Discussion List
Massive upload attachments on Learning Record Details sectionSummary: Hello, Is it possible to massively upload attachments in the attachment area of "Learning Record Details" section and prevent learners from deleting them? The c…
Folder Security in Question LibrarySummary: Hi Experts, In our project there is a requirement to secure the folders created in Question library under Task name : Define Questionnaires. We have capability …
Learning Request - missing Internal or External fieldSummary: Hi, I was trying to create a new role for External Employee for Learning access. However, this field 'Internal and External' field is missing. I couldn't find w…
Learning Initiative Behavior and Expected OutcomesSummary: Learning assignment records have been impacted with incorrect Assignments and Due Dates on July 28, 2022. Content (required): When the business discovered that,…
How to stop course reminders for perticular peoples? who ever joined before July 31st 2022?Summary: How to stop course reminders for particular peoples? who ever joined before July 31st 2022? Content (required): How to stop course reminders for particular peop…
What is the purpose of Administrator Dashboard in OLM?Summary: Presently, the administrator dashboard is limited to display videos from YouTube. Is there any other purpose to this dashboard, apart from videos and adding cus…
Integration of Learning Records for Recurrent CoursesSummary: How can we properly integrate recurrent trainings taken from external providers to OLC via HDL? Content (required): Background: Client’s Requirements: In data m…
Seeking recommendations for waged / operational staff Compliance Training sign-offSummary: Employer with a high proportion of waged / operational staff with compliance training would like to discuss options, recommendations on how to handle sign-off p…
What options are available in Oracle to reduce overdue trainings?Summary: What are you doing to reduce overdue trainings? What features can be used to remind, cajole, coerce or discipline those who go overdue? Content (required): I've…
Once the learner has completed the Day 1 offering and the Day 1 is asking still to enroll?Summary: Hello Team, Reported Issue :- In the AKCG section we have assigned the learner a course named - Center Of Excellence Essentials. There are 4 offerings in 1 cour…
Compliance Training Mass registrationSummary: I've been uploading a CSV file with ~2400 employees to mass register everyone for compliance training but only 625 employees received the assignment. Content (r…
Can we enter notes anyway about learning assignments or activities?Summary: I'm looking for suggestions on where we could potentially enter a note about a particular learning assignment, which we can view on a report. It could be agains…
When will OLC support videos with closed captions?Summary: Is there someone from Oracle that can confirm when OLC will support videos with closed captions? Content (required): We need this functionality to allow us to a…
Do any other Oracle Learning Cloud customers use NAVEX Global courses?Summary: Our organization uses compliance course programs from NAVEX Global. We have had many repeating issues with the courses from NAVEX not registering a team member'…
Is there a way to stop autocompletion from changing the completion date in a transcript?Summary: As a hospital system, we are required to show accurate completion dates on transcripts. Autocompletion sets us up for violations with our regulatory agencies. C…
Do any other Oracle Learning Cloud customers use NAVEX Global courses?Summary: Our organization uses compliance course programs from NAVEX Global. We have had many repeating issues with the courses from NAVEX not registering a team member'…
How do you manage reporting in OTBI for courses with reassignment rules?Summary: What is the best way to report on compliance courses with reassignment rules so that you can filter down to a report which only shows the lastest record for eac…
How to report on training with active reassignment rules & multiple records per employee?Summary: We've got a number of courses with reassignment rules set up and our employees are starting to complete the course for a second time. How do you manage reportin…
How do you achieve 100% compliance for Required Compliance training?Summary: Our hospital system is looking for ideas for how to get 100% compliance on required training. Content (required): We absolutely need to achieve 100% compliance …
Report of Employees not having completed mandatory training coursesSummary:As an organisation we have a number of courses which are mandatory for example General Data Protection (GDPR). We want to know who in the organisation has not st…
Report of Employees not having completed mandatory training coursesSummary:As an organisation we have a number of courses which are mandatory for example General Data Protection (GDPR),). We want to know who in the organisation has not …
Pending workers are getting assigned learn initiativesSummary: Content (required): We have been noticing that pending workers are getting assigned learn initiatives. As a result, the learn initiative is being sent to the em…
Impact of terminating and cancelling work relationship on learning recordsSummary Impact of terminating and cancelling work relationship on learning recordsContent Hi, I have done some testing on termination and cancelling work relationship of…
Merged: We invite you to attend a ⭐️ LIVE ⭐️ webinar to deeply understand your Oracle Cloud Applica…This discussion has been merged.
Create and Implement Certificate of Completion - Newsfeed UXContent HI all. It's been a pretty recurrent ask here, so i have put up a short document explaining how to do this in a NUX enabled environment. So please read carefully…
Evaluation button not enabledSummary Evaluation button is not enabledContent Hi Team, We have a mandatory offerings with few activities most of them are SCROM files, Few of the employees have below …
Managing learning for employees on leaveContent Looking to see how others are handling employees on a leave (FMLA, Military etc) 1. An employee who goes on leave, what happens to any course which have a due da…
Download a .pdf copy of the course transcript.Content Hi Team, Is there a way to download a .pdf copy of the course transcript for the scorm1.2 content uploaded in ATLAS? If yes, please let us know the steps for the…
Best practice for managing the content within LearnSummary Best practice for managing the content within LearnContent Hi All, I wanted to hear from you on the Best Practices for managing content in Learn, especially with…
learning attestationContent we have a requirement to have an employee complete attestation after they complete a training (compliance) so we can provide as proof to state auditors. Is there…