Manage Procurement Catalog
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PO not appearing while creating Invoice in Oracle FusionHi, We are trying to create Po matched Invoice but PO details and Business Unit not appearing in Oracle Fusion.Kindly help us to identify the issue. Regards, Hitha
Republish option is not getting for "Create Consumption Advice" in Schedule processesRepublish option is not getting for "Create Consumption Advice" in Schedule processes
Business user getting the error:The supplier is Invalid POR: 2010262While creating a PR , and choosing supplier, Business user getting the following error: The supplier is Invalid POR: 2010262 The supplier site is invalid POR: 2010263 Pl…
Unable to create a Change order for one time address in Oracle FusionSummary: Hi Team, Business Created a PR with One time address. The Same address was available in ship to location once they create a PO from PR. There is no issue till t…
Can we reopen Technical Scoring after Scored Commercial in RFQ 2 stage in oracle fusion?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Is there way to restrict access to users specific to purchase order within the same business unitSummary: Out business want to restrict access to view the specific purchase order to users. Can some please let me know if we can added any DFF at header level and custo…
Carry forward Purchase order budgetary control balances not carrying forward tax lines for a Open POSummary: Hi Team, We have a PO for 200 USD, and has a 10% non recoverable tax line which is 20 USD. USD is my foreign currency. When I do the reservation of the Budget t…
Permanently enable catalog administrator authoringSummary: How do we enable catalog administrator authoring for all agreements as they are created? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
How to trigger PCS workflow whenever we submit the PUrchase requisition with projects type of T4Summary: requirement is like when we submit the purchase requisition in oracle fusion(click on the submit button) then PCS needs to trigger and sent for the approvals. h…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ahmed Ismail Self Service Procurement
How to customise the Receive expected Shipments page to show Buyer Name of a PO?Summary: HI Team, Business wants to see Buyer Name of a PO in Receive Expected shipments. In receive expected shipments, we are only seeing Requester name of a po(Delive…
Unable to create PR Using Public Shopping Lists In Redwood Self Service Procurement.We are unable to create PR Using Public Shopping Lists In Redwood Self Service Procurement Error : The item isn't valid. (POR-****) Details: The item must be defined in …
Pass the WHO columns dynamically while invoking Close/Reopen PO Rest APISummary: We are automating the bulk closure/reopen of purchase orders in Oracle Fusion through OIC integration(using REST API). Business users will initiate this process…
Removing the End date of Blanket Purchase AgreementSummary: We are trying to automate the reopening of the given Blanket Purchase Agreement, so how can we remove the end date of a Blanket Purchase Agreement through API/F…
Unable to see Shop by Category in SSP pageHi All, The shop By Category dropdown is coming a blank from the Purchase Requisition screen. 1. Create items and assign categories. 2. Item Association is being defined…Priyaranjan Jamuar-Oracle 95 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Priyaranjan Jamuar-Oracle Purchasing
is it possible to pull the supplier name into the subject line?Summary: Could this information be Document Purchase Order US123 - Suppliername On auto generated PO emails from Oracle, is it possible to pull the supplier name into th…
How to restrict the DFF that are auto created in BPA based on the DFF created in POSummary: As per the client request there are certain DFF's that are created in PO header and Line level. But, by default the DFF's are reflected in BPA header and line l…
Unable to update LineType using draftPurchaseOrders REST APIHi Friends, I am trying to update the PO Line Type using this REST URL -…
Hi, How to split the line which mentions item quantity at the Inspect Receipt level.Summary: I want to split the line which mentions the quantity of the item at the Inspect Receipt level for items with Inspection Plan at the time of entering quality res…
After a Quarterly Update, could personalizations made via the Composer be deleted during the upgradeSummary: Our client requires certain fields on the supplier page to be mandatory. However, we need to confirm if these changes could be lost after the quarterly update. …
The punchout site that's defined in the catalog couldn't be reachedSummary: Error message: "The punchout site that's defined in the catalog couldn't be reached. Contact the Procurement application administrator. (POR-2010063)…
BPA Number disappearing If PO created with new document styleSummary: we have created Global BPA by enabling multiple BU' and to differentiate the service PO's and Standard PO's we have created new document style for service PO's.…
The file was not downloaded or was not downloaded correctly. when click on view PO PDF on PO screenSummary: After adding a text attachment to PO Template, only end users are getting this error "The file was not downloaded or was not downloaded correctly." However, no …
Same Tax regime for AP Invoice will it work PO estimatedSummary: I have UAT coming up in short time. My question, will same Tax regime for AP Invoice will it work PO estimated. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
I am not getting Item in LOV while creating Expanse Requisition in RSSP applicationI am not getting Item in LOV while creating Expanse Requisition in responsive self service application . Please suggest.
Audit log - Manage Purchasing Line TypesHi All, I need help to identify which "Product" and "Business Object Type" needs to be selected for extracting audit logs related to Updating any of the options/settings…
B2B Certificate Change for Dell PremierSummary: Can anybody suggest that do we need to monitor the B2B security certificate change activity in Fusion? If Yes, Who is currently responsible for applying the upc…
How do you mark something as internally orderable in RSSPSummary: Our company is trying to navigate all of the changes between classic SSP and RSSP. None of our internally orderable items are marked as such in RSSP. How do we …
Can we edit the PO price even after receiving in fusionSummary: Hi Team, We are trying to find the below request in fusion? Can we control to edit price of a item at PO level once its received? Currently business is able to …
Which table is behind "Manage Procurement Category Hierarchy"Summary: Hi all, I need to find out when a certain "item category" was added to a "Browsing Category" in the screen "Manage Procurement Category Hierarchy" and not when …
Category mapping by document styleSummary: We have a requirement to create a new PO document style and we want to restrict purchasing category to only that document style. Can this be achieved? I tried u…