020, 10.a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Every Manufacturer Needs Service session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new co…
Unable to add Lines in Depot Repair Estimation.Summary Unable to add Lines in Depot Repair Estimation.Content Hi, While adding lines in Estimation Tab of Depot repair workbench we are facing the error message as "A m…
Can we configure Approvals / E-signatures for Depot Repair Estimation.Summary Can we configure Approvals / E-signatures for Depot Repair Estimation.Content Hi, Can we configure Approvals / E-signatures for Depot Repair Estimation ? If this…
How to define Labor Price based on the type of Labor to charge for a Depot Repair Work OrderSummary How to define Labor Price based on the type of Labor to charge for a Depot Repair Work OrderContent Hi, We have different Labor Prices based on the Labor Categor…
Unable to create RMA Order and Sales Order for Depot Repair.Summary Unable to create RMA Order and Sales Order for Depot Repair.Content Hi, While trying to create RMA Order and Sales Order we are getting an error as "You can't cr…
Unable to find Service Activity Codes while creating Service Request.Summary Unable to find Service Activity Codes while creating Service Request.Content Hi, We have defined the Service Activity Codes which are required for Depot Repair a…
Unable to find Install Base Asset filed while creating Service Request.Summary Unable to find Install Base Asset filed while creating Service Request.Content Hi, While creating Service Request for a depot repair work order we are trying to …
On-hand < maximum treated as excess return?Summary On-hand < maximum treated as excess return?Content If I return part from usable stocking location whose on-hand quantity is less than maximum, do we treat it as …
Subscription Mgt & Service LogisticsSummary Subscription Mgt & Service LogisticsContent Do we have plan to integrate Subscription Mgt (OSS) with Service Logistics? Here is the use case, Customer buys Maint…
ExtensibilitySummary Extensibility - App ComposerContent Do we plan to support App Composer for custom page layout and object extension? Version 20A
FS Technician Shipping AddressSummary FS Technician Shipping AddressContent Any idea why I don't see address on Manage Field Service Technicians? Here is the detail, I set up technician Adam in CDM a…
Stocking LocationSummary Stocking Location - Manned/Unmanned WarehousesContent I have 2 questions - 1. For Manned Warehouse, we cannot specify calendar/shift. Do we assume it's accessibl…
Default Return Organization in Depot Repair Setups.Summary While doing Depot Repair Setups, Which Organization should be selected as Default Return Organization is it Depot Repair Org or Maintenance Org.Content Hi, As a …
Unable to define Service Activity Codes for Depot Repair.Summary Unable to define Service Activity Codes for Depot Repair.Content Hi, We are defining the Service Activity Codes for Depot Repair as per the steps given in Oracle…
Charges UI issues for generic work orderSummary Charges UI issues for generic work orderContent There are two issues I see in my testing. 1. When I enter work order (generic work order created from SR), custom…
IB update with customer return SACSummary IB update with customer return SACContent Here is my use case,Customer has IB asset (item#A - serialized item) of SN#123 Customer opens a SR with SN#123 then cre…
Request to provide information on "Installed base Assets" 19DSummary Request to provide information on "Installed base Assets" 19DContent Hi All, Request to provide information on "Installed base Assets" 19D. Would like to underst…
Manage Depot RepairSummary Manage Depot Repair not visible in Service LogisticsContent Hi, I am a 20A demo env. After I login with scm00.instructor, I don't see Manage Depot Repair in Orde…
Part Order in SRSummary Part Order in SR for Customer Install & ReturnContent Hi, In SR -> Part Details, If I create Parts Order with item#A and SAC (Customer Install), SO#1 is created.…
Request to provide information on Depo repiar process flow in 19DSummary Request to provide information on Depo repiar process flow in 19DContent Hi All, Request to provide information on Depo repiar process flow in 19D. Would like to…
Oracle OpenWorld Presentation on Service LogisticsSummary Are you looking for more insight into Service Logistics? Check out our recent Oracle OpenWorld presentation deck.Content Learn how Oracle Service Logistics conne…
Proactive MaintenanceSummary Proactive MaintenanceContent It seems like the maintenance is reactive (IoT cloud, OEC) with the current features. Do we plan to support preventative maintenance…
3rd-party technician supportSummary 3rd-party technician supportContent Besides in-hour technicians, do we plan to support 3rd-party/contractor technicians for part requirements, order and debrief …