Discussion List
System recording completion dates incorrectly for training with reassignment rulesSummary: Since 24B was applied to our production environment, our mandatory training has been behaving very strangely. This only applies to training with reassignment ru…
Latest Documentation on Roles, Privileges, Data SecuritiesSummary: Looking for documentation on Roles, Privileges, Data Securities for Oracle Cloud Financials. Oracle used to provide this information in form of excel document u…
Attached PDF not showing under Content?Summary: attached PDF not showing under Content? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Issue:- We have created multiple contents under "Catalog …
Security for Access to Catalog Items Using AORSummary: Hi Experts, I found a document Understanding Access Control in Oracle Learning where we have example of Securing catalog access using AOR. Page Number from 38 t…
Compatible software to add subtitles to videos?Summary Compatible software to add subtitles to videos?Content Good Morning Does anyone know if there is any subtitle software that isn't compatible with Learning? We're…
LRN - eLearning 3rd Party Compliance VendorSummary Has anyone worked with a 3rd party vendor called LRN to deploy enterprise-wide compliance eLearning training?Content Hello ~ Asking if anyone has worked with a t…
Required Learning assignment is not recognised voluntary assignment completionSummary: When we are assigning our compliance training using Required Initiatives we notice that anyone with a completion date via Voluntary Assignment type have a new s…
How to obtain report of all Learning records affected by 'Last Updated By' criteria?Summary: Hello, A line manager reported that they were seeing two terminated employees under My Team>Learning. I did some digging and noticed that several Learning Assig…
Loaded the training as "bypass" completed, via the HDL. Is there anyway we can change these.Summary: Bypass completed is how training that has been loaded in via the HDL tool gets loaded. The issue is the use of a rolling calendar year instead of a year-end cal…
Inquiry about Skills as Pre Requisite In CourseHello SME's Good Day, I would like to ask about Skills as Pre Requisite in course, we are currently configuring Pre Requisite in course and in testing we see that the Co…
Returning colleagues previous new hire training showing as completeI have a 'new starter' that previously worked at the organisation, now they are returning four years later, the 'new hire' specialisation is not being triggered to reass…
Administrator and Employee view on expired certificationsSummary Administrator and Employee view on expired certificationsContent Hi All, We have developed custom notifications which are sent to an employee when a course is du…
Redwood in 24B -ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS slownessSummary: Redwood in 24B -ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS slowness Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi…
Training CalendarSummary: Has anyone implemented training calendar for a particular month for all the employees in an organization. Please share the template so that we can reuse the sam…
Home page - How to enable Reccomended section in employee Learning page?Summary: Hi, we would like to enable the Reccomended tab in employee Learning page. how can we enable it? Regards Francesca
How to expire completions for terminated colleaguesSummary: Do to the use of seasonal colleagues, we have a need to expire completions so that they have to take it again next season. Our legal team requires that colleagu…
How to integrate a Zoom accountSummary: How to integrate a Zoom account Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we would like to activate Zoom Virtual Classroom provider, wh…
Possible to disable 24B feature - Select an Offering (MSS)?Summary: Is it possible to hide or disable any of the below buttons/features for MSS? Managers do not assign Learning at our company - Learning is strictly assigned by H…
Best way to amend automate enrollments and assignment rules on compliance coursesContent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We had some compliance courses with reassignment rules set up for us a few years ago. Staff are required t…
Assignment conflict Rules and completed learnersSummary: New user seeking help from the community in using The Assignment Conflict Rules part of Learning Initiatives. When you create an initiative and want completed l…
Analysis report for course completion of specific courseWe are a new Oracle customer and so new to creating Analysis criteria and want to create a report that shows the course completion status of a particular course. We have…
How to use the Maximum Price field if NULL or Blank for Learning Request ApprovalSummary: We have configured this condition "(Learning Item.result.Maximum Price == null)" from Learning Request Approval rule but it is not working. Our requirement with…
Linking courses using an Analysis CriteriaWe are a new Oracle customer and so new to creating Analysis criteria and we want to use this functionality to create an audience for some compliance refresher training …
Can we add a deep link to an outside training site ?Summary: We would like to add a tile below that would deeplink to the DCF Training site - is this possible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
What happens when my account will be disabledSummary: Hello everyone, In case my account will be disabled from customer prod environment, what happens to content uploaded, configured, created which I'm the owner of…
When a learner already completed the course, if same course is assigned to himSummary: When a learner already completed the course, if same course is assigned to him by admin or manager is system should throw error or message. Is this possible ,wh…
Can expiration date be removed from completed assignments?Summary: I used the expiration date when creating mass assignments for an annual refresher training, and now all the completed assignments are shown as expired. Is there…
Can we embed a link to a report in Redwood Learning ESS pages?Summary: Is it possible to embed a link to an OTBI report on the My Learning page in Redwood ESS? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I've not…
Is it possible to do an integration with Navex External Provider with Oracle Learning Cloud?Summary: Client wants to setup an integration between Oracle Learning and Navex learning provider. Is it possible to integrate with Navex. Implementing learning document…